Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Language - English


1 Hour Star Damage Game Books
1 on 1 Adventure Gamebooks
1000 Gefahren (English releases)


2000 AD
2000 AD Extreme Edition
2000 AD Rebellion Reprints
2300 AD


400 Series


5E Solo Gamebooks


The 826NYC Review


A Choose Your Own Football Adventure
A Choose Your Own Romance Adventure
A Dread-Filled Pick-Your-Path Horror Novella
A Mystery For You to Solve
A Select Your Own Timeline Adventure
The A-Team
Abandon All Hope
ACE Gamebooks
Ace of Aces
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (Multipath Adventures)
Advanced Choose Cthulhu (English)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Gamebooks
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring Album
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Novels
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Third-Party Products
Advanced Fighting Fantasy
Adventure Begins Here
An Adventure for You to Share with Rupert
Adventure Gamebooks
Adventure Gaming
The Adventure is Yours!
Adventure Paths
Adventure Quest
The Adventure Squad
Adventure Time
Adventure Time: Which Way, Dude?
Adventuregame Comics
Adventurers Wanted!
Adventures in Logan
Adventures in the Rain Forest
The Adventures of Flinx of the Commonwealth
Adventures of Goldhawk
Adventures of the Black Hand Gang
The Adventures of You Series
Adventures on Tékumel
Agent 13 Novels
Agents of SMERSH
Agile Adventures
Alarums and Excursions
Alien Adventures
Alien Star
All-Star Stories
Alone Against Fear
Altered Fate
Alternative Storyline Pathways
Amazing Stories
American Girl Beforever: My Journey Books
The American Girl
American Girl: Innerstar University
American Girl: Mini Mysteries
Ancient Odysseys: Treasure Awaits!
Android Novels
Animorphs Alternamorphs
Anno Dracula Novels
Anybody Out There: Dead City
Arcade Explorers
Arcana Agency
Arcane Rites
Ariona: The Bounty Hunter
Arkham Horror Investigators Gamebooks
The Armchair Detective
Armchair General
The Armchair General
The Art of Lone Wolf
Art Quest
Ashkar the Magnificent
Asterix - Alea Jacta Est
Asterix Adventure Games
Atama iiBooks
Attack On Titan Choose Your Path! Adventure
Attention Span Stories
Aurora Sparks Interactive Erotica
Australian Adventure Gamebooks
Autoduel Quarterly
Autumn Snow
Avalon Quests
Avalon Solo Adventures


Back Brain Recluse
Back to the Future
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Chapter Books
Ballkaya Adventures
Barbarians, Booze, & Battle Axes!
Bard's Tale Novels
Basic Role-Playing
Batman Role-Playing Game
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Battle Quest
BattleCards (US)
Battlegame Books
Battleground General
Battletech Novels
Battletech Science Fiction Combat Books
Bayt Al Azif: A Magazine For Cthulhu Mythos Roleplaying Games
Be a Super Sleuth
Be an Interplanetary Spy
Be Your Own Duck Commander
Beast Quest Master Your Destiny
Beginning to Read
Behind Closed Doors
Beyond the Labyrinth
Big Night Out
Biggles Adventure Games
Billy Acres
Bin Weevils Choose Your Own Path
Bionic Agent
Birthright Novels
Bix Six Adventures Solo Gamebooks
Black Mirror
Black Power: The Superhero Gamebook
Blackstaff Gamebooks
Blackstone's Magic Adventure
Blackstone's Magical Adventure
Blades & Wizardry
Blog Choices Book
The Blood Crown Quest
Blood Sword
Blue Fox Gamebooks
Book of Legends: The Eternal Empire
The Book of Wizardry
Boot Hill
Bounty Hunter
The Boy in the Book
Boy Shopping
The Brain of Katherine Mansfield
Branching Path Books
Bravest Warriors: This Way or That
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Stake Your Destiny
Build Your Own...
Bureau 13 Novels
Byker Grove
The Bytes Brothers


