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Combined Summary
Series: |
Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998)
no. 20 Choose Your Own Adventure (2005-) — no. 8 Choose Your Own Adventure Reissues (Australian Versions) — no. 8 |
Contained In: |
Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set 4 (16-20) (Collection) Choose Your Own Adventure Epic Collection (Collection) |
Translated Into: |
Escapar (Spanish) Evasió (Catalan) Evasión (Spanish) Fuga impossivel (Portuguese) La Fuga (Spanish) La huída (Spanish) |
Adapted Into: |
Escape (Video Game) Escape from Dorado (Graded Reader) (Gamebook) |
Author: |
Montgomery, R. A.
Illustrators: |
McBride, Marc
(Australian edition - cover) Millet, Jason (Australian edition - interior; ChooseCo reissue edition - interior; ChooseCo reissue edition, third printing - interior; ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing - interior) Reese, Ralph (Original edition) Sundaravej, Sittisan (ChooseCo reissue edition - cover; ChooseCo reissue edition, third printing - cover; ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing - cover) Thongmoon, Kriangsak (ChooseCo reissue edition - cover; ChooseCo reissue edition, third printing - cover; ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing - cover) |
Dates: |
May, 1983 (Original edition) 2005 (ChooseCo reissue edition) 2006 (Australian edition) |
ISBNs: |
0553232940 / 9780553232943
(Original edition) 1865049298 / 9781865049298 (Australian edition) 1933390085 / 9781933390086 (ChooseCo reissue edition, ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing) |
Length: |
118 pages (Original edition)
125 pages (ChooseCo reissue edition, ChooseCo reissue edition, third printing, ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing) |
Number of Endings: |
27 |
User Summary: | By the year 2035, the United States has been split into three hostile provinces - Dorado, Rebellium, and Turtalia. You are a spy working for the Turtalian democracy and you must escape from the hostile Dorado. |
Aussiesmurf's Thoughts: |
This one annoyed the living daylights out of me way back when. Essentially, at the start you have a choice which divides the story into two main threads: either you're fleeing by plane or by car. However, in the car thread, there are NO conclusive victory endings! Essentially, if you choose 'wrong' in the first thread you doom yourself at best to an ending that says something like "You head to the border and know you're going to make it!" Gee, book, don't knock yourself out there. The identity of the traitor is transparently obvious, but his / her identity really doesn't make that much of a difference in the majority of the plot threads. Some of the endings are just bizarre as well. At one point when you fly your plane into a cloud-bank, the books tells you "You fly into the clouds. You are never seen again." What??? Can't you at least tell me whether I crashed, starved or whatever? Anyway, definitely one of the lesser efforts of the series. |
auximenes's Thoughts: |
Escape depicts a dystopian future in which the U. S. has split into three hostile states. Your goal is to escape the totalitarian nation of Dorado with the rebel leader and invasion plans. This book is very well plotted with a great sense of realism. Your companions, Matt, Mimla, and Haven, are well written, and their verbal disputes about possible courses of action drive the choices presented to you. Chance and randomness play a part in some of the endings, but other endings are the result of intelligent choices you can make if you puzzle things out. Good world-building presents a plausible depiction of the possible future. I remember learning the vocabulary word "totalitarian" from this book. As far as reading material goes, it was a rather mature concept for a 10 year old. This is a favorite from my childhood, and it still reads well today. 4 out of 5 stars. An amusing postscript: your character is depicted in the artwork with a shadowy face so that you can imagine that it is you. One of your companions is named Matt, and when I was younger I thought he looked like Duke from G. I. Joe. Of course I wanted to be Duke, so I identified with him as the main character. I always wondered why "Matt" didn't have a face, not realizing that he was really the reader's character. |
