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Item - Planet Hunters

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Online Full Text: Internet Archive
Series: Be an Interplanetary Spy — no. 10
Author: McEvoy, Seth
Illustrators: Fastner, Steve (cover)
Anderson, Darrel (interior)
Date: February, 1985
ISBN: 0553245325 / 9780553245325
Length: 121 pages
Number of Endings: 24
User Summary: You must capture the Planet Hunters, a trio of fiendish criminals who destroy entire planets for sport.
Aussiesmurf's Thoughts:

The attempt to craft slightly more interesting villains falls a little flat. The villains' oh-my-god hidden weakness is made so obvious that anyone over six can figure it out quite easily, which reduces the impact of the climax significantly.

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Demian's Thoughts:

This is a fairly uninteresting entry in the series. None of the puzzles are particularly inspired and the plot couldn't be much more linear.

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Dtar's Thoughts:

I really enjoyed the three different bad guys and the different rooms they were staying in. It reminded me of the different environments found in book #6. The almighty "solution" to your problems is kind of a classic sci-fi thing, so I like that. I noted that the solution to the puzzle on page 57 in the book was simply wrong. I actually cut out and made the figure in question with paper to demonstrate that the supposedly wrong answer is right.

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