Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Have/Want Lists - Demian

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Items in English

1 on 1 Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [9] (both books; missing box)
ACE Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback), [5] (hardcover), [6], [7] (paperback)
Adventure Time Wants: None. Has: [3] (Scholastic edition)
Adventure Time: Which Way, Dude? Wants: None. Has: [1]
Adventuregame Comics Wants: None. Has: [1]
Agent 13 Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Alien Adventures Wants: None. Has: [3]
Alternative Storyline Pathways Wants: None. Has: [1]
Amazing Stories Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
American Girl Beforever: My Journey Books Wants: None. Has: [1], [5], [6], [8]
American Girl: Innerstar University Wants: None. Has: [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [10], [11]
American Girl: Mini Mysteries Wants: None. Has: [1]
Android Novels Wants: None. Has: [1]
Animorphs Alternamorphs Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Anno Dracula Novels Wants: None. Has: [1] (American paperback -- black and white variations)
Arkham Horror Investigators Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1]
Australian Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1]
Autumn Snow Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Chapter Books Wants: None. Has: [5]
Batman Role-Playing Game Wants: None. Has: Batman Role-Playing Game
Batman: The Brave and the Bold Wants: None. Has: [1]
Battle Quest Wants: None. Has: [2]
Be an Interplanetary Spy Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [4], [6] (Book Fair edition), [8], [9], [10], [12]
Be Your Own Duck Commander Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Birthright Novels Wants: None. Has: [5] (eBook)
Blackstone's Magical Adventure Wants: None. Has: [2]
Blood Sword Wants: None. Has: [1] (reissue), [2] (reissue), [5]
Build Your Own... Wants: None. Has: [1]
Bureau 13 Novels Wants: None. Has: [2] (original Ace edition)
The Bytes Brothers Wants: None. Has: [5] (British edition)
Call of Cthulhu Wants: None. Has: Alone Against the Dark (revised edition), Alone Against the Frost
Can You Solve the Mystery? Wants: None. Has: [1], [3], [4], [5], [9], [12], [13]
Cantaloop Wants: None. Has: [1]
Cards of Fate Wants: None. Has: Forest of Fate
Cardventures Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Carmen Sandiego Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Carmen Sandiego Novels Wants: None. Has: [5]
Catacombs Solo Quest Wants: None. Has: [1]
Children's Problem Solving Books Wants: None. Has: I Can't Wait (first edition), I Want It (first edition), I Want to Play (first edition), I'm Lost (first edition), Mommy, Don't Go (first edition), My Name is Not Dummy (first edition)
Choice Adventures Wants: None. Has: [2], [4], [6] (first printing), [13]
Choices (free versions) Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Choose Your Destiny: Star Wars Wants: None. Has: [1]
Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) Wants: None. Has: [1] (third and twelfth printings), [2] (third and fourteenth printings), [3] (first printing), [5] (fifteenth printing), [6] (ninth and tenth printings), [7] (second and fourth printings), [8] (6th printing), [9] (seventh printing), [10] (5th printing), [17] (first printing), [18] (third printing), [21] (first printing), [22] (sixth printing), [24], [25] (TROLL edition, 2nd printing), [26] (first printing), [27] (first printing), [28] (2nd printing), [32], [33] (first printing), [36], [38] (book fair edition), [39] (first printing), [46] (first printing), [47] (ex-library, "econo-clad"), [55] (Book Fair edition), [58] (first printing), [62] (third CYOA printing), [65], [70] (first printing), [76] (first printing), [78] (seventh original printing), [79] (first printing), [80] (first printing), [81] (coverless), [86], [88], [92] (second printing), [94] (original first printing), [98], [103], [110], [111], [117], [127], [139], [143], [173], [184]
Choose Your Own Adventure (2005-) Wants: None. Has: Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set 1 (1-4), Choose Your Own Adventure Magick Box, [1] (twelfth reissue printing), [2] (eighth reissue printing), [3] (seventh reissue printing), [4] (sixth reissue printing), [5] (fifth and twelfth reissue printings), [6] (third and fifth reissue printings), [7] (fourth reissue printing), [8] (third reissue printing), [9] (fourth reissue printing), [10] (first, third and fourth reissue printings), [11] (fifth reissue printing), [12] (first and fifth reissue printings), [14], [16] (fifth reissue printing (new and old cover designs)), [18] (fourth reissue printing), [19], [24] (second reissue printing), [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40], [43], [44], [45], [46]
