Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - The Kingdoms of Terror

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(Original British (Beaver) edition)
(Original British (Beaver) edition)
(Original British (Beaver) edition)
(British (Beaver) edition, second cover)
(British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th])
(British (Red Fox), UK 5th printing [5th])
(American edition)
(American edition, later printing)
(American edition, 5th printing - cover)
(American edition, eleventh printing)
(Lone Wolf (2007-) edition)
(Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
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Combined Summary

Online Full Text: Internet Archive (American edition, tenth printing)
Project Aon (Project Aon edition)
Series: Lone Wolf (1984-1998) — no. 6
Lone Wolf, Collector's Edition (2007-) no. 6
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition — no. 6
Platform: Web Browser (Project Aon edition)
Translated Into: Alam gerun (Malay)
Königreich des Schreckens (German)
Království děsu (Czech)
Kyouryuu no oukoku [恐怖の王国] (Japanese)
Nel regno del terrore (Italian)
La piedra de la ciencia (Spanish)
La Pierre de la sagesse (French)
Skräckens länder (Swedish)
Stis hores tou tromou [Στις χώρες του Τρόμου] (Greek)
Adapted Into: The Lorestone of Varetta (Novel)
Author: Dever, Joe
Illustrators: Chalk, Gary (Original British (Beaver) edition - interior; American edition, later printing - interior; American edition, eleventh printing - interior; British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th] - interior; British (Beaver) edition, second cover - interior; Project Aon edition - interior; American edition - interior; American edition, 5th printing - interior; American edition, tenth printing - interior; British (Red Fox), UK 5th printing [5th] - interior; Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing - interior)
Corben, Richard (American edition, later printing - cover; American edition, eleventh printing - cover; American edition - cover; American edition, 5th printing - cover; American edition, tenth printing - cover)
dal Lago, Alberto (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing - cover)
Gambino, Fred (British (Beaver) edition, second cover - cover)
Jones, Peter Andrew (British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th] - cover; British (Red Fox), UK 5th printing [5th] - cover)
Mattioli, Francesco (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing - cartography)
Salmon, Brian (Original British (Beaver) edition - cover; Project Aon edition - cover)
Dates: November 14, 1985 (Original British (Beaver) edition)
July, 1986 (American edition)
1990 (British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th])
December 3, 2000 (Project Aon edition)
2008 (Lone Wolf (2007-) edition)
2023 (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
ISBNs: 0099444607 / 9780099444602 (Original British (Beaver) edition, British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th], British (Beaver) edition, second cover)
0425084469 / 9780425084465 (American edition, later printing, American edition, eleventh printing, American edition, American edition, 5th printing, American edition, tenth printing)
1915586062 / 9781915586063 (Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing)
Length: 350 sections (Original British (Beaver) edition, British (Beaver) edition, second cover, British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th], British (Red Fox), UK 5th printing [5th], American edition, American edition, later printing, American edition, 5th printing, American edition, tenth printing, American edition, eleventh printing, Project Aon edition)
Number of Endings: 19 (not including failure by loss of points) (Original British (Beaver) edition, British (Beaver) edition, second cover, British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th], British (Red Fox), UK 5th printing [5th], American edition, American edition, later printing, American edition, 5th printing, American edition, tenth printing, American edition, eleventh printing, Project Aon edition)
Cover Price: US$2.95 (American edition, later printing, American edition, 5th printing)
US$4.50 (American edition, eleventh printing)
US$2.50 (American edition)
US$3.99 (American edition, tenth printing)
Special Thanks: British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th]:
Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images.
British (Red Fox), UK 5th printing [5th]:
Thanks to Luke Sheridan for the spread cover and title page version images.
User Summary: After three years of studying the Book of the Magnakai, you determine that you must discover an ancient artifact known as the Lorestone of Varetta.
Demian's Thoughts:

This seems to me a rather minor entry in the series, but at the same time a milestone. It's minor in that its plot, despite involving an ancient artifact of great power, lacks much significance to the overall storyline of the series and features few memorable creatures, characters or encounters. It's a milestone, though, because it marks the beginning of the Magnakai series and introduces a couple of new rules features: the use of a bow and "Lore Circles," sets of disciplines that, when all attained, increase your Combat Skill and/or Endurance -- a nice touch, as it adds a further dimension to choosing abilities. This isn't a bad book, but it's my least favorite in the series so far. There are some nice touches in the forms of tricky ways to die (you really have to pay attention to certain details to avoid falling stupidly into traps) and recurring characters, but the mission consists mostly of wandering grim, mercenary-filled streets, and it gets tiresome fairly quickly. I'm glad to have this quest behind me and am ready to move on to the next adventure.

