Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Have/Want Lists - Sir Olli

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Items in Bulgarian

Miscellaneous Works by Michael Mindcrime [Mайкъл Майндкрайм] Wants: None. Has: Klopka za pobediteli [Клопка за победители]

Items in Danish

A.S.P.E. - Lav Dit Eget Eventyr Wants: None. Has: [3]
Blod & Stål Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback), [2]
I Ragnaroks Aske Wants: None. Has: [1]
Legender fra Lavlandet Wants: None. Has: [1]
Mørke magter Wants: [1] Has: None.
Skæbnekrøniker Wants: None. Has: [1]
Sommer & Sørensens spillebøger Wants: None. Has: [4]
Sværd og trolddom (Borgen 2003) Wants: None. Has: [1] (Borgen 2003 & Faraos Cigarer), [2] (Borgen 2003)
Sværd og trolddom (Faraos Cigarer 2020-) Wants: None. Has: [1], [19] (Faraos Cigarer edition), [20]
Tværveje Wants: None. Has: [1] (2nd printing 2022), [2] (3rd printing 2022), [3]

Items in Dutch

Fantasy Avonturenboeken Wants: None. Has: [6]
Miscellaneous Works by Marcel Groenewegen Wants: None. Has: Schaduwkraai

Items in English

1 on 1 Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
400 Series Wants: None. Has: [1]
Abandon All Hope Wants: None. Has: The Program
ACE Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1] (hardback), [2] (paperback), [3] (hardback (signed) & paperback), [4] (hardback (signed) & paperback (signed)), [5] (signed paperback), [6] (paperback, signed), [7] (paperback)
Advanced Choose Cthulhu (English) Wants: None. Has: [1]
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Wants: None. Has: Midnight on Dagger Alley
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18]
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Third-Party Products Wants: None. Has: Dragon's Hall
Advanced Fighting Fantasy Wants: None. Has: Advanced Fighting Fantasy: The Roleplaying Game, Out of the Pit, Titan: The Fighting Fantasy World, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [9], [18] (hardback)
Adventure Begins Here Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [2]
The Adventure is Yours! Wants: None. Has: Zombie! The Adventure is Yours!
Adventure Quest Wants: None. Has: [1]
Altered Fate Wants: None. Has: [1]
Ancient Odysseys: Treasure Awaits! Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Arborea Wants: None. Has: Survivor of Arborea
Arcana Agency Wants: None. Has: The Thief of Memories
Arcane Rites Wants: None. Has: [1] (hardback, signed)
Arkham Horror Investigators Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1]
Asterix - Alea Jacta Est Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Australian Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1]
Autumn Snow Wants: None. Has: [1] (Megara edition)
Batman Role-Playing Game Wants: None. Has: Batman Role-Playing Game
Battle Quest Wants: None. Has: [2]
Bayt Al Azif: A Magazine For Cthulhu Mythos Roleplaying Games Wants: None. Has: Bayt Al Azif: Issue 1
Beast Quest Master Your Destiny Wants: None. Has: [1]
Bionic Agent Wants: None. Has: [1]
Black Power: The Superhero Gamebook Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Blackstaff Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback)
Blood Sword Wants: [5] (original) Has: [1] (original signed by DM & reissue), [2] (original & reissue), [3] (original & reissue), [4] (original & reissue), [5] (hardback reissue)
Blue Fox Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: Innsmouth: The Stolen Child, Monuments: A Branching Narrative (hardback, signed)
Book of Legends: The Eternal Empire Wants: None. Has: Prologue (paperback)
The Book of Wizardry Wants: None. Has: The Book of Wizardry
Boot Hill Wants: [1] Has: None.
Call of Cthulhu Wants: Alone on Halloween, Grimrock Isle Has: Alone Against the Dark (revised edition), Alone Against the Flames (paperback), Alone Against the Frost (paperback), Alone Against the Static (hardback), Alone Against the Tide (rev. ed.), Alone Against the Wendigo
Car Wars Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1]
Castles of Imagination Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [4]
Catacombs Solo Quest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Choose Cthulhu (English) Wants: None. Has: The Call of Cthulhu HE, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14]
Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) Wants: None. Has: [25], [27], [28]
Choose-Your-Own-Path Books Wants: None. Has: [1] (1st ed.)
Choose-Your-Own-Path Shakespeare Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
The Cleric Trilogy Wants: None. Has: [1]
The Cluster of Echoes Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback, 1st ed.)
Combat Heroes Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
A Complete Role-Playing Game Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Cretan Chronicles Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Crimson Cloak Quest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Critical IF Wants: None. Has: [1] (Critical IF)
Crossroads Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [5], [8], [11], [14]
The Crystal Maze Wants: None. Has: The Crystal Maze
Cthulhu Chronicles: Investigations in Lovecraft Country Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
Cthulhu Mythos Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1] (hardback)
The Curse of Cthulhu Wants: None. Has: [1] (signed)
Dangerous Worlds Wants: None. Has: [1] (original), [2], [3], [4]
Dangerzone Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1]
Dark Game Wants: None. Has: [1] (both editions)
Defenders Wants: None. Has: [1] (hardback), [2] (hardback), [3] (hardback)
