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Item - The Valley of Bones

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Combined Summary

Series: Legendary Kingdoms — no. 1
Translated Into: Údolí kostí (Czech)
La Valle delle Ossa (Italian)
La vallée des Os (French)
Author: Hulme, Oliver
Illustrators: Pilia, Claudio
Smith, Robin
Dates: 2019 (hardback)
August, 2019 (paperback)
June 8, 2020 (pdf)
ISBNs: 191607040X / 9781916070400 (paperback, pdf)
1916892701 / 9781916892705 (hardback)
Length: 903 sections
Errata:Section 431: option "310" > "165".
Section 896: "Battleaxe" > "Greataxe".
Section 896: asterisk * missing after "Fighting +2".
Users Who Own This Item: Crazyscotsman, CWCprime, dodgingcars, Dronak, Eamonn McCusker, Groatsworth, kesipyc, marnaudo, mir1812 (Softback), mlvoss, Oberonbombadil, polemicus, Sheridan77, Sir Olli (paperback & hardback (with signed card 523)), sireeyore, zulus98501
Users Who Want This Item: Aldrin23, Gamebook_Pirate (Paperback), janh, utfanatic (Anyone selling or trading this?)

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