Call of Cthulhu
Camp Cheer
Can You Brexit? Without Breaking Britain
Can You Solve the Mystery?
Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?
Can You Survive?
Car Warriors
Car Warriors Novels
Car Wars
Car Wars Adventure Gamebooks
Cards of Fate
Career Adventures
Carmen Sandiego
Carmen Sandiego - Mark & See
Carmen Sandiego Novels
Carmen Sandiego: Chase Your Own Caper Series
Case Closed
The Castle of Grom Trilogy
Castle Thrax
Castles of Imagination
Catacombs Solo Quest
Catch-a-Crook Adventure
The CEO: an Interactive Book
Challenge Magazine
Challenger: The Adventure Machine
The Challenges of Zona
Change the Game
Charlie Choicemaker Chooses...
Children's Problem Solving Books
Chip Mitchell
Choice Adventures
Choice Chapter Book
Choice Comix
Choice of Games
ChoicePoint Films
Choices (expanded editions)
Choices (free versions)
Choices Novels
Choose a Path
Choose Cthulhu (English)
Choose Her Peril
Choose the Ending
Choose the Fate of Apollo 13
Choose the Right
Choose Your Boyfriend: Date Him or Dump Him
Choose Your Destiny
Choose Your Destiny: Star Wars
Choose Your Doom!
Choose Your Erotic Adventure
Choose Your Erotic Destiny
Choose Your Fairy Tale
Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998)
Choose Your Own Adventure (2005-)
Choose Your Own Adventure (Bad Publisher Books)
Choose Your Own Adventure - Dragonlarks
Choose Your Own Adventure - iPod Downloads
Choose Your Own Adventure - Passport
Choose Your Own Adventure - Promotional
Choose Your Own Adventure - Space Hawks
Choose Your Own Adventure - The Golden Path
Choose Your Own Adventure - Walt Disney
Choose Your Own Adventure - Young Indiana Jones Chronicles
Choose Your Own Adventure Board Games
Choose Your Own Adventure Dystopian SciFi Interactive Erotica
Choose Your Own Adventure for Younger Readers
Choose Your Own Adventure Graded Reader Series
Choose Your Own Adventure Hardcovers
Choose Your Own Adventure Interactive Movies
Choose Your Own Adventure Junior
Choose Your Own Adventure Reissues (Australian Versions)
Choose Your Own Adventure Software Series
Choose Your Own Adventure Spies
Choose Your Own Adventure Super Adventure
Choose Your Own Adventure Television Special
Choose Your Own Adventure [Graphic Novels]
Choose Your Own Adventure: Stranger Things
Choose Your Own Adventure: Your First Adventure
Choose Your Own Adversity
Choose Your Own Afterlife
Choose Your Own Career Adventure
Choose Your Own Catholic Adventure
Choose Your Own Celebrity Adventure
Choose Your Own Clark Adventures
Choose Your Own Death
Choose Your Own Destiny - The Freedom Finders
Choose Your Own Ending
Choose Your Own Epic
Choose Your Own Erotic Odyssey
Choose Your Own Erotic Story
Choose Your Own Ever After
Choose Your Own Fantasies
Choose Your Own Fate
Choose Your Own Fate
Choose Your Own Horrible History
Choose Your Own Magic
Choose Your Own Mind-Fuck Fest
Choose Your Own Minecraft Story
Choose Your Own Misadventure
Choose Your Own Misery
Choose Your Own Nightmare (1995-1997)
Choose Your Own Nightmare (2014-)
Choose Your Own Nightmare (Multipath Adventures)
Choose Your Own Psychopathy
Choose Your Own ROFLCon
Choose Your Own Star Wars Adventure
Choose Your Own Story: Sneezy Steve
Choose Your Own Story: Sol Wars
Choose Your Own Story: Wendigo's Wizarding Academy
Choose Your Own Track
Choose Your Own Vague Adventure
Choose Your Path
Choose Your Path Sports Books
Choose Your Path!
Choose Your Way Through
Choose-Your-Fate Adventure Books
Choose-Your-Own Erotic Fantasy
Choose-Your-Own-Kink BDSM Adventure
Choose-Your-Own-Path Books
Choose-Your-Own-Path Shakespeare
Choose-Your-Own-Solutions Guidebooks for Parents
Chooseomatic Books
Chooseomatic Games
Chronicles of Magnamund: The Lencian Trilogy
The Chronicles of the Magi
Cirsova: Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense
City of Heroes Novels
CKS Studio
The Cleric Trilogy
Click Your Poison
Club Penguin Pick Your Path
Clue Jr.
The Cluster of Echoes
Coach Your Own Football Team
Code Crackers
Coded Chronicles
Combat Command
Combat Heroes
Comics Squad
Command & Conquer Novels
Commander Kellie and the Superkids
Compass Raiders
A Complete Role-Playing Game
Computer Adventures
Computer Gamer
Confidentially Yours
The Constance Morley Histories
Core Runner
Count Duckula Adventure Scratchgame
Countdown to Danger: Choose Your Own Ending
Create Your Own Erotic Fantasy
Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer
Cretan Chronicles
Crimson Cloak Quest
Critical IF
Crossroads Adventures
The Crystal Maze
Cthulhu Chronicles: Investigations in Lovecraft Country
Cthulhu Mythos Gamebooks
Cubus Games (English)
The Cunningham Kids Adventures
The Curse of Cthulhu
Cyberswine (Multipath Adventures)
Cyborg Commando