The Demon's Bane Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Destiny's Role Wants: None. Has: Experiment 11 (signed), Kaleidoscope Frenzy: Scorpio Falls (both versions, each signed and numbered 25/70), Zero to Hero (paperback & hardback (signed)), [1] (hardback (signed and numbered 5/85)), [2] (hardback (signed and numbered 34/90)), [3] (hardback (signed and numbered 40/80; signed bookplate by illustrators)), [4] (hardback (signed and numbered 27/80))
Destiny's Role: Dimensions Wants: None. Has: The Astral Bibliodome (signed and numbered 44/60), Planetary Guide (signed), [1] (hardback (signed and numbered 28/60)), [2] (hardback (signed and numbered 38/50))
DestinyQuest Wants: None. Has: [1] (first edition (signed), second edition (hardback), second edition (paperback)), [2] (first printing), [3] (first printing), [4], [5] (signed)
DestinyQuest: Raiders Wants: None. Has: [1], [1]
Diceman Wants: None. Has: The Slaine Gaming Book
Doctor Who Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Doctor Who and the Fescan Threat Wants: None. Has: Doctor Who and the Fescan Threat
Doctor Who: Decide Your Destiny (Series 1) Wants: None. Has: [1]
Domain of the Deathless King Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Double Game Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3] (signed by JS), [4] (signed by JS)
Dradenvale Saga Wants: None. Has: [1]
Dragon Lore Series Wants: None. Has: [1]
Dragon Warriors Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Dragonquest Wants: None. Has: Dragonquest
Duel Master Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Dungeon Crawlers Wants: None. Has: [1]
Dungeon Jest Wants: None. Has: [1] (hardback)
Dungeon Saga Wants: None. Has: [1]
Dungeons & Dragons Wants: [3], [4], [5], [6], [7] Has: The New Easy to Master Dungeons & Dragons, [1], [2] (reissue)
Dungeons & Dragons Interactive Movies Wants: None. Has: Scourge of Worlds
Dungeons to Dominions Wants: None. Has: The Castle of Blackwood Moors
Edgar Allen Poe Wants: None. Has: The Horror Gamebook
EDGE - I, Hero: Legends Wants: None. Has: [2], [5]
Elder Tunnels Wants: None. Has: [6]
EldritchQuest Wants: None. Has: [1] (original)
Endless Quest Wants: None. Has: [13], [16], [18], [19]
The Entram Epic Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Epic Adventure Game Books Wants: None. Has: [1]
Eternal Champions Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Explorers Of Annwfn Wants: None. Has: The Dungeon of The Dark Lord (paperback, 2nd ed.)
Fabled Lands Wants: None. Has: [1] (UK original signed by both authors & US & UK reissue), [2] (UK original & US & UK reissue), [3] (original & reissue), [4] (original & reissue), [5] (original & reissue), [6] (original & reissue), [7] (hardback & small paperback)
Fabled Lands Quests Wants: None. Has: [1]
Fabled Worlds Wants: None. Has: Z-Town! (no. 1 (spiral bound), nos. 1+2 (paperback))
Falcon Wants: None. Has: [1] (original signed by JT & reissue), [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Fantasy Forest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Fantasy Gamer Wants: None. Has: [3] (print)
Fantasy Hero Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [2]
Fantasy Questbook Wants: None. Has: [3] (hardcover & softcover)
The Fantasy Trip (re-release) Wants: None. Has: [3] (2nd printing)
Fantom Empires Wants: None. Has: [1] (signed by illustrator)
Fatemaster Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
FEAR Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1]
Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin) Wants: None. Has: [1] (UK & US), [2] (UK & US), [3] (UK & US), [4] (UK & US), [5] (UK & US), [6] (UK & US), [7] (UK & US), [8] (UK & US), [9] (UK & US), [10] (UK & US), [11] (UK & US), [12] (UK & US), [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20] (UK & US), [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35], [36], [37], [38], [39], [40], [41], [42], [43] (signed by JT), [44], [45], [46], [47], [48], [49], [50], [51], [52], [53], [54], [55], [56], [57] (signed), [58], [59]
Fighting Fantasy (2002-2007, Wizard Books Series 1) Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29]
Fighting Fantasy (2009-2012, Wizard Books Series 2) Wants: None. Has: Blood of the Zombies, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16]
Fighting Fantasy (2017-, Scholastic) Wants: None. Has: [6], [12], [15] (paperback), [17], [20], [21], [22]
Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook Wants: None. Has: Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook
Fighting Fantasy: Clash of the Princes Wants: None. Has: Clash of the Princes
Fighting Fantasy: d20 System Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Fighting Fantasy: The Introductory Role-Playing Game Wants: None. Has: Fighting Fantasy: The Introductory Role-Playing Game, The Riddling Reaver
Fighting Fantazine Wants: None. Has: [11] (print), [16] (print)
Fighting Reality Wants: None. Has: [1]
Find Your Fate Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [7], [8]
Find Your Fate - Doctor Who Wants: None. Has: [2]
Forbidden Gateway Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Fortean Times Wants: None. Has: Fortean Times no. 422
Four Against Darkness Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
Freeway Warrior Wants: None. Has: [1] (original, signed & reissue), [2] (original & reissue), [3] (original & reissue), [4] (original & reissue)
Galactic Chronicles Wants: None. Has: [1]
Game of Runes Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Gamebook Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Gamebook Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback)
Gamebook Adventures Masters Wants: None. Has: The Complete Sagas of Fire*Wolf
Gamebook Adventures: Fighting Fantasy Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [8]
Gamebook Adventures: Legacy of Dorn Wants: None. Has: [1]
The Gamebook Collector's Check List and Price Guide Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