Choose Your Own Adventure (Bad Publisher Books) Wants: None. Has: You Live a Miserable Life
Choose Your Own Adventure - Dragonlarks Wants: None. Has: [1] (first reissue printing), [2] (fourth reissue printing), [3], [4] (first reissue printing), [6] (first and second reissue printings), [7], [8] (third reissue printing), [12], [13] (first printing), [15], [16], [17], [18], [23], [24], [26]
Choose Your Own Adventure - Passport Wants: None. Has: [1], [3]
Choose Your Own Adventure - Space Hawks Wants: None. Has: [1]
Choose Your Own Adventure - The Golden Path Wants: None. Has: [1]
Choose Your Own Adventure - Walt Disney Wants: None. Has: [2], [4]
Choose Your Own Adventure - Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Wants: None. Has: [2] (first and third printings), [4]
Choose Your Own Adventure Board Games Wants: None. Has: [1]
Choose Your Own Adventure for Younger Readers Wants: None. Has: [1] (first and sixth printings), [2], [3], [4] (second and fifth printings), [6] (thirteenth and fourteenth printings (red cover); Weekly Reader books hardcover), [7] (Weekly Reader edition), [16], [21] (first printing), [33], [37] (fourth printing), [38], [46] (7th printing), [48] (third printing), [50]
Choose Your Own Adventure Graded Reader Series Wants: None. Has: Cup of Death (Graded Reader), House of Danger (Graded Reader), Project UFO (Graded Reader)
Choose Your Own Adventure Hardcovers Wants: None. Has: The Citadel of Whispers
Choose Your Own Adventure Reissues (Australian Versions) Wants: None. Has: [1]
Choose Your Own Adventure Super Adventure Wants: None. Has: [1]
Choose Your Own Adventure: Stranger Things Wants: None. Has: Heroes and Monsters
Choose Your Own Adversity Wants: None. Has: [1] (PDF)
Choose Your Own Ever After Wants: None. Has: [1]
Choose Your Own Nightmare (1995-1997) Wants: None. Has: [1], [14] (hardback)
Choose Your Own Nightmare (2014-) Wants: None. Has: [3]
Choose Your Own Star Wars Adventure Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Choose-Your-Own-Path Shakespeare Wants: None. Has: [2]
Club Penguin Pick Your Path Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
Clue Wants: None. Has: [1], [4], [6], [10], [12], [13], [15], [17]
Clue Jr. Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [6]
ClueFinders Wants: None. Has: [2]
Combat Command Wants: None. Has: [2]
Combat Heroes Wants: None. Has: [2], [4] (American edition)
Commander Kellie and the Superkids Wants: None. Has: Commander Kellie and the Superkids' Solve-It-Yourself Mysteries
A Complete Role-Playing Game Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Crossroads Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1] (advance reading copy), [4], [5], [12]
Dangermouse Wants: None. Has: Dangermouse Annual 1985
Dangerous Worlds Wants: None. Has: [1]
Dark Future Fiction Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Dark Lord Novels Wants: None. Has: [1] (American edition), [3]
Darksword Novels Wants: None. Has: Darksword Adventures
The Decision is Yours Wants: None. Has: [2]
DestinyQuest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Diceman Wants: None. Has: Diceman
Dicing with Dragons Wants: None. Has: Dicing with Dragons
Digital Detectives Mysteries Wants: None. Has: [1]
Disney/Pixar Inside Out: You Decide the Ending! Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Divinity Wants: None. Has: Mortal Eyes
Doctor Who Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Doctor Who and the Fescan Threat Wants: None. Has: Doctor Who and the Fescan Threat
Doctor Who Quiz Books Wants: None. Has: Doctor Who Quiz Book of Magic
Doctor Who: Choose the Future Wants: None. Has: [2]
Doctor Who: Decalog Collections Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [4]
Doctor Who: Decide Your Destiny (Series 1) Wants: None. Has: [1], [10]
Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [13], [21], [27], [47], [48], [52], [53], [55], [60], [64], [67], [68], [72]
Doctor Who: Missing Adventures Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [7], [9], [14], [16], [18], [19], [22], [23], [30], [32]
Doctor Who: New Adventures Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [35], [36], [37], [38], [40], [44], [51], [52], [62], [63], [68], [72], [79], [80]
Doctor Who: New Series Novels Wants: None. Has: [2], [5], [7], [8], [10], [11], [12] (Hardcover and paperback), [13] (hardback and paperback), [14], [15], [16] (Hardback and paperback), [17], [18], [19], [20] (Hardback and paperback), [21], [24], [27], [29], [30], [32], [42], [45], [50], [51], [52], [53], [55]