D6 Adventure
D6 Fantasy
D6 Space
D66 Gamebooks
Danger International
Dangerous Worlds
Dangerzone Gamebooks
The Dark Eye
Dark Future Fiction
Dark Game
Dark Lord Novels
Dark Matter Novels
The Dark One
Dark Roads
Dark School
Dark Sun Novels
Darksword Novels
Date with Destiny Adventures
Dawn of the Donald
DC Heroes
DC Universe Roleplaying Game
Dealing with Feelings
The Death Gate Cycle Novels
Decide Your Destiny: Aaron Stone
Decide Your Fate
Decide Your Own Adventure
Decide Your Own Destiny
The Decision is Yours
Defender Novels
Demi the Demoness
The Demon's Bane
Descent Novels
Destiny's Role
Destiny's Role: Dimensions
DestinyQuest: Raiders
Detective's Choice
Determine Your Destiny
Determine Your Own Deviation
Devilish Dilemmas: An Edra Tales Gamebook
Diablo Novels
Dicing with Death Adventure Game Books
Dicing with Dragons
Dictate Your Own Destiny
Different Worlds
Digital Detectives Mysteries
Dinky Dungeons
Dinosaur World Gamebooks
Discovering with the Scientists
Disney Adventures
Disney/Pixar Inside Out: You Decide the Ending!
Do-It-Yourself Jewish Adventure Series
Doctor Who
Doctor Who 2 in 1 Adventure Novels
Doctor Who and the Fescan Threat
Doctor Who Magazine
Doctor Who Quiz Books
Doctor Who: Choose the Future
Doctor Who: Decalog Collections
Doctor Who: Decide Your Destiny (Series 1)
Doctor Who: Decide Your Destiny (Series 2)
Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures Novels
Doctor Who: Missing Adventures Novels
Doctor Who: New Adventures Novels
Doctor Who: New Series Novels
Doctor Who: Past Doctor Adventures Novels
Doctor Who: Solitaire Story Game
Doctor Who: Target Books
Doctor Who: Target Books (American Reprints)
Doctor Who: Telos Novellas
Domain of the Deathless King
DOOM Novels
Double Agent Novels
Double Diamond Triangle Saga
Double Game
Dr. Quicksolve Mini-Mysteries
Dradenvale Saga
Dragon Dice Novels
Dragon Dice: The Esfah Sagas Novels
Dragon Lore Series
Dragon Magazine
Dragon Pathways
Dragon Roads
Dragon Warriors
The DragonCrown War Cycle Novels
Dragonlance Novels
Dragonology Pocket Adventures
Dragonriders of Pern
The Dream Palace
Dream Your Own Romance
Dudley Serious Interactive Comics
Duel Master
Duel Master Software
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Dungeon Crawlers
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
Dungeon Gamebook
Dungeon Jest
Dungeon Saga
Dungeonier Digest
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons (4th edition)
Dungeons & Dragons Annual
Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon Show Books
Dungeons & Dragons Interactive Movies
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Game
Dungeons & Dragons Novels
Dungeons & Dragons Novels: The Penhaligon Trilogy
Dungeons & Dragons Third-Party Products
Dungeons & Dragons: The Complete Animated Series
Dungeons to Dominions
Dwarfstar Games


E-Book Adventures
Earth 2 Choose Your Own Journey
Earth Brain
Earth Inspectors
Earthdawn Novels
East African Adventures
Eastgate Hypertext Fiction
Eberron Solo Adventures
Eclipse Graphic Novels
Ed Noon
Edgar Allen Poe
EDGE - Battle Books
EDGE - Crime Team: You Crack the Case
EDGE - I, Hero: Decide Your Own Destiny
EDGE - I, Hero: Legends
EDGE - You Choose If You Live or Die
Eko Interactive Films
Elder Tunnels
Eldritch Duology
Ellery Queen
Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine Game
ELT Adventure Gamebooks
The Enchanted Tales
Encyclopedia Brown
Endless Quest
Endless Quest Books: Crimson Crystal Adventures
Endless Quest Reissues
Endlessly Ever After
Enid Blyton Solve-It-Yourself Mysteries
Enid Blyton's Famous 5 Adventure Games
The Entram Epic
Epic Adventure Game Books
Escape Book
Escape from a Video Game
Escape from Tenopia
Escape from the Kingdom of Frome
Escape Room Adventures
Escape This Book!
Eternal Champions
Ever After High
Exalted Novels
Explorers Of Annwfn
Exploring Haunted & Abandoned
Exploring The Warm Castle
The Eye of the Idol