A Gamebook Where You Are the Hero Wants: None. Has: [2] (signed)
Gamebook Zine Wants: None. Has: [1]
Gary Chalk's Gun Dogs Wants: None. Has: [1]
Ghost Adventure Games Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Ghostly, Time Travelling Game Books Wants: None. Has: [1] (original)
GNAT Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: Grave of the Kraken, Temple of the Skull God
Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: Can You Escape the Vampire's Lair?, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Grailquest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
Graphic Novel Adventures Wants: None. Has: Graphic Novel Adventures Season 1 Boxed Set, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Great Literature Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1]
GURPS Wants: [2], [4], [5], [6] Has: [1] (reissue), [3]
Hard-Boiled Wants: None. Has: Hard-Boiled
Hellscape Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback)
A Hermacles Divide Gamebook Wants: None. Has: [1] (original)
Hero's Challenge: Sagard the Barbarian Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
High Fantasy Wants: None. Has: Circle of Truth: A High Fantasy Interactive Novel
Holdfast Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback)
Horror Classics Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
The Huntress Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
iHorror Wants: None. Has: [1]
An Interactive Adventure Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback, 1st printing), [2] (paperback, 1st printing), [3] (original paperback), [4] (hardback), [7] (reissue)
Intergalactic Quest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Knightmare Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Knights of Torbalia Wants: None. Has: The Class War, Into the Massacre, March of the Demon Trees, The Return of the Stolen Jewel, The Thief of Tarley Manor, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Knuckleduster Interactive Western Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Kunoichi Wants: None. Has: [1]
Labyrinth Lord Wants: None. Has: Crypt of the Shadow Lord (both editions)
Lands of Delorian Wants: [2] Has: [1]
The Last Battledroid Wants: None. Has: The Last Battledroid
The Last Knight Series Wants: None. Has: [1]
Legendary Kingdoms Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback & hardback (with signed card 523)), [2] (paperback & hardback (with signed card 1035)), [3] (hardback)
Legendmaker Wants: None. Has: [1]
Legends of Lone Wolf Wants: None. Has: Eclipse of the Kai (UK Beaver, signed), [1] (UK Beaver, signed)
The Legends of Skyfall Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Legends of the Ancient World Wants: None. Has: [1], [3] (2nd ed.)
Lemmings Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Life's Lottery Wants: None. Has: Life's Lottery (hardback)
Literally Immersive Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Lone Wolf (1984-1998) Wants: None. Has: Fire on the Water (UK & US), Flight from the Dark (UK & US), Lone Wolf Game Book Omnibus (signed by illustrator), [1] (UK & US), [2] (UK & US), [3] (UK & US), [4] (UK & US), [5] (UK & US), [6], [7], [8], [9], [10] (UK & US), [11], [12], [13], [14], [15] (UK & US), [16], [17], [18] (UK & US), [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27] (signed), [28] (signed)
Lone Wolf, Collector's Edition (2007-) Wants: None. Has: [1] (Collector's Edition (signed), Definitive Edition), [2], [3] (both misprinted and readable copies), [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] (both misprinted and readable copies), [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18] (signed), [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29] (signed), [30], [31]
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition Wants: None. Has: [1]
Lone Wolf: Chronicles of Magnamund Novels Wants: None. Has: Rise of the Agarashi 1: Glory and Greed
Lone Wolf: The Roleplaying Game Wants: None. Has: The Darklands, Lone Wolf: The Roleplaying Game, Magic of Magnamund
Lost Worlds Fantasy Combat Books Wants: None. Has: [1003]
Maelorum Wants: None. Has: [1]
Maelstrom Wants: None. Has: Maelstrom
The Maglanian Chronicles Wants: None. Has: The Cloistered Tears: An Explorer's Guide, The Endless Asylum [A Prelude to "The Cloistered Tears"] (3i), [1] (original), [2], [3]
The Magnamund Companion Wants: None. Has: The Magnamund Companion (UK, signed by illustrator)
Making Choices Wants: None. Has: [12]
Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Gamebooks (American) Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] (US)
Middle-earth Quest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [5], [6], [7]
The Midnight Legion Wants: None. Has: Last Recruit (signed), Memory and Rulebook, Midnight Legion Box Set, [1] (box set), [2], [3]
Miscellaneous Works by A. K. Forest Wants: None. Has: Occult Nazi Go-Go Girls Storm Tibet
Miscellaneous Works by Adam Carter Wants: None. Has: Lost Treasures of a Dinosaur World (original), The Underworld Horror
Miscellaneous Works by Ashton MacSaylor and Jamie Thomson Wants: None. Has: The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (hardback)
Miscellaneous Works by Charles A. F. King Wants: None. Has: The Endless Catacomb
Miscellaneous Works by Dan Shamir Wants: None. Has: Castle Dark
Miscellaneous Works by Daniel Bissot Wants: None. Has: Earthquake Escape! Can You Survive?
Miscellaneous Works by David Maroto Wants: None. Has: The Wheel of Fortune
Miscellaneous Works by Demian Katz Wants: None. Has: The Groom of the Tomb
Miscellaneous Works by Faringdon Junior School Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Miscellaneous Works by Felbrigg Herriot and K. A. Cartlidge Wants: None. Has: Barsoom! Rise to Power
