Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - Treasure Diver

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(Fourth printing)
(Fourth printing)
(Fourth printing)
(Fourth printing)

Combined Summary

Series: Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) — no. 32
Translated Into: Buscadores de tesoros (Spanish)
Caca ao tesouro submarino (Portuguese)
Itsaspean altxor bila (Basque)
Jagten på den sunkne skat (Danish)
Shinkai no takarasagashi [深海の宝さがし] (Japanese)
El tesoro del galeón hundido (Spanish)
El tresor del galió enfonsat (Catalan)
Author: Goodman, Julius
Illustrator: Granger, Paul (pseudonym used by Hedin, Don)
Date: May, 1984 (First printing)
ISBNs: 0553240501 / 9780553240504 (First printing)
0553257641 / 9780553257649 (Fourth printing)
Length: 114 pages (plus background information)
Number of Endings: 19
User Summary: With the help of some friends, you search for centuries-old sunken treasure in waters supposedly inhabited by modern-day pirates.
Demian's Thoughts:

This is a good entry in the series. In addition to a fairly well-thought-out and consistent (if improbable) plot, the gameplay is satisfying; it may take a number of attempts, but you can find lots of treasure if you try hard enough.

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Good's Thoughts:

Too many bad ends, but still high in fun. Not his best, but still fun.
Rating: 5/10

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yunakitty's Thoughts:

Another great book by Julius Goodman, author of The Horror of High Ridge. I didn't know much about scuba diving, but the introduction of the story gave me enough background and tips that I was able to make good choices during the story. Most of the choices are pretty logical - do something foolish and get a bad ending, err on the safe side and get a good ending (or at least stay alive). The writing style is engaging, and even though we don't have much time to get to know the characters, I found myself liking the ragtag team of four divers (including "myself") so much that when Kate dies in one of the bad endings, I felt really bad for her. The bad ending where your character gets nitrogen sickness or "the rapture of the deep" and giggles while removing his mouthpiece at 280 feet below... it was hauntingly effective.

This one is definitely a must read and a great addition to your collection.

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Users Who Want This Item: barryattles, Cyan, datastorm, exaquint (canada price), Ffghtermedic, Fireguard, Gamebook_Pirate, HAMBORSKI (I would like to purchase this book), kleme, Madeye, MasterChief, Mr ?, NEMO, nordik (Treasure Diver), Nym90, odo_ital, Sagaious, SherlockHolmes, stock, Von Scotty, Waluigi Freak 99, ZacharyParker
Users with Extra Copies: exaquint - 1.95

Known Editions

First printing
Fourth printing

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