F.I.S.T. (Fantasy Interactive Scenarios by Telephone)
FA Your Football Fantasy
Fabled Lands
Fabled Lands Quests
Fabled Worlds
Fabulous Terrible: The Adventures of You
Falcon Software
The Famous Five and You
Fantastic Adventures
Fantasy Forest
Fantasy Forum
A Fantasy Gamebook by Christopher Bünte
Fantasy Gamer
Fantasy Hero
Fantasy Hero Gamebooks
Fantasy Questbook
The Fantasy Trip (original release)
The Fantasy Trip (re-release)
Fantasy Warlord
Fantom Empires
FEAR Adventures
The Fifth Hero
Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin)
Fighting Fantasy (2002-2007, Wizard Books Series 1)
Fighting Fantasy (2009-2012, Wizard Books Series 2)
Fighting Fantasy (2017-, Scholastic)
Fighting Fantasy (Big Blue Bubble)
Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook
Fighting Fantasy Audio Dramas
Fighting Fantasy Board Games
Fighting Fantasy Colouring Books
Fighting Fantasy Comics: Freeway Fighter
Fighting Fantasy Comics: Steve Jackson's The Trolltooth Wars
Fighting Fantasy Heroes
Fighting Fantasy Licensed Merchandise
Fighting Fantasy Novels
Fighting Fantasy Poster Book
Fighting Fantasy Video Games
Fighting Fantasy: Amateur Adventures
Fighting Fantasy: Amateur Short Stories
Fighting Fantasy: Clash of the Princes
Fighting Fantasy: d20 System
Fighting Fantasy: Make Something Unreal Live
Fighting Fantasy: The Introductory Role-Playing Game
Fighting Fantasy: The Newsletter
Fighting Fantazine
Fighting Reality
Final Destination
Find Adventure
Find Your (Unfortunate) Fate
Find Your Fate
Find Your Fate - Doctor Who
Find Your Fate - G. I. Joe
Find Your Fate - Jem
Find Your Fate - Random House
Find Your Fate Junior - Golden Girl
Find Your Fate Junior - The Transformers
Find Your Way
Find Yourself Inside
First Quest Novels
Five Nights at Freddy's\ Interactive Novels
Five-Minute Mysteries
Flash Gordon and the Warriors of Mongo
Follow Your Fates
Follow Your Heart (2006)
Follow Your Heart (2014-)
Follow Your Heart Romance
The Food Chain
The Football Adventure Game
Football Fantasy
Forbidden Gateway
Forgotten Forest
Forgotten Realms Novels
Fortean Times
Four Against Darkness
Four Against Mars
Four Against Ragnarök
Four Against the Great Old Ones
Four Against the Titans
Freelance Traveller
Freeway Warrior
Full Flight
Funfax INTER Active Secret Agent File
Funfax Puzzle Adventure
Futurama Comics


Gabriel Knight Novels
Galactic Chronicles
Game Boy
Game of Runes
Gamebook Adventures
Gamebook Adventures
Gamebook Adventures Choices
Gamebook Adventures Masters
Gamebook Adventures: Chooseomatic
Gamebook Adventures: Fighting Fantasy
Gamebook Adventures: Judge Dredd
Gamebook Adventures: Legacy of Dorn
Gamebook Adventures: Ryan North's To Be Or Not To Be
Gamebook Adventures: Strange Loves
Gamebook Adventures: The Spellcaster Trilogy
Gamebook Adventures: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Gamebook Adventures: Trial of the Clone
The Gamebook Collector's Check List and Price Guide
Gamebook Experience
A Gamebook Where You Are the Hero
Gamebook Zine
The Gamer
Games Workshop Jigsaws
Gaming Frontiers
Gary Chalk's Gun Dogs
Geography Quest
Get-a-Clue Picture Mysteries
Ghost Adventure Games
Ghost Ops
Ghostbusters International
Ghostly, Time Travelling Game Books
Girls About Town
Give Yourself Goosebumps
Give Yourself Goosebumps Special Edition
GNAT Adventure Gamebooks
God Allows U-Turns for Youth: You Decide What Happens
Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks
Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks: Augmented Collector's Edition
Gord the Rogue Novels
Grampa Barmo Presents...
Grampa Barmo's Discount Game Magazine
Graphic Novel Adventures
Graphic Novel Adventures: Sherlock Holmes: Baker Street Irregulars
Graphic Novel Adventures: The Crusoe Crew
Gravity Angels (Multipath Adventures)
Gravity Falls "Select Your Own Choose-Venture"
Great Literature Gamebooks
Gregor's Adventures
Greyhawk Novels
Grim Choices
Grim Reaper
Gruesome Gamebooks
Guardian Maia
Guild Adventures


Halloween ComicFest
Hanako Games
Have It Your Way
Have Your Own Extra-Terrestrial Adventure
Heads or Tails
The Heart of Harkun
Heavy Metal Thunder
Hercules and Xena
A Hermacles Divide Gamebook
Hero Point
Hero's Challenge: Sagard the Barbarian
Heroes Against Darkness
Heroes and Legends
Heroes and Other Worlds
High Fantasy
High Fantasy Novels
High School Days
History Quest
The Hobbit Hole
Hocus & Pocus
Homeschool Super Sleuths
Hook Up or Break Up
Horror Classics
How Big is Your Brain?
How Would You Survive?
The Huntress