Miscellaneous Works by Flavio Evans-Pritchard and Blake Evans-Pritchard Wants: None. Has: The Quest for the Crystals
Miscellaneous Works by Jack Craig Wants: None. Has: Dragon’s Tomb
Miscellaneous Works by John E. Kirk Wants: None. Has: Interstellar Terra (1st printing)
Miscellaneous Works by Jonathon Kelly Wants: None. Has: [4] (numbered 116/150, signed by both author and one illustrator)
Miscellaneous Works by Kris Schnee Wants: None. Has: Dragon Fate: Interactive Fiction
Miscellaneous Works by Kristopher James Wants: None. Has: Runewil (PB)
Miscellaneous Works by Leila Johnston Wants: None. Has: Enemy of Chaos
Miscellaneous Works by Mae McKinnon Wants: None. Has: You're a Dragon (signed and numbered ARC copy (5/10) & regular copy)
Miscellaneous Works by Mark Wightman Wants: None. Has: Last Stand at Kirrinbahr
Miscellaneous Works by Matt Barton Wants: None. Has: Dungeons & Desktops: The History of Computer Role-Playing Games
Miscellaneous Works by Michael David Burgess Wants: None. Has: The Nevermen
Miscellaneous Works by Miguel Ángel García and Adrian Benatar Wants: None. Has: Relic of the Dragon
Miscellaneous Works by Othniel Poole Wants: None. Has: Traquelero: A Quest for Happiness
Miscellaneous Works by Paul Partington Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback), [2] (paperback)
Miscellaneous Works by Roger A. Davie Wants: None. Has: [1] (original)
Miscellaneous Works by S. C. Cunningham Wants: None. Has: Murder at Colefax Manor
Miscellaneous Works by Samuel Isaacson Wants: None. Has: [1]
Miscellaneous Works by Shane Garvey Wants: None. Has: Blood Dagger (PB)
The Monster Horrorshow Wants: None. Has: The Monster Horrorshow
Mu'n Wants: None. Has: [1]
Myrrk Wants: None. Has: [1] (hardback)
The Necronomicon Gamebook Wants: None. Has: [1] (number 133/300, signed), [2] (number 421/450, signed), [3] (number 461, signed)
Nemo's Fury Wants: None. Has: [1]
Next Generation Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: Heart of Ice (Deluxe)
One Hundred Series Wants: None. Has: The Last Evil (paperback)
One Roll Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback), [2]
Oracle System Wants: None. Has: Legacy of Dragonholt
Panurgic Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1] (Panurgic signed)
Path Of Exile Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: The Lord's Labyrinth
Path of Legends: Lost City of the Dwarves Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
A Pauper's Ladder Adventure Gamebook Wants: None. Has: The Curse of Saltash Mine (original)
Pendragon Wants: None. Has: Pendragon Starter Set (6th ed.)
Phantasmagoria Wants: None. Has: Phantasmagoria no. 9 (spring 2019)
Prince of Shadows Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Proteus Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20]
Protodimension Wants: None. Has: [9] (pdf)
PuzzleQuest Wants: None. Has: [1]
QUERP: Quick Easy Role Play Wants: None. Has: QUERP: Second Edition (paperback)
Quest Path Fantasy Wants: None. Has: [1]
Radiance Gamebook Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback)
Random Solo Adventure Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
The Rangers of Taradoin Wants: None. Has: [1]
Real Life Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1] (UK (Hardcover & Softcover) & US), [2] (Hardcover & Softcover), [3] (Hardcover & Softcover), [4], [5] (Hardcover & Softcover), [6] (Hardcover & Softcover), [7] (Hardcover & Softcover), [8]
Reboot Adventure Games Wants: None. Has: [1]
The Regional Accounts Director of Firetop Mountain Wants: None. Has: The Regional Accounts Director of Firetop Mountain
Rescue the Princess Wants: None. Has: Rescue the Princess
The Rhodonite Saga Wants: None. Has: [1]
Rider of the Black Sun Wants: None. Has: Rider of the Black Sun (Promotional Edition 13/50 (signed), 2018 Kickstarter boxset), Rider of the Black Sun: Dragon Master Eternal Edition Box
Rise of the Ancients Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback, 1st printing)
Risus: The Anything RPG Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback)
A Road Less Traveled Wants: None. Has: [1] (print), [2] (print), [3] (print)
A Road Less Traveled Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Robin of Sherwood Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Role Aids Wants: None. Has: Final Challenge
Roll On Adventure: Choose Your Path Wants: None. Has: [1]
Rugged Kingdom Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
RuneQuest Wants: Questworld, RuneQuest Companion Has: SoloQuest 3: The Snow King's Bride (1st ed.), SoloQuest Classic Collection (paperback)
The Saga of the Ariax Wants: None. Has: The Saga of the Ariax: The Complete Saga
Sagas of the Demonspawn Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Savage Realms Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: Balance of Fate: The Legorian Kings Saga (hardback), [1] (paperback, signed + signed bookplate), [2] (paperback, signed), [3] (hardback), [5] (hardback)
Savage Realms: The Legorian Kings Saga Wants: None. Has: [1] (first edition), [2] (with signed bookplate)
Select Your Own Continuum Wants: None. Has: Recursive Occlusion
Shadow Thief Wants: None. Has: Jailbreak, [1]
Shadows of Esteren Wants: None. Has: Side Path
Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries Wants: None. Has: [1], [3]
Shinté Warrior Series Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
A Solo RPG Adventure Set in Irish Myth and Folklore Wants: None. Has: A Listener in the Woods
SoloQuest Wants: None. Has: [1]
Sorcery! Wants: None. Has: [1] (UK & US), [1], [2], [3], [4]
Sorcery! (Inkle) Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Spellcaster Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1]
