Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - The Curse of Naar

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(Original British (Red Fox) edition)
(Original British (Red Fox) edition)
(Original British (Red Fox) edition)
(Original British (Red Fox) edition)
(American edition, first printing)

Combined Summary

Online Full Text: Internet Archive (American edition, first printing)
Project Aon (Project Aon edition)
Series: Lone Wolf (1984-1998) — no. 20
Lone Wolf, Collector's Edition (2007-) no. 20
Platform: Web Browser (Project Aon edition)
Translated Into: L'ira di Naar (Italian)
La malédiction de Naar (French)
Author: Dever, Joe
Illustrators: Williams, Brian (Original British (Red Fox) edition - interior; American edition, first printing - interior; Project Aon edition - interior)
Jones, Peter Andrew (Original British (Red Fox) edition - British cover)
Dates: 1993 (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
February, 1996 (American edition, first printing)
March 18, 2009 (Project Aon edition)
2014 (Lone Wolf (2007-) edition)
ISBNs: 0099984504 / 9780099984504 (Original British (Red Fox) edition)
042515193X / 9780425151938 (American edition, first printing)
Special Thanks:Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the Red Fox back/spine/title page verso images.
Users Who Own This Item: aehalpin, Alatar001, AlHazred (US), andyr, Avenger (Berkley), B0N0V0X, Barker1952, bookwormjeff (Red Fox, Berkley), c_wickham (for Kindle only), dArtagnan, dave2002a, dblizzard72, DeKoovenWolf (American edition), desdichado66, devilsboy, Dronak (US), Eamonn McCusker, Ed (British), edwebb, egokun, Erikwinslow (US), firaya, firefoxpdm, Gamebook, Gamehorder, gnomeza (Red Fox), Himynameistony, Ian2405, jdreller (US), jeffreylee, Jubal (US ex library), juski, katzcollection, kesipyc, kinderstef, knginatl (US), le maudit, Luke, Malthus Dire, MarcusP, marginal_space, marnaudo, mir1812 (Mantikore-Verlag), mlvoss, mvstang, nelsondesign, Oberonbombadil (Red Fox), outspaced, Pessimeister (red fox edition), peterm2, plowboy (Red Fox), Pseudo_Intellectual, Radjabov, redbeard, redpiper05, rpatel1976 (red fox), Sabreman (Red Fox), Sheridan77, Sir Olli, sireeyore (Red Fox), spragmatic (US), Tamerlane1396, ThePaperCrow (Berkley), Threepwud, Tremendez, Twoflower (Berkley), wonderfly, Yalius
Users Who Want This Item: Alarion, Aryon, Braldt, Crazyscotsman, CSquared, Cyan, demon of the deep lt, Dronak (UK), eriq90 (red fox only), Ffghtermedic, Gartax, greyarea13, Grifter, Kojiro (American), Lambchop, LordJR, MasterChief, Mr ?, mrwalker, NEMO (american&brit.), nerelax, odo_ital, Pirrakas, plutonick, Sagaious, Samus, sebastian, snakefire77, styx2749, Superfro, Surcal, truce57, twar, yermither
Users with Extra Copies: mvstang
Tamerlane1396 - American edition
ThisGuy - American edition

Known Editions

Original British (Red Fox) edition
American edition, first printing
Project Aon edition
Lone Wolf (2007-) edition (in The Curse of Naar (collector's edition))

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