Ice Age Novels
The IFG Sequence
In Brighton!
Indiana Jones Role-Playing Game
Infocom Novels
The Ingram Chronicles: A Ghostly Time-Travelling Game Book Mini-Series
Interactive Adventure Story
An Interactive Adventure
Interactive Business Games
Interactive Connect-the-Dots Adventures
An Interactive Dating Sim Erotica
Interactive Erotic Parody
Interactive Erotica
Interactive Fiction Gamebooks
Interactive Football Gamebook
Interactive Mega-Zine
Interactive Mysteries
Interactive Mystery Novels
Interactive Pick-Your-Path Erotica
Interactive Short Stories
Interactive Story Series
Interface Success in the Fast Lane Programming Series
Intergalactic Quest
Intruder II: The Next Dimension
Inz Interactive Novels
Iron Dragons
Iron Magicians
The Isotopes
It's a Game... It's a Book... It's Hilarious
It's Your Call
It's Your Choice


James Bond 007
James Bond Jr. Adventure Gamebooks
Joe Dever's Phone Quest
John F. Antal's Tactical Books
John Speir's Puzzle Masters
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D: Choose Your Own Journey
Judge Dredd: The Role-Playing Game
Jughead and Friends Digest
Junior Worlds of Power Novels
Jupiter's Glory Gamebooks
Just Make a Choice!
Justice, Incorporated


Kage Magazine
Kids Can Choose
Kim Possible: Pick a Villain
King Arthur
King's Quest Novels
Kingdom of Loathing
KISS (Multipath Adventures)
Knightmare TeleText Adventures
Knightmare: Amateur Adventures
Knights Club
Knights of the Dinner Table
Knights of Torbalia
Knuckleduster Interactive Western Adventures
Kobolds Ate My Baby!


Labyrinth Lord
Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Lands of Delorian
The Lantern: The Four Against Darkness Zine
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Novels
Laser Books
The Last Battledroid
The Last Book
Last Kid Running
The Last Knight Series
Last Wanderer
Late Fragment
The Late Hour
Lazer Tag Adventures
Legend of the Five Rings Novels
Legend of the Wayfarer
Legendary Journeys
Legendary Kingdoms
Legendary Lives
Legends of Lone Wolf
Legends of Lone Wolf (Berkley, 1990-1991)
Legends of Lone Wolf Audiobooks
The Legends of Skyfall
Legends of the Ancient World
Legends of the Untamed West
Legends of Time and Space
Lego Action Maze Books
The Lego Batman Movie: Build Your Own Story
Lego Puzzle Storybooks
Lego Star Wars
Lemmings Adventure Gamebooks
Life's Lottery
The Lightbringer Trilogy
Lightsaber Dueling Pack
Literally Immersive Gamebooks
The Little Bad Book
Little Kid, Big City!
Live Your Own Adventures
Living Adventure Books
Lobo's Greatest Hits
Lone Wolf (1984-1998)
Lone Wolf (BulkyPix)
Lone Wolf and Cub Game
Lone Wolf Citadel Miniatures
Lone Wolf Club Newsletter
Lone Wolf Graphic Novel
Lone Wolf Junior Editions
Lone Wolf Merchandise
Lone Wolf Multiplayer Game Book
Lone Wolf Software
Lone Wolf, Collector's Edition (2007-)
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition
Lone Wolf: Chronicles of Magnamund Novels
Lone Wolf: The Boardgame
Lone Wolf: The Roleplaying Game
Long Shots
Lord of the Rings Adventure Game
Lose Your Own Adventure
Lost in Austen: Create Your Own Jane Austen Adventure
Lost Souls Novels
Lost World: Jurassic Park Role-Playing Game Book
Lost Worlds Fantasy Combat Books
Lost Worlds: Queen's Blade
Lost: Can You Survive?
Lucky Les