Doctor Who: Past Doctor Adventures Novels Wants: None. Has: [7], [11], [15], [20], [21], [22], [23], [25], [27], [28], [32], [35], [38], [44], [49], [50], [52], [54], [67], [68], [69], [70], [72], [76]
Doctor Who: Target Books Wants: None. Has: Adventures of K9 and Other Mechanical Creatures, Brain Teasers and Mind Benders, The Claws of Axos (1984 reprint), The Companions of Doctor Who 1: Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma, The Companions of Doctor Who 2: Harry Sullivan's War, The Companions of Doctor Who 3: K-9 and Company, The Crusaders (1983 reprint; 1984 reprint), The Daemons (1982 second reprint; 1983 reprint), The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1982 second reprint; 1984 second reprint), Doctor Who Classics: The Daemons and The Time Monster, Doctor Who Classics: The Dalek Invasion of Earth and The Crusaders, Doctor Who Classics: The Face of Evil and The Sunmakers, Doctor Who Classics: The Mind of Evil and The Claws of Axos, Doctor Who Crossword Book, Doctor Who Programme Guide (original two-volume edition, 1989 second edition and 1994 third edition), The Doctor Who Quiz Book (third printing, 1984), The Face of Evil (1983 reprint), The Gunfighters, The Making of Doctor Who (1984 reprint), The Mind of Evil, The Missing Episodes 1: The Nightmare Fair, The Missing Episodes 2: The Ultimate Evil, The Missing Episodes 3: Mission to Magnus, The Myth Makers, The Second Doctor Who Quiz Book, Slipback, The Sunmakers (1983 reprint), The Terrestrial Index, The Third Doctor Who Quiz Book, The Time Monster, Travels without the TARDIS, The Universal Databank, [1] (1982 reprint; 1983 reprint), [2] (1982 British reprint; 3rd and 4th American editions), [3] (1982 reprint), [4] (1984 reprint), [5], [6] (1980 reprint; 1984 reprint), [7] (1982 reprint; 1984 reprint), [8] (1984 reprint), [9] (1983 reprint), [10] (1984 reprint), [11] (1982 reprint), [12] (1983 reprint; 1984 reprint), [13] (1979 reprint; 1982 reprint; 1984 reprint), [14] (1980 reprint; 1984 reprint), [15] (1982 second reprint; 1983 reprint), [16] (1982 Target edition plus American Avon paperback), [17] (1982 second reprint; 1984 second reprint), [18] (1980 British reprint; 1991 British reprint; 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th American printings), [19] (1979 reprint; 1984 reprint), [20] (1984 reprint), [21] (1983 reprint), [22] (1982 British reprint; 1st and 5th American printings), [23] (1983 British reprint; 1st and 4th American printings), [24] (1983 reprint), [25] (1983 reprint), [26] (1983 reprint), [27] (1982 British reprint; 1st, 2nd and 3rd American printings), [28] (1980 reprint), [29] (1983 reprint), [30] (1983 reprint), [31] (1982 reprint), [32] (1982 reprint), [33] (1982 reprint), [34] (1980 reprint), [35] (1982 reprint; 1984 reprint), [36] (second 1982 reprint and 1984 reprint), [37] (1984 reprint), [38], [39] (1982 reprint), [40] (1980 British reprint; 1st and 6th American printings), [41] (1984 reprint; 1991 reprint), [42] (British original plus 2nd American printing), [43] (1984 reprint), [44] (1979 reprint; 1984 reprint), [45] (1983 reprint), [46] (1984 reprint), [47] (1984 reprint), [48] (1984 reprint; 1991 reprint), [49], [50] (1982 reprint; 1983 reprint), [51] (1983 British reprint; 1st, 5th and 6th American printings), [52] (1983 reprint), [53] (1981 reprint), [54] (1982 reprint), [55] (1982 British reprint; 1st and 4th American printings), [56] (1984 reprint), [57] (1980 reprint), [58] (1983 reprint), [59] (1982 reprint), [60] (1983 reprint), [61] (1982 second British reprint; 1st and 3rd American printings), [62] (1984 reprint), [63] (1982 reprint), [64] (1982 reprint; 1983 reprint), [65] (1982 reprint), [66] (1981 reprint), [67] (1984 reprint), [68] (1984 reprint), [69] (1984 reprint; 1992 reprint), [70] (1983 reprint), [71] (1983 reprint), [72] (1983 reprint), [73] (1984 reprint), [74] (first edition and 1983 reprint), [75] (1984 reprint), [76] (first edition; 1984 reprint; 1991 reprint), [77] (1984 reprint; 1991 reprint), [78] (first printing; 1983 reprint; 1992 reprint), [79] (first edition and 1984 reprint), [80] (1984 reprint; 1990s reprint), [81] (1984 reprint (third impression); 1984 reprint (fourth impression); 1991 reprint), [82] (first edition and 1984 reprint), [83], [84] (1984 reprint), [85], [86], [87], [88], [89], [90], [91], [92], [93], [94], [95], [96], [97], [98], [99], [100] (paperback and hardback editions), [101], [102], [103], [104], [105], [106], [107], [108], [109], [110], [111], [112], [113], [114] (hardback and paperback), [115] (paperback and hardback editions), [116], [117], [118], [119], [120], [121] (first edition and 1991 reprint), [122], [123], [124], [125], [126], [127], [129], [130], [131], [132], [133], [134], [135], [136], [137], [138], [139], [140], [141], [142], [143], [144], [145], [146], [147], [148], [149], [150], [151], [152], [153], [154], [155]