Demian's Thoughts: |
This is another average book. It's not bad, but it's also not particularly exceptional. The futuristic setting is a good idea, but it's rather uncreatively developed. |
Good's Thoughts: |
Escape strategy is VERY good, I must say. The many escapes make for a SUPER fun adventure. |
Stockton's Thoughts: |
I don't like this book. To me, it seemed to be just as stupid as many of R. A.'s other entries in this series. Following on what Demian said, the setting seems to just be World War II by any other name. Moreover, I also find it unlikely that "Mimla" is a very common name in what's likely a Spanish-speaking country. The illustrations are full of technological anachronisms unlikely to be found in 2032. As for the mechanics of this book, R. A. isn't as bad here as he can often be. Only a few of the endings are inconclusive - mainly, you either get caught or make it. The spy Haven remains a traitor in all threads and doesn't change his role depending which path you take. However, it still isn't a very engaging or original story and although the writing is slightly better, that didn't change my overall impression. |
Waluigi Freak 99's Thoughts: |
I was a bit disturbed by what's blatantly a mockery of Christianity on page 82, but I really shouldn't judge the book by that. Spiritual differences aside, this book is okay. It was a bit bland, and the characters were disappointingly one-dimensional props used to convey the pros and cons of the choices to the reader. However, there were some situations that required logical thought and there is a pretty decent plot twist to make things more memorable. |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Ken G. for the Australian cover scans. |
Users Who Own This Item: | AgathaRaisin79, aline, Andys80s, Ardennes, Arkadia, auximenes, barryattles, benji2, bigcobra, bobthefunny, bookwormjeff, BuraddoRun, Chanticrow, charlesdaniels, Crazyscotsman, CSquared, Cyan, damieng, Darth Rabbitt, datastorm, dave2002a, dblizzard72, Demian (third reissue printing), Dirk Omnivore, Eamonn McCusker, Erikwinslow (Original), exaquint (1.95 1st) (chooseco), firefoxpdm, fraze, Garrick Muttley, Gartax, Gurvo, hadlee73, horrorbusiness, Icedlake, iolly666 (Well, i'd like really to have this 1 since it's not present in the italian edition), jdreller, jeff3333, jharvey79, katzcollection, KenJenningsJeopardy74, killagarilla, kinderstef, kleme (Original) (2005 reissue & original, PDF (reissue)), knginatl (orig., "book fair", 2005 reissue/orig., 2005 reissue/"online ending", Aus. reissue) (orig., "book fair", 2005 reissue/orig., 2005 reissue/"online ending", Aus. reissue) (orig., "book fair", 2005 reissue/orig., 2005 reissue/"online ending", Aus. reissue), le maudit, Lullyph, MacbthPSW, Madeye, Malthus Dire, marcfonline, marnaudo, mattender, mcd, mlvoss, nelsondesign, NEMO (1st edit. library copy), newt3425, Nomad, ntar, Nym90, Oberonbombadil (Original US 2nd), outspaced, Pessimeister, pinkfloydechoes, plowboy ((original & Australian reissue)), Pseudo_Intellectual, qazplm (reissue), Radical347, rolipo26, RonaldFrobnitz, Ronie1976, rtaylor352, Ryuran333, SeventhSon, SherlockHolmes, skeleton, spragmatic, stevesterling, stonemason, strawberry_brite, SuperAM2, ThaRid, theyodaman (CYOA original printing), ThisIslandEarth, toadhjo, twar, Uraniborg, Virtua Sinner, Von Scotty, waktool (US 1st; US 2nd; US 3rd; US 3rd (Book Fair)) (Chooseco, large edition, AU 1st printing) (Australian, 1st printing), Waluigi Freak 99, Yalius, yunakitty, zat |
Users Who Want This Item: | bbanzai, exaquint (book fair), Ffghtermedic, Game Master, Grifter, Lambchop, MasterChief, Mr ?, NEMO, newt3425 (McGraw Hill Escape from Dorado version.), nordik (Escape), odo_ital, Sagaious, SherlockHolmes, stock |
Users with Extra Copies: |
Demian - 3rd reissue printing exaquint - chooseco iolly666 - Well, i'd like to have this since it's missing in the Italian version kinderstef ntar Ryuran333 strawberry_brite Surcal ThisIslandEarth |
Known Editions
Original editionChooseCo reissue edition
ChooseCo reissue edition, third printing
ChooseCo reissue edition, fourth printing
Australian edition
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