Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - The Plains of Howling Darkness

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(Original edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)

Combined Summary

Series: Fabled Lands — no. 4
Translated Into: Die endlose Steppe (German)
Les Hordes des Grandes Steppes (French)
Le Pianure di Tenebra Urlante (Italian)
Das Reich des Frosts (German)
Authors: Morris, Dave
Thomson, Jamie
Illustrators: Jenkins, Kevin (cover)
Nicholson, Russ (interior)
Dates: 1995 (Original edition)
December 1, 2010 (Small-format reissue edition)
2018 (Large-format reissue edition)
ISBNs: 0330341731 / 9780330341738 (Original edition)
0956737234 / 9780956737236 (Small-format reissue edition)
1909905356 / 9781909905351 (Large-format reissue edition)
Length: 710 sections
Badogor's Thoughts:

"The desolate wastes of the Great Steppes."

Quite difficult quests and hard ability demands; I'd highly advise you to stenghten your character in the previous books if possible before you access to this league.

The book includes (guess what?) the Great Steppes, the Isle of Mystery, Disaster Bay and Nerech and parts of the ocean in the West and East.

More reviews by Badogor

Errata:Section 310: There is no option for a dice score of 10.
Special Thanks:Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the large-format reissue spine/title page verso images.
Users Who Own This Item: aden (Large format reissue), Alatar001, andrewholt, Avenger (2010 edition), B0N0V0X, BarefootJimmy (reissue), Belgarath, BobaGabe, breity (2010 edition), cdelacruz, Citanul, custer47, CWCprime, damieng, darkj, dArtagnan, Darth Rabbitt (Large format reissue ), dave2002a, dblizzard72, dbriel, Demian, devilsboy, dodgingcars, Dragonfire, Dronak (reissue), Eamonn McCusker, Ed, edwebb, egokun, Erich_Zann, Erikwinslow (SF reissue), firaya, firefoxpdm, Gamebook, Gamebook_Pirate (Small Format Reissue), Gibraltar, gnomeza (Pan, Fabled Lands Publishing), greyarea13, gryff, Himynameistony, Icedlake, iguanaditty, jdreller (large reissue), Joe_TC (Original and small format reissue ), juski (small format reissue), karalynn, katzcollection, kesipyc, kinderstef, le maudit, lek, lilly (original), Malthus Dire, mattender, mir1812, mlvoss, nelsondesign, Nich, nicolau, Oberonbombadil (original), odo_ital, outspaced, pelle, peterm2, plowboy, Radjabov, Sabreman (UK), Sheridan77, Sir Olli (original & reissue), sireeyore, Smidgeccfc76, Surcal, Tamerlane1396, The_Gamebook_Nook, Tremendez, twar, Twise, Vampireman, waktool (2018 (Large)), wrose, Yalius
Users Who Want This Item: Aryon, Braxus, chezzex, CSquared, cuenca007, domj29, jeremydouglass, Jubal, lugh, NEMO, Osirian08, Pseudo_Intellectual, Sagaious, Samus, snakefire77, SonicBlaze, specialkornflake, tonk82, Twoflower, utfanatic, yermither, zat
Users with Extra Copies: custer47

Known Editions

Original edition
Small-format reissue edition
Large-format reissue edition

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