Doctor Who: Target Books (American Reprints) Wants: None. Has: The Adventures of Doctor Who, The Further Adventures of Doctor Who, Genesis of the Daleks (1st, 2nd and 3rd American printings), The Loch Ness Monster (1st and 6th American printings), Revenge of the Cybermen (1st, 5th and 6th American printings), [1] (1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th American printings), [2] (1st and 4th American printings), [3] (1st and 5th American printings), [4] (1st, 2nd and 3rd American printings), [5] (1st, 5th and 6th American printings), [6] (1st and 6th American printings), [7] (1st and 3rd American printings), [8] (2nd American printing), [9] (3rd and 4th American editions), [10] (1st and 4th American printings)
Doctor Who: Telos Novellas Wants: None. Has: [1] (standard edition)
Double Game Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Dr. Quicksolve Mini-Mysteries Wants: None. Has: [4]
Dragonlance Novels Wants: None. Has: The Annotated Chronicles, The Art of the Dragonlance Saga, The Atlas of the Dragonlance World, Chronicles 1: Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Chronicles 2: Dragons of Winter Night, Chronicles 3: Dragons of Spring Dawning, Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home, Legends 1: Time of the Twins, Legends 2: War of the Twins, Legends 3: Test of the Twins, More Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [21], [41] (paperback), [42], [53] (hardback), [89] (hardback), [96] (paperback)
The Dream Palace Wants: None. Has: The Dream Palace
Dungeon Wants: None. Has: [12]
Dungeons & Dragons Wants: None. Has: Five Coins for a Kingdom (missing back cover flap), The New Easy to Master Dungeons & Dragons, [4]
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Game Wants: None. Has: Snake Bite (PDF download)
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Game Wants: None. Has: Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Game
Encyclopedia Brown Wants: None. Has: [3], [7], [9], [13], [14], [24]
Endless Quest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [26], [30], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [41], [42], [50], [51], [52], [53]
Endless Quest Books: Crimson Crystal Adventures Wants: None. Has: [2]
Enid Blyton Solve-It-Yourself Mysteries Wants: None. Has: [1] (book only)
Escape Book Wants: None. Has: [1]
Escape from a Video Game Wants: None. Has: [1]
Explorer Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [4]
Fabled Lands Wants: None. Has: [1] (large reissue), [2], [3], [4], [6], [7] (hardback)
The Famous Five and You Wants: None. Has: [1]
Fantastic Adventures Wants: None. Has: [3]
Fantasy Forest Wants: None. Has: [5], [10]
Fantasy Warlord Wants: None. Has: Fantasy Warlord Mass Combat Rules
Fatemaster Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin) Wants: None. Has: [1] (jagged cover edition (7th 1984 reprinting) and Australian version), [3] (British edition (jagged cover, 2nd 1984 reprint) and American edition), [7] (jagged cover, 5th 1984 reprint), [8] (jagged cover, second printing), [9] (first printing), [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20] (American edition), [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40], [41], [42], [43], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51], [53]
Fighting Fantasy (2009-2012, Wizard Books Series 2) Wants: None. Has: [1]
Fighting Fantasy (2017-, Scholastic) Wants: None. Has: [17]
Fighting Reality Wants: None. Has: [1]
Final Destination Wants: None. Has: 4 Film Favorites: Final Destination Collection, Final Destination 3 (American full-screen edition)
Find Your Fate Wants: None. Has: [2], [6], [7], [11], [17]
Find Your Fate - Doctor Who Wants: None. Has: [1] (British edition), [2] (British edition), [3] (British edition), [4] (American edition), [5] (American edition), [6] (American edition)
Find Your Fate - G. I. Joe Wants: None. Has: [1], [10]
Find Your Fate - Random House Wants: None. Has: [1] (first printing), [2], [3] (Perma-Bound edition)
Find Your Fate Junior - Golden Girl Wants: None. Has: [1]
Find Your Fate Junior - The Transformers Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3] (first printing), [4], [8]
Forgotten Forest Wants: None. Has: [2], [3], [4]
Forgotten Realms Novels Wants: None. Has: [8], [30], [38], [57], [68], [73]