STAKE: A Game of Horror & Intrigue Wants: None. Has: [1]
Star Wars Episode I Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1]
Star Wars Solitaire Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Star Wars: The Lost Jedi Wants: None. Has: The Lost Jedi
Starlight Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Steam Highwayman Wants: None. Has: The Gormley-Watt Velosteamer's Touring Guide Number 1, [1], [2] (original & revised), [3]
Stephen Thraves Compact Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [2], [5]
Storm Weavers: Solo Tabletop Game Wants: None. Has: Storm Weavers: Gamebook
Swordquest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
T&T Adventures Japan Wants: None. Has: T&T Adventures Japan
Talamander: Fantasy Gamebook Magazine Wants: None. Has: Talamander Fantasy Card Trumps, [1] (promotional print issue no. 6 (signed) & regular issue), [2], [3], [4]
Tales from Alcantria Wants: None. Has: [1] (both eds.), [2]
Tales of Quahnarren Wants: None. Has: [1] (1st ed. full colour paperback)
Time Lord Wants: None. Has: Time Lord
Time Machine Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [24]
Trial of the Clone Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Tunnels and Trolls Wants: Elven Lords Has: The Amulet of the Salkti and Arena of Khazan, The Amulet of the Salkti (large), Arena of Khazan (small original & large original & large reissue), Beyond the Silvered Pane (large reissue), Blue Frog Tavern (small original & large original), Captif d'Yvoire (large), Captif d'Yvoire and Beyond the Silvered Pane, Deathtrap Equalizer Dungeon (small reissue & large reissue), Elven Lords (updated deluxe edition), Gamesmen of Kasar (small original & large original), Gamesmen of Kasar and Mistywood, Mistywood (large reissue), Naked Doom (small fourth printing & large original & large reissue), Naked Doom and Deathtrap Equalizer Dungeon, Pocket Adventure 1: Goblin Lake (original first printing & reprint from Free RPG Day 2007), Pocket Adventure 2: Abyss (reprint), Pocket Adventure 3: Circle of Ice, Sword for Hire (small original), Sword for Hire and Blue Frog Tavern, Tunnels and Trolls 5.5, Tunnels and Trolls: The Complete Fantasy Game Rule Book, The Vaults of K'Horror (with signed bookplate), [1] (1980 small reissue tenth printing), [2] (small reissue & large reissue), [3] (large original), [4] (small fourth printing & large original & large reissue), [5] (1981 small reissue first printing), [6] (small reissue), [7] (small reissue & large reissue), [8] (large reissue), [9] (small British & large American reissue), [10] (small original), [11] (small original), [12] (small original & large original & large reissue), [13] (small original), [14] (small original & large), [15] (small original & large original), [16] (large reissue), [17] (small original & large original), [18] (large), [19] (large), [20] (large), [21], [22], [23], [24]
Tunnels and Trolls Wants: None. Has: The Black Heart, Circle of Ice, Labyrinth, Naked Doom, Overkill
Tunnels and Trolls: Bolt Thrower Press Wants: None. Has: The Necropolis of Death: A Beginner's Guide to Tunnels & Trolls
Tunnels and Trolls: Mini Solo Wants: None. Has: First Command, Grimtina's Guard, Seven Ayes, Thief for Hire
Tunnels and Trolls: Necropolis of Vaarh Wants: None. Has: [1]
Tunnels and Trolls: Outlaw Press Wants: None. Has: Compendium of Solo's [sic] #1, Escape from Ga-'Tyr, Murder on the Latona / Hedrien's Elixir, Trollgod's Exciting Random Rooms of Ruination
Tunnels and Trolls: Supers Solo Series Wants: None. Has: [1]
Tunnels and Trolls: The Crown of Klade Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [14]
Twisted Journeys Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback)
Two-Fisted Fantasy Wants: None. Has: Space Exploration Quarterly, [1] (signed), [2] (hardback with signed bookplate)
Unravel Your Destiny Wants: None. Has: [1] (hardback (signed and numbered 15/19)), [2] (hardback, signed and numbered 42), [3] (hardback, signed and numbered 36)
Usborne Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1] (original), [2] (original), [3] (original), [4] (original)
Vengeance Game Books Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Virgin Adventure Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Virtual Reality Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] (Virtual Reality), [6]
VulcanVerse Solo Roleplaying Adventures Wants: None. Has: [1] (hardback), [2] (hardback), [3] (hardback), [4] (hardback), [5] (hardback)
Warlock Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13]
The Way of the Tiger Wants: None. Has: Ninja, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
Webs of Intrigue Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Which Way Books Wants: None. Has: [5] (regular price), [6] (which way)
White Dwarf Wants: None. Has: [61], [62], [63]
Witchsnare Wants: None. Has: Witchsnare
Wizards, Warriors & You Wants: None. Has: [4] (UK)
The World of Lone Wolf Wants: None. Has: [1] (UK & US & Megara CE), [2] (UK & US), [3], [4]
The World of Lone Wolf: Collector's Edition Wants: None. Has: [1]
Woven Paths Wants: None. Has: The Story Herder's Adventure Companion, [1] (paperback and hardback, signed), [2]
You Are the Hero Wants: None. Has: [1]
You Are The Hero: A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1] (hardback), [2] (hardback), [3] (paperback, signed)
You Can Be the Stainless Steel Rat Wants: None. Has: You Can Be the Stainless Steel Rat (UK)
You Choose: Interactive History Adventures Wants: None. Has: The Boston Massacre, Exploring the New World, The Golden Age of Pirates, Life as a Knight, Life as a Viking, The Middle Ages, The Salem Witch Trials, The Wild West
Your Party Needs You Wants: None. Has: Your Party Needs You: The Election Gamebook