Macho Women with Guns
Mage Knight Novels
Magic Micro Adventure
Magic Mystery
The Magic Road
Magic Voyage
Magic: The Gathering Novels
Magical Kitties Save the Day
The Maglanian Chronicles
The Magnamund Companion
Make a Simple Wish of Your Very Own
Make Believe It's You
Make It Happen
Make Your Dreams Come True
Make Your Own Adventure
Make Your Own Adventure
Make Your Own Ending
Make Your Own Mistakes
Make-Your-Fate Books
Making Choices
Making Good Choices
Manage Your Own Baseball Team
Maps: The Uncollected John Sladek
Marks and Spencer Exclusives
Marvel Multiverse Missions
Marvel Super Heroes
Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Gamebooks (American)
Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Gamebooks (British)
Mass Movement
Masters of the Universe Adventure Game Book
Mathnet Casebooks
Maths Quest
Mechwarrior Novels
Mechwarrior: Dark Age Novels
Meet Me at the Fair
Men in Black Roleplaying Game
Mercenaries, Spies, and Private Eyes
Metal Heroes and the Fate of Rock
Micro Adventure
Micro Adventurer
Middle-earth Quest
Middle-earth Role Playing
The Midnight Legion
Midsomer Murders
A Might & Morality Gamebook
Might and Magic Novels
Minecraft Self Adventure
Mini Adventure Comics
Miniature Wargames
Miscellaneous Works by "Alan George"
Miscellaneous Works by A. J. Lauer and Daniel P. Keidl
Miscellaneous Works by A. K. Forest
Miscellaneous Works by Adam C. Mitchell
Miscellaneous Works by Adam Carter
Miscellaneous Works by Alan Dean Foster
Miscellaneous Works by Amelia Moore
Miscellaneous Works by Andrea Angiolino
Miscellaneous Works by Anshumani Ruddra
Miscellaneous Works by Anthony Lampe
Miscellaneous Works by Ashton MacSaylor and Jamie Thomson
Miscellaneous Works by Ayn Rand
Miscellaneous Works by Ben Fitts
Miscellaneous Works by Bradley J. Jacobson
Miscellaneous Works by C. M. Seabrook
Miscellaneous Works by Carla Jablonski
Miscellaneous Works by Charles A. F. King
Miscellaneous Works by Charlie McCarthy
Miscellaneous Works by Chris Esseltine
Miscellaneous Works by Christian Kindschy
Miscellaneous Works by Christopher Manson
Miscellaneous Works by Christopher McLean-Wheeler
Miscellaneous Works by Cloud Buchholz
Miscellaneous Works by Colin Webster
Miscellaneous Works by Cory Tucholski
Miscellaneous Works by Craig Earl
Miscellaneous Works by D. Mann
Miscellaneous Works by Dale M. Brethower
Miscellaneous Works by Dan Abnett
Miscellaneous Works by Dan Shamir
Miscellaneous Works by Daniel Bissot
Miscellaneous Works by Daniel McCoy
Miscellaneous Works by David Maroto
Miscellaneous Works by David Whyld
Miscellaneous Works by Demian Katz
Miscellaneous Works by Dennis Guerrier
Miscellaneous Works by Dennis Wheatley and J. G. Links
Miscellaneous Works by Dina Anastasio
Miscellaneous Works by Don Bosco
Miscellaneous Works by Don Shaw
Miscellaneous Works by Doris Webster and Mary Alden Hopkins
Miscellaneous Works by Dr. Tammy Watchorn
Miscellaneous Works by Edward Gorey
Miscellaneous Works by Ewen Cluney
Miscellaneous Works by Faringdon Junior School
Miscellaneous Works by Felbrigg Herriot and K. A. Cartlidge
Miscellaneous Works by Fiction Writing Spring 2013
Miscellaneous Works by Finn and Michael Buckley
Miscellaneous Works by Flavio Evans-Pritchard and Blake Evans-Pritchard
Miscellaneous Works by Flint Dille
Miscellaneous Works by Gaetano Abbondanza
Miscellaneous Works by Garth Nix
Miscellaneous Works by Geavonnie Frazier
Miscellaneous Works by George Wylesol
Miscellaneous Works by Gillian Clements
Miscellaneous Works by Grayshott CE Primary School
Miscellaneous Works by Hal Runkel
Miscellaneous Works by Iain Hollingshead
Miscellaneous Works by Ian Livingstone
Miscellaneous Works by Ilyse Mimoun
Miscellaneous Works by Jack Blood [Джак Блъд]
Miscellaneous Works by Jack Craig
Miscellaneous Works by Jacob Allred
Miscellaneous Works by Jacob Dean and Maggie DiRenzo
Miscellaneous Works by Jacques Penrod
Miscellaneous Works by Jaiveer Asthana
Miscellaneous Works by Janina Scarlet
Miscellaneous Works by Jason Shiga
Miscellaneous Works by Jennifer and John Robinson
Miscellaneous Works by Jo Cadwallader
Miscellaneous Works by John E. Kirk