Four Against Darkness Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Freeway Warrior Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Game Boy Wants: None. Has: [2], [3]
Gamebook Adventures: Trial of the Clone Wants: None. Has: Trial of the Clone
Gaming Frontiers Wants: None. Has: [3], [4], [5]
GangBusters Wants: None. Has: GangBusters
Ghost Adventure Games Wants: None. Has: [2] (missing some of gamekit (except for codebook, knapsack and map))
Ghostbusters International Wants: None. Has: Ghostbusters International
Ghostwriter Wants: None. Has: Amazement Park Adventure
Give Yourself Goosebumps Wants: None. Has: Give Yourself Goosebumps Books #5-#8, [1], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] (first and third printings), [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [21], [23], [24], [37], [40]
Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [3], [5], [6]
Graphic Novel Adventures Wants: None. Has: Graphic Novel Adventures Season 1 Bookmark Set, Graphic Novel Adventures Season 1 Boxed Set, Graphic Novel Adventures Season 2 Bookmark Set, Graphic Novel Adventures Season 2 Boxed Set, Graphic Novel Adventures Season 3 Bookmark Set, Graphic Novel Adventures Season 3 Boxed Set, Graphic Novel Adventures Season 4 Bookmark Set, Graphic Novel Adventures Season 4 Boxed Set, Sherlock Holmes: The Beginning Bookmark, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [17], [18], [19], [20]
Graphic Novel Adventures: Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars Wants: None. Has: Graphic Novel Adventures: Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars, Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars Bookmarks, Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars: Ike, Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars: Myrtle, Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars: Vicky, Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars: Wiggins
Graphic Novel Adventures: The Crusoe Crew Wants: None. Has: The Crusoe Crew Token Set, The Crusoe Crew: Gabby, The Crusoe Crew: Kik, The Crusoe Crew: Neta, The Crusoe Crew: Sarah, Graphic Novel Adventures: The Crusoe Crew
Gravity Falls "Select Your Own Choose-Venture" Wants: None. Has: [1]
Greyhawk Novels Wants: None. Has: [7]
HeartQuest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Hero's Challenge: Sagard the Barbarian Wants: None. Has: [1]
History Quest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Hocus & Pocus Wants: None. Has: [1]
Ice Age Novels Wants: None. Has: [1] (American hardback)
Infocom Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Interactive Business Games Wants: None. Has: [1]
Interactive Mega-Zine Wants: None. Has: [1]
Iron Dragons Wants: None. Has: Mountains & Madness
It's a Game... It's a Book... It's Hilarious Wants: None. Has: [1]
It's Your Call Wants: None. Has: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - The Guardian's Path, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - To Right a Wrong, Tron: Legacy - Initiate Sequence
John Speir's Puzzle Masters Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D: Choose Your Own Journey Wants: None. Has: [1]
Junior Worlds of Power Novels Wants: None. Has: [1]
Kim Possible: Pick a Villain Wants: None. Has: [1], [3]
Knights Club Wants: None. Has: [1]
Kobolds Ate My Baby! Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Legends of Lone Wolf Wants: None. Has: The Dark Door Opens (1992 reprint), [2] (1992 reprint), [7], [10]
Legends of Lone Wolf (Berkley, 1990-1991) Wants: None. Has: [1], [3] (both halves), [4] (both halves), [5]
Legends of the Ancient World Wants: None. Has: Orcs of the High Mountains (free PDF download), Sorcerer's Manor (free PDF download)
Legends of Time and Space Wants: None. Has: Repel Boarders Starboard (PDF)
The Lego Batman Movie: Build Your Own Story Wants: None. Has: [1]
Lego Puzzle Storybooks Wants: None. Has: Castle Mystery
Lego Star Wars Wants: None. Has: Lego Star Wars: Choose Your Path
Life's Lottery Wants: None. Has: Life's Lottery (paperback and hardback)
The Lightbringer Trilogy Wants: None. Has: [1]
Lone Wolf (1984-1998) Wants: None. Has: Fire on the Water (American second and seventeenth printings), Flight from the Dark (American twenty-first printing), [1] (American twenty-first printing), [2] (American second and seventeenth printings), [3] (American first and sixth printings), [4] (first American printing), [5] (American twelfth printing), [6] (American eleventh printing), [7] (American eighth printing), [8] (American eighth printing), [10] (American first printing), [11] (American first printing), [16] (Red Fox edition)
