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Item - A Han & Chewie Adventure

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Series: Choose Your Destiny: Star Wars — no. 1
Translated Into: Ein Abenteuer mit Han & Chewie (German)
Author: Scott, Cavan
Illustrator: Charretier, Elsa
Date: April 17, 2018
ISBN: 1368016243 / 9781368016247
Length: 144 pages
knifebat's Thoughts:

I was definitely surprised at how many game over, make better choices next time type of endings there were.

The pros were, well, it's Star Wars! So as I was reading, I could hear Harrison Ford's voice, Chewy, and the sound effects! This book put me right into the galaxy of Star Wars that we know all too well!

The cons were, there were several choices I had to make that were like "does Han make the shot?" rather than "should Han take the shot?" I've never read a game book like that, so it threw me off and took me out of the story.

I can understand the dilemma because in most of these kinds of game books the main character is you, which is usually rather generic. However in this one, the characters are well known, and you are the reader, not Han or Chewy. Not a major negative; it was just a little strange for me.

The other gripe I had was the artwork. It's just not my style. I don't care for this modern cartoon look. Ever since I saw it with Batman: The Animated Series, even though that's an excellent cartoon, I never liked the look. So once again not a major negative.

Overall I enjoyed this book, and if you like Star Wars and gamebooks, then this is a no brainer.

By the way, this blurb on made me want to buy it, so I did!

"Jump inside the Millennium Falcon and help Han and Chewie as they journey across the galaxy on a simple smuggling job. But nothing is ever simple with Han Solo, and when things go wrong, Han pretends to be Jabba the Hutt to save himself, Chewie, and the Millennium Falcon. And that's when things go from bad to worse! With over twenty possible outcomes, readers will have to think like a true smuggler to keep Han and Chewie safe from Imperial TIE fighters, Mandalorian mercenaries, and so much more! With so many different story paths, the adventures never end!"

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