More reviews by Demian

Special Thanks:Thanks to Tan Hong Kiat for the original Beaver cover scan (subsequently replaced with a higher resolution image), to Brett Easterbrook for the Beaver reissue scan, and Marcus Pearse for the Red Fox front cover scan and to Ryan Lynch for the first prining images and the Red Fox back cover/spine/title page verso images. Thanks to the Museum of Computer Adventure Game History for the images of the $2.50 American edition.
Users Who Own This Item: aden, aehalpin, Alarion, Alatar001, AlHazred (Berkley/Pacer), andyr, Aniline, Ardennes (Beaver, US), auximenes, Avenger (Berkley), B0N0V0X, Barker1952, Belgarath, BobaGabe, bonhomme (Beaver Edition), bookwormjeff (Red Fox, Berkley), brujeria!, casperthegoth, Citanul, crazydave, Crazyscotsman, CSquared, CSX, Cyan, c_wickham (physical edition + for Kindle), dArtagnan, dave2002a, dblizzard72, DeKoovenWolf (Beaver reissue), Demian (American eleventh printing), demon of the deep lt, desdichado66, devilsboy, Dirk Omnivore, Dronak (US), Eamonn McCusker, Ed, edwebb, EegahInc, egokun, Erikwinslow (US, UK (Beaver)), Ffghtermedic, firaya, firefoxpdm, Flurris (Red Fox Ed.), Gamebook, Gamehorder, Gartax, girtablilu, gnomeza (Red Fox), Greeneuva, greyarea13, Haoie, Himynameistony, hoops4ever, Ian2405, jdreller, jeff3333, jeffreylee, JoshW, Jubal, juski, katzcollection (American edition), kesipyc, killagarilla, kinderstef, knginatl (US, Beaver reissue), Kojiro, le maudit, lek, LordJR, Luke, Malthus Dire, MarcusP, marginal_space, marnaudo, mattender, mir1812, mlvoss, Morthynmir, mvstang, nelsondesign, NEMO (American edition), nerelax, nicolau (Spanish ed. Alfaguara), nilhilius (American), ntar (American edition), Oberonbombadil (Beaver original and 2nd), outspaced, Pessimeister (first beaver edition), peterm2, Pirrakas, plowboy (Beaver), plutonick, Pseudo_Intellectual, redeyeball, rpatel1976 (beaver), ryderark (Beaver), Sabreman (Beaver), Salpynx (Red Fox), Seizure, Sheridan77, Sir Olli, sireeyore (Beaver), smdiabla, Smidgeccfc76, spragmatic, StagQuests (Beaver-1st), Superfro, Surcal (Redfox), Tamerlane1396, ThaRid (3 copies), ThePaperCrow (Berkley), Threepwud, Treguard, Tremendez, truce57, TWolf, wonderfly, Yalius, zat
Users Who Want This Item: bookwormjeff (Beaver), Braldt, domj29, eriq90 (red fox only), Gamebook_Pirate (Definitive Edition [Paperback]), Grifter, Hugues, Lambchop, MasterChief, Mr ?, mrwalker, NEMO (beaver&red fox), odo_ital, plutonick, Sagaious, Salpynx (Beaver), Samus, snakefire77, styx2749, Surcal (Beaver), twar, yermither
Users with Extra Copies: DeKoovenWolf - Beaver edition
ntar - American edition with puncture damage
Pirrakas - Berkley/Pacer
sireeyore - American

Known Editions

Original British (Beaver) edition
British (Beaver) edition, second cover
British (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [4th]
British (Red Fox), UK 5th printing [5th]
American edition
American edition, later printing
American edition, 5th printing
American edition, tenth printing
American edition, eleventh printing
Project Aon edition
Lone Wolf (2007-) edition (in The Kingdoms of Terror (collector's edition))
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing

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