Lone Wolf and Cub Game Wants: None. Has: Lone Wolf and Cub Game
Lone Wolf Graphic Novel Wants: None. Has: The Skull of Agarash (40th Anniversary Edition)
Lone Wolf Junior Editions Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Lone Wolf Multiplayer Game Book Wants: None. Has: Lone Wolf Multiplayer Game Book, [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Lone Wolf, Collector's Edition (2007-) Wants: None. Has: [3], [7], [8] (misprinted hardcover -- pages missing from mini-adventure)
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition Wants: None. Has: Fire on the Water, Lone Wolf Omnibus, 40th Anniversary Edition, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]
Lose Your Own Adventure Wants: None. Has: Who Killed John F. Kennedy? Book Critic Guide, [1]
Lost Souls Novels Wants: None. Has: [1]
Lost Worlds Fantasy Combat Books Wants: None. Has: [1601], [8601], [8604]
Magic Micro Adventure Wants: None. Has: [1]
The Magic Road Wants: None. Has: Story of Red Riding Hood
Make Your Own Mistakes Wants: None. Has: [1]
Making Choices Wants: None. Has: [1] (fourth printing), [4], [6]
Manage Your Own Baseball Team Wants: None. Has: [1]
Marvel Multiverse Missions Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Marvel Super Heroes Wants: None. Has: Thunder over Jotunheim
Mathnet Casebooks Wants: None. Has: [6]
Maths Quest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock Wants: None. Has: Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock, Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock Soundtrack
Micro Adventure Wants: None. Has: [2], [10]
Middle-earth Quest Wants: None. Has: [7] (coverless)
The Midnight Legion Wants: None. Has: Memory and Rulebook, Midnight Legion Box Set, [1], [2], [3]
Miscellaneous Works by "Alan George" Wants: None. Has: Treasure Hunt
Miscellaneous Works by A. J. Lauer and Daniel P. Keidl Wants: None. Has: Armageddon: Pick Your Plot
Miscellaneous Works by Alan Dean Foster Wants: None. Has: The Dig
Miscellaneous Works by Andrea Angiolino Wants: None. Has: Super Sharp Pencil & Paper Games
Miscellaneous Works by Demian Katz Wants: None. Has: The Groom of the Tomb (proof and regular copies)
Miscellaneous Works by Dennis Wheatley and J. G. Links Wants: None. Has: [1]
Miscellaneous Works by Doris Webster and Mary Alden Hopkins Wants: None. Has: I've Got Your Number, Second Series, Tell Your Own Fortune
Miscellaneous Works by Ian Livingstone Wants: None. Has: Dice Men: The Origin Story of Games Workshop
Miscellaneous Works by Kim Newman Wants: None. Has: Bad Dreams (American paperback), BFI TV Classics: Doctor Who, Jago (American hardback), The Night Mayor (American paperback), The Quorum (American paperback), Science Fiction / Horror: A Sight and Sound Reader
Miscellaneous Works by Lawrence Schick Wants: None. Has: Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games
Miscellaneous Works by Mark Wightman Wants: None. Has: Last Stand at Kirrinbahr (PDF)
Miscellaneous Works by Neil Patrick Harris Wants: None. Has: Neil Patrick Harris: Choose Your Own Autobiography
Miscellaneous Works by Nicholas Bourbaki Wants: None. Has: if: a novel (paperback)
Miscellaneous Works by Paul Mason Wants: None. Has: Fluxus Volume 1: The Old
Miscellaneous Works by Prince Leopold Loewenstein and William Gerhardi Wants: None. Has: Meet Yourself As You Really Are (hardcover)
Miscellaneous Works by T. M. Grundner, Ed. D. Wants: None. Has: Informed Consent: A Tutorial
Miscellaneous Works by Tiny Concept Wants: None. Has: The Dark Village
Miscellaneous Works by Tom Bullimore Wants: None. Has: Baker Street Puzzles (abridged edition)
Moshi Monsters Pick Your Path Wants: None. Has: [1]
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Make Your Own Magic Wants: None. Has: [1]
Mythos Tales Wants: None. Has: Mythos Tales
Nancy Drew Puzzle Books Wants: None. Has: Nancy Drew Detective Logic Puzzles
Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Be a Detective Mystery Series Wants: None. Has: [2] (British edition)
Narnia Solo Games Wants: None. Has: [3]
New Scientist Wants: None. Has: [3516]
The New Yorker Wants: None. Has: The New Yorker, Sept. 19, 2022
Nintendo Adventure Books Wants: None. Has: [5]
One Minute Mysteries Wants: None. Has: [1]
Oracle System Wants: None. Has: Legacy of Dragonholt
The Oregon Trail: Choose Your Own Trail Wants: None. Has: The Oregon Trail Boxed Set, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [7]
PageQuest Wants: None. Has: [1]
Paranoia Novels Wants: None. Has: [1]
Party of One Wants: None. Has: [1]
Paths of Doom Wants: None. Has: [3]
The Penguins of Madagascar Pick Your Path Wants: None. Has: Bananapalooza!