Miscellaneous Works by John M. Withers IV
Miscellaneous Works by Jonathon Kelly
Miscellaneous Works by Jorge Luis Borges
Miscellaneous Works by Judgement Dave
Miscellaneous Works by Julio Cortázar
Miscellaneous Works by Kathy I. Turner
Miscellaneous Works by Kevin Brockmeier
Miscellaneous Works by Khara Khang
Miscellaneous Works by Kim Newman
Miscellaneous Works by Kit Williams
Miscellaneous Works by Kitty Curran and Larissa Zageris
Miscellaneous Works by Kris Schnee
Miscellaneous Works by Kristan J. Wheaton and Melonie K. Richey
Miscellaneous Works by Kristopher James
Miscellaneous Works by Ladypajama
Miscellaneous Works by Lawrence Schick
Miscellaneous Works by Leila Johnston
Miscellaneous Works by Leslie Turek
Miscellaneous Works by Liriel Saarinen
Miscellaneous Works by Mae McKinnon
Miscellaneous Works by Marcus Pfister
Miscellaneous Works by Marianna Coppo
Miscellaneous Works by Marie Phillips
Miscellaneous Works by Mark Wightman
Miscellaneous Works by Masato Toys
Miscellaneous Works by Matt Barton
Miscellaneous Works by Matt Shaw
Miscellaneous Works by Mehdi Fakrahmad
Miscellaneous Works by Michael A. Stackpole
Miscellaneous Works by Michael David Burgess
Miscellaneous Works by Miguel Ángel García and Adrian Benatar
Miscellaneous Works by Mike Tolar
Miscellaneous Works by Mike Wilks
Miscellaneous Works by mobipoki
Miscellaneous Works by Nathan Holic
Miscellaneous Works by Neil Patrick Harris
Miscellaneous Works by Nicholas Bourbaki
Miscellaneous Works by Nicholas Gauthier
Miscellaneous Works by Nick Veyer
Miscellaneous Works by Othniel Poole
Miscellaneous Works by P. F. Kozak
Miscellaneous Works by Paul Adshead
Miscellaneous Works by Paul Beck
Miscellaneous Works by Paul Mason
Miscellaneous Works by Paul Partington
Miscellaneous Works by Pavel Tomcsányi (English)
Miscellaneous Works by Peter Andrew Jones
Miscellaneous Works by Philip Steele
Miscellaneous Works by Pippa Goodhart
Miscellaneous Works by Prince Leopold Loewenstein and William Gerhardi
Miscellaneous Works by R. Wayne Schmittberger
Miscellaneous Works by Rob Sears
Miscellaneous Works by Robert B. Nelson
Miscellaneous Works by Robert DuValle
Miscellaneous Works by Robertson Sondoh Jr.
Miscellaneous Works by Roger A. Davie
Miscellaneous Works by Roland Stenglin
Miscellaneous Works by Rose Estes
Miscellaneous Works by Rosemary Preece
Miscellaneous Works by Rudolf Kerkhoven and Daniel Pitts
Miscellaneous Works by S. C. Cunningham
Miscellaneous Works by Sacha Wheeler
Miscellaneous Works by Samuel Isaacson
Miscellaneous Works by Sarah Hingley
Miscellaneous Works by Sarah Wendell and Candy Tan
Miscellaneous Works by Shane Garvey
Miscellaneous Works by Shon Richards
Miscellaneous Works by Simon Palmer
Miscellaneous Works by Siobhán Gallagher
Miscellaneous Works by Stefano Ronchi
Miscellaneous Works by Steffie Brocoli and Catherine Bidet
Miscellaneous Works by Steve Rioux
Miscellaneous Works by Steven Bennett
Miscellaneous Works by Stuart and Donna Paltrowitz
Miscellaneous Works by Susan Alexander
Miscellaneous Works by T. M. Grundner, Ed. D.
Miscellaneous Works by Tania De Rozario
Miscellaneous Works by the Oulipo
Miscellaneous Works by Thorin N. Tatge
Miscellaneous Works by Tiny Concept
Miscellaneous Works by Tom Bullimore
Miscellaneous Works by Torquemada [Edward Powys Mathers]
Miscellaneous Works by Travis Haan
Miscellaneous Works by Tsunami Media
Miscellaneous Works by Virginia A. Roper
Miscellaneous Works by Walton D. Stowell II
Miscellaneous Works by Will Entrekin
Miscellaneous Works by Zach Allred
Miscellaneous Works by Zoot Sax
Miscellaneous Works Published by Perfect Day Publishing
Miser's Hoard
Miss Adventure
The Monkey God's Curse
The Monster Horrorshow
Moshi Monsters Pick Your Path
Mr. Buckethead Adventure Game Series
Multiple Ending Stories
Multiple-Ending Bible Adventures
Mutant Chronicles Novels
Mutants & Masterminds
Muttkins' Stories
My First Adventure
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Make Your Own Magic
My Ultimate Super Hero Manual
My Ultimate Super Villain Manual
Myst Novels
Mystara Novels
Mystic Knights of Tir na Nog
Myth Makers
Mythos Tales
Mythweaver Solitaire