Items in Estonian

Võitlus-fantaasiad Wants: [1], [2], [3] Has: None.

Items in Finnish

Taistelupeli Wants: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5] Has: None.

Items in French

À vous de jouer ! Wants: None. Has: [1]
À vous de jouer 2 Wants: None. Has: [1], [7]
Astre d'Or Wants: None. Has: [1] (signed & unsigned), [2] (signed & unsigned), [3] (signed), [4] (signed & unsigned)
Collection Livre-Jeu Wants: None. Has: [4]
Défis fantastiques (1983-1997) Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [20], [21], [26], [52]
Défis fantastiques (2004-) Wants: None. Has: [18]
Le Donjon de Naheulbeuk Wants: None. Has: [1]
Dragon d'or Wants: None. Has: [1]
L'épée de légende Wants: None. Has: [1]
Les fils du Soleil Wants: None. Has: [1]
Histoire Wants: None. Has: [1]
Loup solitaire Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Loup*Ardent Wants: None. Has: [1]
Le Marteau & L'Enclume Wants: None. Has: [6]
Les messagers du temps Wants: None. Has: [3]
Les Portes interdites Wants: None. Has: [1]
La Quête du Graal Wants: None. Has: [1] (original)
Sorcellerie! Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
La Voie du tigre Wants: None. Has: [1]