Pick Your Own Quest Wants: None. Has: Escape from Minecraft
Pick-a-Path Wants: None. Has: [5], [6], [9], [11], [13]
Pick-a-Path Apocalypse Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Plants vs. Zombies Wants: None. Has: Plant Your Path
Plants vs. Zombies Graphic Novels Wants: None. Has: [16]
Play-Your-Way Midnight Arcade Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Playmobil Interactive Movies Wants: None. Has: [1]
Plot-It-Yourself - A-Team Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Plot-Your-Own Adventure Stories Wants: None. Has: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - Distress Call
Plot-Your-Own Horror Stories Wants: None. Has: [1], [2] (American edition)
Pokémon Chapter Books Wants: None. Has: [4], [6], [28]
The Powerpuff Girls Plus You Club Wants: None. Has: Brand-New Blossom, Bubbles and the Opposite Potion, Bubbles Saves the Circus, Bubbles's Butterfly Hunt, Buttercup and the Mind-Reading Juice, Buttercup's Monster Challenge, Buttercup's Terrible Temper Tantrums, Buttercup, the Better Cop, Career-Day Blossom, Diamonds Are for Princess, Forever Blowing Bubbles, Hide-and-Go Mojo, The Mayor's Birthday Surprise, Professor Utonium's Dating Game, Rainy Day Professor, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22]
Puzzle Storybooks Wants: None. Has: Hornpipe's Hunt for Pirate Gold
Quest Adventure Set Wants: None. Has: [1]
Quest Calendars Wants: None. Has: [2023]
Real Life Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [2] (American edition)
Rider of the Black Sun Wants: None. Has: Rider of the Black Sun (Kickstarter edition), Rider of the Black Sun Soundtrack, Rider of the Black Sun: Dragon Master Eternal Edition Box, The Secrets of The Rider of the Black Sun
RollerCoaster Tycoon Wants: None. Has: [2] (Scholastic edition)
Saga of the Lost Lands Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Scene of the Crime Wants: None. Has: [1]
Science Quest Wants: None. Has: [1], [4]
Scooby-Doo and You: Collect the Clues Mysteries Wants: None. Has: [1], [3], [5], [7], [13], [14], [17]
Scooby-Doo! Case Files Wants: None. Has: [4]
Scream Shop Pick Your Path Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [4]
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Wants: None. Has: Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [4]
Skylanders Universe Pick Your Portal Wants: None. Has: The Trouble With Doubles
Solo Hero Series Wants: None. Has: Singularity, [2]
Solv-a-Crime Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Solve It Yourself Wants: None. Has: [3]
Sonic the Hedgehog: American Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Sorcery! Wants: None. Has: [4]
Sports Illustrated for Kids: Play Book! Wants: None. Has: [2] (first printing), [3]
Star Challenge Wants: None. Has: [5], [6], [7]
Star Frontiers Wants: None. Has: Star Frontiers: Basic Game Rules (original (pre-Alpha Dawn) edition)
Star Trek Board Games Wants: None. Has: Star Trek: The Adventure Game
Star Wars - The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny (American) Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Star Wars Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1] (novel and gamebook), [2] (novel and gamebook), [3] (novel and gamebook), [4] (novel only), [5] (novel and gamebook), [7] (gamebook only), [9] (gamebook only), [11] (gamebook only), [12] (gamebook only)
Star Wars Episode I Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1] (Gamebook only), [3] (Gamebook only), [4] (Gamebook only)
Star Wars Missions Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [12]
Starship Titanic Novels Wants: None. Has: Starship Titanic
Steam Highwayman Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Story Thieves Wants: None. Has: [4]
Sugarcane Island Wants: None. Has: Sugarcane Island (third standalone printing)
Super Eye Adventure Wants: None. Has: [1], [3], [4]
Super Powers Which Way Books Wants: None. Has: [4] (ninth printing)
Super Sleuth Wants: None. Has: Super Sleuth: Twelve Solve-It-Yourself Mysteries
Survivor Wants: None. Has: [1]
T*A*C*K Wants: None. Has: [2]
Tails of Equestria Wants: None. Has: Tails of Equestria Starter Set
Tékumel Novels Wants: None. Has: [1]
Temple Run: Run for Your Life Wants: None. Has: [1], [6]
The Texture of the Sky Wants: None. Has: The Texture of the Sky
Time Lord Wants: None. Has: Time Lord
Time Machine Wants: None. Has: [1] (first printing), [2] (first printing), [3] (first printing), [4] (first printing), [12], [14] (first printing), [20], [22], [24]
Time Traveler Wants: None. Has: [5]
Trial of the Clone Wants: None. Has: [1]
Tricky Journeys Wants: None. Has: [1] (library ed.), [4], [5] (library ed.), [6]
Trio: Rebels in the New World Wants: None. Has: [5]
Trollhammer Wants: None. Has: Trollhammer
TSR Books Wants: None. Has: The Worlds of TSR (paperback), [3], [5], [30]
Tunnels and Trolls Wants: None. Has: Arena of Khazan (5th printing), [12] (5th printing)
Turning Points Wants: None. Has: [5]
TutorText: Doubleday Series Wants: None. Has: [3]
Twistaplot Wants: None. Has: [1] (second original and reissue printings), [2], [3] (fourth printing), [4] (second reissue printing), [9] (second reissue printing), [14]
