Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - Over the Blood-Dark Sea

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(Original edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)

Combined Summary

Series: Fabled Lands — no. 3
Translated Into: Auf dem blutroten Meer (German)
Die Meere des Schreckens (German)
Oltre il Mare di Sangue Oscuro (Italian)
Par-delĂ  la Mer de Sang Noir (French)
Authors: Morris, Dave
Thomson, Jamie
Illustrators: Jenkins, Kevin (cover)
Nicholson, Russ (interior)
Dates: 1995 (Original edition)
December 1, 2010 (Small-format reissue edition)
2018 (Large-format reissue edition)
ISBNs: 0330341723 / 9780330341721 (Original edition)
0956737226 / 9780956737229 (Small-format reissue edition)
1909905348 / 9781909905344 (Large-format reissue edition)
Length: 718 sections (Original edition)
719 sections (Large-format reissue edition)
Badogor's Thoughts:

"Swashbuckling adventure on the high seas."

Very confusing missions (spots where you get your codes and places where you fulfill your quests are miles apart and hard to find) and not at all recommendable for a beginner or just someone with litte patience. But for the "professional" gamebook-player a real masterpiece.

This books represents a kind of intersection between the six books yet published and includes the Violet Ocean from east of the Innis Shoals to Starspike Isle and from the Sea of Weeds to Smogmaw (only harbour on the mainland).

More reviews by Badogor

Fireguard's Thoughts:

As Badogor noted, Over the Blood-Dark Sea represents kind of the "crossroads" of the Fable Lands world because it covers the ocean that dominates the middle of the of the map. On the whole though, I didn't enjoy exploring it that much. Partially because of the intricacy of the quests specific to this region, but also because the random encounters had an overabundance of "storm" and "pirates." Yes it's out in the ocean where options are a bit more limited, and yes there were a couple memorably random encounters, but that range of repeated possibilities got monotonous after a while.

If nothing else, it was an amusing surprise (and confirmation that the protagonists of these books aren't necessarily "heroes") to see the villain of The Temple of Flame as one of the pregen characters.

More reviews by Fireguard

Special Thanks:Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the large-format reissue spine/title page verso images.
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Known Editions

Original edition
Small-format reissue edition
Large-format reissue edition

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