Items in German

1000 Gefahren Wants: None. Has: 1000 unheimliche Gefahren, Dem Yeti auf der Spur, Die Juwelen von Nabooti (renamed 2007 edition), Katastrophentag, [4], [5] (renamed 2007 edition), [10], [14], [39]
Abenteuer ohne Ende Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
Abenteuer-Spielbuch im Geborgenen Land Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Abenteuer-Spielbuch in der Welt des Hexer von Salem Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Abenteuer-Spielbuch in Ulldart Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3] (signed)
Abenteuer-Spielbuch in Wlachkis Wants: None. Has: [1]
Aborea Wants: None. Has: Der Dunkle Fürst
Die Analand Saga Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Anduin Wants: None. Has: [107] (pdf)
Aschkalon: An Interactive Adventure for German Learners Wants: None. Has: [1]
Asterix - Alea Jacta Est! Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Auf Cthulhus Spur Wants: None. Has: Allein gegen den Wendigo
Cthulhu Wants: None. Has: Cthulhu Spieler-Handbuch (2nd ed.), Verschlusssache: Spieler-Handbuch für Ermittler (Cthulhu Now)
D&D Fantasy-Rollenspiele Wants: None. Has: D&D Fantasy-Rollenspiele Basis Set, [1], [2]
DestinyQuest Wants: None. Has: [1]
Einsamer Wolf (1984-1990) Wants: None. Has: [1] (signed by both author and illustrator), [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
Einsamer Wolf (2009-2015) Wants: None. Has: Die Jünger der Finsternis, Magnamund Spielbuch - Banedons Auftrag (signed), [1] (signed), [2], [3] (signed by author and translator), [4] (signed), [5] (signed), [13] (signed)
Einsamer Wolf: Die Neuen Kai Krieger Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Elfenwald Wants: None. Has: Schatten über Cas'Ashar
Envoyer Rollenspielmagazin Wants: None. Has: Envoyer Rollenspielmagazin 06/2007
Escape Buch: Entkommen! Wants: None. Has: [2] (signed)
Ein Fantasy-Spiel Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Ein Fantasy-Spielbuch von Christopher Bünte Wants: None. Has: Der Pfad der Meister, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Ein Fantasy-Spielbuch Wants: None. Has: [2]
Fantasy-Universal-Abenteuer Abenteuer-Set Wants: None. Has: [4], [6]
FantasyAbenteuerSpielbücher Wants: None. Has: Das 3. große FantasyAbenteuerSpielBuch, Das 4. große FantasyAbenteuerSpielbuch, Das 5. große FantasyAbenteuerSpielbuch, Das 6. große FantasyAbenteuerSpielBuch, Die Dämonen der Tiefe, Das Duell der Piraten, Der Forst der Finsternis, Das große FantasyAbenteuerSpielBuch, Das Höllenhaus, Das Labyrinth des Todes, Die Masken von Mayhem, Das neue große FantasyAbenteuerSpielBuch, Das Schwert des Samurai (signed by JT), Die Stadt der Diebe, Der Stern der Schmuggler, Der Sumpf der Skorpione, Der Talisman des Todes (signed by JT), Der Tempel des Schreckens, Das Universum der Unendlichkeit, Der Wettstreit der Gladiatoren, Die Zitadelle des Zauberers, [1] (all issues), [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11] (signed by JT), [12], [13], [14], [15], [16] (signed by JT), [17], [18]
Gänsehaut Wants: None. Has: [5]
Das Geheimnis des Goldenen Jaguar Wants: None. Has: Das Geheimnis des Goldenen Jaguar
Das große Buch der Fantasy-Rollenspiele Wants: None. Has: Das große Buch der Fantasy-Rollenspiele
Das Grosse Enwor Rollenspielbuch Wants: None. Has: Die Insel der Sternenbestie
Das Grosse Spielbücher Wants: None. Has: Das kleine Emanzipations-Spielbuch, [1], [2], [3], [4]
Die Hanse der Winde Wants: None. Has: [1]
Horror-Spielbuch Wants: None. Has: [1], [3]
Das Kind der dunklen Sonne Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Die Klabauter Chroniken Wants: None. Has: [1] (paperback), [2] (paperback)
Knaurs Buch der Rollenspiele Wants: None. Has: Knaurs Buch der Rollenspiele
Konfliktsimulations- und Rollenspiele: die neuen Spiele Wants: None. Has: Konfliktsimulations- und Rollenspiele: die neuen Spiele
Kurai Jikan Eidolon Wants: None. Has: Kurai Jikan Eidolon
Labyrinth Lord Wants: None. Has: Schatten über Dolmvay (signed)
Legenden von Harkuna Wants: None. Has: Fabled Lands: Legenden von Harkuna 1: Kampf um das Königreich & Die Stadt aus Gold, Fabled Lands: Legenden von Harkuna 2: Das Meer des Schreckens & Die Täler der Finsternis, Fabled Lands: Legenden von Harkuna 3: Das Reich der Masken & Herren der aufgehenden Sonne, Die Meere des Schreckens, Das Reich des Frosts, Das Reich des Goldes, Das Reich des Krieges (signed by JT), [1] (signed by JT), [2], [3], [4]
Die Letzte Silberklinge Wants: None. Has: [1]
Lustiges Taschenbuch Wants: None. Has: [120]
Merlins Zeitmaschine Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock Wants: None. Has: Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock (1st ed.)
Miscellaneous Works by Charlotte Erpenbeck Wants: None. Has: Der Schatzberg
Miscellaneous Works by Christian and Florian Sussner Wants: None. Has: Das Feuer des Mondes (first edition, signed)
Miscellaneous Works by Claudia Wülfrath Wants: None. Has: Abenteuer in Tuvania
Miscellaneous Works by Denis Herold Wants: None. Has: Heldendämmerung
Miscellaneous Works by Falko Kötter Wants: None. Has: Dormholm, Der Tempel der Zerstörung
Miscellaneous Works by Franz S. Sklenitzka Wants: None. Has: Die Bibliothek (original), Höbarths Zeitmaschine (reissue), Die Ruine (hardback), Der Schatz im Ötscher, Der Schwarze Graf, Tempo, Tricks und Tolle Tore
Miscellaneous Works by J. S. Quast Wants: None. Has: Sterne, Planeten und Raketen: Unterwegs im Sternhagelpass
Miscellaneous Works by Jens Schumacher Wants: None. Has: Monsterpark
Miscellaneous Works by Kai Neumeyer Wants: None. Has: Die Hallen des Meerkönigs
Miscellaneous Works by Karl-Heinz Zapf Wants: None. Has: Das Auge des Abyssus (booklet)
Miscellaneous Works by Michael Schultz-Koernig Wants: None. Has: Auf der Straße des Todes
Miscellaneous Works by Patricia Strunk Wants: None. Has: Jagd auf den Seelenfänger
Miscellaneous Works by Peter Lichtenberger Wants: None. Has: Einsatz auf Caverna: Ein SF-Spielbuchabenteuer auf dem Planet der Höhlen
Miscellaneous Works by S. P. M. Wants: None. Has: NAON
Miscellaneous Works by Saltatio Mortis Wants: None. Has: Finsterwacht
Miscellaneous Works by Thea Lust Wants: None. Has: [2]
Miscellaneous Works by Thomas Finn Wants: None. Has: Popcorn, Plüsch & Petticoats
Mittelerde-Questbücher Wants: None. Has: [1] (large softcover & small hardcover), [2] (large softcover & small hardcover), [3]
Reiter der Schwarzen Sonne Wants: None. Has: Reiter der Schwarzen Sonne (both first and second edition, signed)
Die Saga von Bruder John Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Sagaland Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Das Schwarze Auge Wants: None. Has: Abenteuer Aventurien, Borbarads Fluch (original), Das Buch der Abenteuer (revised) (original and reissue), Das Buch der Abenteuer, Das Geheimnis des Drachenritters: Einsteigerbox (pdf), Im Griff der Schwarzen Eiche, Im Rücken des Königs, Madas Blaue Augen, Nedime - Die Tochter des Kalifen (original), Das Orkland, Der Quell des Todes (original), Rückkehr zur Schwarzen Eiche, Die Schwarze Eiche, Die Schwarze Sichel (original), Sinnestaumel & Begierde, Unheilvolles Grauen, Der Zug durch das Nebelmoor - Die Sümpfe des Lebens (original), [1] (original), [2] (original), [3] (original), [4] (original), [5] (original), [6] (original), [7] (original, remastered pdf), [8] (original), [9], [10], [11] (original), [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30], [31], [32], [33], [34], [35] (signed), [36], [37], [38], [39], [40], [41] (1st ed.), [42] (1st ed.), [43] (1st ed.), [44] (1st ed.), [45], [46] (original)
Schwerter & Dämonen Wants: None. Has: Büffelburg, Classic Schwerter & Dämonen, Labyrinth, Meer der Rätsel, Taverne zum Blauen Frosch, [1], [2], [3], [4]
Sherlock Holmes KrimiAbenteuerSpielBücher Wants: None. Has: Sherlock Holmes, das 1. große KrimiAbenteuerSpielBuch, Sherlock Holmes, das 2. große KrimiAbenteuerSpielBuch, [2], [6]
Die sieben Schwerter Lerons Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]
Silberstern der Magier Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Simon Kest Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Solo-Würfel-Abenteuer Wants: None. Has: [1] (pdf)
Somorra Wants: None. Has: [1] (signed), [2] (signed)
SpaceView Wants: None. Has: SpaceView 1/09
Spielbuch-Abenteuer Weltgeschichte Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Spiele-Comic Abenteuer Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Spiele-Comic Krimi Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Steve Jacksons Sorcery! Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Survival-Spielbuch Wants: None. Has: Verax - Das Experiment
Tempel der bösen Träume Wants: None. Has: [1]
Tom Traveller Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Die Torte schlägt zurück Wants: None. Has: Die Torte schlägt zurück
Turlogh der Streuner Wants: None. Has: [1]
Über den Sylinthpass Wants: None. Has: Über den Sylinthpass
Ullstein Abenteuer Spiele Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Der Weg der Wachtel Wants: None. Has: Der Weg der Wachtel - Promo-Abenteuer, Der Weg der Wachtel (first edition & revised edition (signed))
Die Welt der 1000 Abenteuer Wants: None. Has: [1] (original), [2] (original, signed), [3] (original, signed), [4] (original, signed), [5] (original, signed), [6] (original, signed), [7] (original, signed), [8] (original, signed), [9]
Die Welt von Odéa Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
World of Lone Wolf: Greystar Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Yzra Wants: None. Has: [1]