Twisted Journeys Wants: None. Has: [1] (second printing), [2], [3] (hardcover and fourth printing), [4], [5], [7], [9] (library ed.), [10], [11] (second printing), [12], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19] (library ed.), [20] (hardcover and paperback), [21] (library ed.), [22]
U-Ventures Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Ultima Novels Wants: None. Has: Ultima: The Avatar Adventures
Undertale Wants: None. Has: [1]
Unravel Your Destiny Wants: None. Has: [1]
Usborne Fantasy Adventures Wants: None. Has: Dragon Quest, Usborne Fantasy Quests, [1]
Usborne First Steps to Reading Wants: None. Has: Cat and Mouse and the Dinosaurs
Usborne Puzzle Adventures Wants: None. Has: Agent Arthur's Desert Challenge, Agent Arthur's Jungle Journey, Agent Arthur's Puzzle Adventures, Castle of Intrigue, Escape from Blood Castle (American edition), The Haunted Tower, The Incredible Dinosaur Expedition (original version), The Intergalactic Bus Trip, Journey to the Lost Temple, The Pyramid Plot, Search for the Sunken City, The Vanishing Village, [1] (American edition), [4] (original version), [5], [8], [11], [13], [14], [15], [16], [19], [22]
Usborne Science Puzzle Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1]
Usborne Spinechillers Wants: None. Has: The Haunting of Dungeon Creek, House of Shadows, [2], [4]
Usborne Superpuzzles Wants: None. Has: The Usborne Book of Superpuzzles, [1]
Usborne Whodunnits Wants: None. Has: The Deckchair Detectives, The Missing Clue, Murder Unlimited, [1], [2], [3]
Usborne Young Puzzle Adventures Wants: None. Has: Spooks' Surprise (American reissue), Usborne Young Puzzle Adventures
Usborne Young Puzzles Wants: None. Has: [3], [4] (American edition), [7], [11]
VulcanVerse Solo Roleplaying Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Warhammer 40,000 Fiction Wants: None. Has: Into the Maelstrom
Warhammer Adventures: Realm Quest Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Warhammer Adventures: Warped Galaxies Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Warhammer Fantasy Fiction Wants: None. Has: Realm of Chaos, The Tales of Orfeo 1: Zaragoz (reissue), The Tales of Orfeo 2: Plague Daemon, The Tales of Orfeo 3: Storm Warriors, The Vampire Genevieve 1: Drachenfels, The Vampire Genevieve 2: Genevieve Undead, The Vampire Genevieve 3: Beasts in Velvet, The Vampire Genevieve: Silver Nails, Wolf Riders
Watchers Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
The Way of the Tiger Wants: None. Has: [4] (British first edition)
What Would You Do? Wants: None. Has: [4]
Which Way Books Wants: None. Has: [1] (second printing), [2] (Second and fourth printings), [5] (first printing), [6] (6th Which Way printing), [7] (Perma-Bound second printing), [8] (third printing), [10], [11] (first printing), [15] (2nd printing), [21], [23]
Which Way Secret Door Books Wants: None. Has: [1]
The World of Lone Wolf Wants: None. Has: [1]
The World of Lone Wolf: Collector's Edition Wants: None. Has: [1]
Worlds of Power Novels Wants: None. Has: [1], [2] (American edition; missing card), [3], [4] (American edition), [6], [7] (American edition), [8]
Worst-Case Scenario Ultimate Adventure Wants: None. Has: [3]
WWE Pick Your Path Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
You Be the Detective Wants: None. Has: [2] (second printing)
You Be the Jury Wants: None. Has: Best of You Be the Jury, [2], [4]
You Choose: Batman Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [8]
You Choose: Could You Survive? Wants: None. Has: Could You Survive the Jurassic Period?
You Choose: Fractured Fairy Tales Wants: None. Has: Jack and the Beanstalk: An Interactive Fairy Tale Adventure
You Choose: Interactive Doomsday Adventures Wants: None. Has: Can You Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?, Can You Survive in a Dystopia? (paperback)
You Choose: Interactive Espionage Adventures Wants: None. Has: Spies of the Civil War, Spies of World War I
You Choose: Interactive History Adventures Wants: None. Has: The Civil War, Colonial America, The Revolutionary War, The Salem Witch Trials, The Sinking of the Lusitania, The Titanic, The Voting Rights Act of 1965, World War II, World War II Pilots (alternate cover), World War II Spies
You Choose: Interactive Mythological Adventures Wants: None. Has: The Epic Adventures of Odysseus
You Choose: Interactive Survival Adventures Wants: None. Has: Can You Survive Storm Chasing?, Can You Survive the Desert?
You Choose: Justice League Wants: None. Has: [2], [3]
You Choose: Scooby-Doo Wants: None. Has: [12]
You Make It Happen Wants: None. Has: [1]
Zork Wants: None. Has: [3] (first American printing)

Items in French

Défis fantastiques (1983-1997) Wants: None. Has: [34]
Défis Fantastiques - Le jeu de rôle Wants: None. Has: Titan
Gloire Posthume Wants: None. Has: [1] (ebook)
Miscellaneous Works by Mathias Dewald Wants: None. Has: La classe aux 100 souvenirs (ebook)

Items in German

1000 Gefahren Wants: None. Has: Katastrophentag, [14]
Die drei ??? - Dein Fall Wants: None. Has: [9]
Solo-Würfel-Abenteuer Wants: None. Has: [1] (PDF download)

Items in Italian

IperLibri Wants: None. Has: Gratuiti 1: Le Note di Pietra (PDF download)
Stop al vandalismo grafico Wants: None. Has: Stop al vandalismo grafico (boxed set)

Items in Spanish

Elige tu propia aventura - Las aventuras del joven Indiana Jones Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]