Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - The Ghostling Children

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(Star Wars Episode I Adventures novel)
(Star Wars Episode I Adventures gamebook)
(Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
(Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
(Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
(Star Wars Adventures gamebook)

Combined Summary

Series: Star Wars Adventures — no. 7
Star Wars Episode I Adventures — no. 5
Author: Wolverton, Dave
Dates: January, 2000 (Star Wars Episode I Adventures gamebook)
January, 2000 (Star Wars Episode I Adventures novel)
April, 2003 (Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
April, 2003 (Star Wars Adventures novel)
ISBNs: 0439101425 / 9780439101424 (Star Wars Episode I Adventures novel)
0439129885 / 9780439129886 (Star Wars Episode I Adventures gamebook)
0439459028 / 9780439459020 (Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
Length: 116 pages (Star Wars Episode I Adventures novel)
61 pages (Star Wars Episode I Adventures gamebook)
65 pages (Star Wars Adventures gamebook)
User Summary: You are a slave, and you must enter the fortress of Gardulla the Hutt and rescue a group of fragile children stolen by the evil Podracer, Sebulba.
Demian's Thoughts:

While the gamebook included in this package is disappointingly short, it is nicely designed. Some of the choices are more complex than usual, and it's even possible to lose a Strength point as the result of an injury! The novel that introduces the adventure is also pretty decently written. This is a fairly good beginning to the series' second story arc.

Character Cards Included - Anakin Skywalker, Kitster, Pala, Dorn
Vehicle Cards Included - Sand-Skimmer
Device Cards Included - Sleep-Dart, Jawa Ion Blaster
Power Cards Included - Reflex

My Starting Score - 4420
My Ending Score - 5072

More reviews by Demian

Users Who Own This Item: bookwormjeff (gamebook & novel) (gamebook), Demian (gamebook only), Eamonn McCusker, Himynameistony, jdreller (Nov&GB) (GB), JoshW, katzcollection (original), knginatl (gamebook reissue), Malthus Dire, marnaudo, nelsondesign, ntar (original gamebook only), vinler, waktool (US 1st printing)
Users Who Want This Item: bbanzai, bookwormjeff (novel), nelsondesign, Pseudo_Intellectual, Sheridan77, vinler
Users with Extra Copies: bookwormjeff - gamebook & novel - gamebook

Known Editions

Star Wars Episode I Adventures novel
Star Wars Episode I Adventures gamebook
Star Wars Adventures novel
Star Wars Adventures gamebook

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