Items in Icelandic

Leikjabók Wants: [1] Has: None.
Þitt eigið ævintýri Wants: [1] Has: None.

Items in Italian

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Wants: None. Has: [5]
Blood sword Wants: None. Has: [3], [5]
Dimensione avventura Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Grecia antica Wants: None. Has: [3]
Guerrieri della strada Wants: None. Has: [3]
Lupo solitario Wants: None. Has: [9], [10], [14], [15], [22]
Misteri d'Oriente Wants: None. Has: [5]
Ninja Wants: None. Has: [5]
Oberon Wants: None. Has: [3] (signed), [4] (signed)
Real life gamebooks Wants: None. Has: [1]
Realtà virtuale Wants: None. Has: [6]
Skyfall Wants: None. Has: [4]
La terra di mezzo Wants: [4] Has: None.

Items in Norwegian

Dungeons & Dragons (Norwegian) Wants: None. Has: Dungeons & Dragons Fantasi rollespill grunnregler
Fantastiske farer Wants: [1], [2], [3] Has: None.
Grøssernes mysterier Wants: [1], [4], [5], [12], [23], [24] Has: [2], [3], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [25], [26]
Smart Books Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3]
Tidsmaskinen Wants: [5], [6] Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [7], [8]

Items in Swedish

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Spelböcker Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Äventyr i det Okända Wants: None. Has: [1], [2]
Äventyr i Midgård Wants: None. Has: [1]
Boken om Magnamund Wants: None. Has: Boken om Magnamund (signed by illustrator)
Ensamma Vargen (1985-1990) Wants: None. Has: [1] (signed), [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
Ensamma Vargen (2014-) Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Ensamma Vargens värld Wants: None. Has: [1], [2], [3], [4]
Falken Wants: None. Has: [1] (signed by JT), [2], [3]
Fenix Wants: None. Has: Fenix 3/2014
Fighting Fantasy Wants: [4] Has: [1], [2], [3], [5], [6]
Freeway Warrior Wants: None. Has: [1]
Historiska soloäventyr Wants: [1] Has: None.
Mästaren av Flux Wants: None. Has: [1]
Tigerns väg Wants: [4] Has: [1], [2], [3], [5]