Series: |
Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin)
no. 35
Translated Into: |
Dýky temnoty (Czech)
L'Elu des six clans (French)
Punhais da Escuridão (Portuguese)
Tronranerens gift (Danish)
Sharp, Luke
Edwards, Les
McKenna, Martin
Date: |
October 10, 1988
0140326758 / 9780140326758
Length: |
400 sections
Special Thanks: |
Thanks to James Thompson for the cover scans and Nicholas Campbell for the superseded cover scan. Thanks to Julien Waite for the cover proof scan.
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Brett Easterbrook for the unnumbered cover scan. |
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Users with Extra Copies: |
- 1st Edition 1988 'Dragon Plaque No Number'
- ex-library copy, laminated but in poor condition (water damage, pencil marks etc)
- (UK) Crease on front/back covers. Good copy. |