Nancy Drew Puzzle Books
Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Be a Detective Mystery Series
Narborion Saga
Narnia Solo Games
National City Stories
Necromunda Novels
The Necronomicon Gamebook
Neither Either nor Or
Nemo's Fury
New Scientist
New Worlds
The New Yorker
Next Generation Gamebooks
Nintendo Adventure Books
Nintendo Power
NorthCoast RolePlaying


On the Spot
Once Upon... 1001 Stories
One Beginning, Multiple Endings
One Hundred Series
One Minute Mysteries
One Roll Gamebooks
One Shot Adventures (Dungeons & Dragons)
One Shot Adventures (GURPS)
One Way Out Novel
Open World Adventure Books
OpenD6 Solitaire Adventure
Operation WetFish, Vampire Detective Gamebooks
Opt for the Path
Oracle System
The Oregon Trail: Choose Your Own Trail
The Outbreak
Oxford Bookworms


Panurgic Adventures
Paranoia Novels
Participatory Mystery
Party of One
Party of One
Path Of Exile Gamebooks
Path of Legends: Lost City of the Dwarves
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Paths of Doom
Paths of Storytelling
A Pauper's Ladder Adventure Gamebook
The Penguins of Madagascar Pick Your Path
Perfect Dark Novels
The Peter Pan Adventure Game
Phase VII
The Phudd Files
Piccolo Mysterysolvers
Pick Your Erotic Adventure
Pick Your Own Dream Date
Pick Your Own Quest
Pick Your Path
Pick Your Path Adventures
Pick Your Path Interactive Erotica Games
Pick Your Pleasure
Pick-a-Path Apocalypse
Pick-Your-Own-Plot Adventure
Pick-Your-Path Business Books
Planescape Novels
Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies Graphic Novels
Play-It-Your-Way Sports Books
Play-Your-Way Midnight Arcade
Playmark Book Games
Playmobil Interactive Movies
Plot-It-Yourself - A-Team
Plot-It-Yourself - Love Boat
Plot-It-Yourself - Magnum, P.I.
Plot-It-Yourself Adventure Stories
Plot-It-Yourself Adventures in Space
Plot-Your-Own Adventure Stories
Plot-Your-Own Horror Stories
Pocket Dungeon
Pocket RPG
Pocket Troll
Pokémon Chapter Books
Police Files / Spy Files
Pop-Up Whodunit
Popeye (Multipath Adventures)
The Power to Choose
The Powerless Series
The Powerpuff Girls Plus You Club
Press Start!
Pretty Little Mistakes
Prime Directive
Prince Groffy
Prince of Shadows
Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure
Proteus Books Novels
Psyche: Gamebooks Reborn
Psycho Killer
A Psychological Horror Gamebook
Puzzle Adventure Stories
Puzzle Storybooks


QADD: Quick and Dirty Dungeons
QAGS: Quick Ass Game System
Quasits & Quasars
QUERP: Quick Easy Role Play
Quest Adventure Set
Quest Calendars
Quest Game Books
Quest Path Fantasy
Quest: A Time of Heroes
Quicksilver Fantasies Solo-Adventures


Race Against Time Novels (UK)
Race Against Time Novels (US)
Radiance Gamebook
Ral Partha Miniatures
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Random Solo Adventure
Ranger in Danger (Decide Your Destiny)
The Rangers of Taradoin
Ravenloft Novels
The Reader as Detective
Reading in Action - Choose Your Own Story
Ready Brek Game
Real Life Gamebooks
Reboot Adventure Games
Red Giant
The Regional Accounts Director of Firetop Mountain
Relic Worlds: Pick Your Path
The Ren and Stimpy Special (American)
The Ren and Stimpy Special (Australian)
Rescue the Princess
Resident Evil Novels
Retro Quest
The Rhodonite Saga
Rider of the Black Sun
Ring Quest
Rise of the Ancients
Rising Phoenix Games Solo Adventures
Risus: The Anything RPG
Rivers of London: The Roleplaying Game
A Road Less Traveled
A Road Less Traveled
Robin of Sherwood
Robo Force
Role Aids
ROLF!: The Rollplaying Game of Big Dumb Fighters
Roll On Adventure: Choose Your Path
Rolled & Told
RollerCoaster Tycoon
Romance Stories - An Interactive Fiction Collection
Roose Your Rown Radventure
Rose of the Prophet Novels
RPG Review
Rubik's Quest
Rugged Kingdom Gamebooks
Rumors from the Role-Inn
RuneQuest: Slayers
Runesword Novels


The Saga of the Ariax
Saga of the Lost Lands Novels
Sagas of the Demonspawn
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Savage Realms Gamebooks
Savage Realms: The Legorian Kings Saga
Savage Worlds
Save the Fair Maiden
Scarthey, University of the Arcane: Choose Your Destiny
Scenarios: Interactive Fiction for Girls
Scene of the Crime
Science Quest
Scooby-Doo and You: Collect the Clues Mysteries
Scooby-Doo! Case Files
Scream Shop Pick Your Path
Search for the Golden Acorn
The Secret Files of Dakota King
Select Your Own Continuum
The Seventh Expert
Sextrap Dungeon
Sexuality Decision-Making Series for Teens
Shadis Magazine
Shadow Thief
A Shadow Thief Caper
Shadowrun Novels
Shadows of Esteren
Shelby [English]
Sheriff Grizzly Gamebooks
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective
The Sherlock Holmes Escape Book
Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries
The Shifting Quest
Shinté Warrior Series
Shooting Star Comics Anthology
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Novels
Silhouette Romance
Silkwords LLC
Silly Basketball Sportsmysteries
Silly Football Sportsmysteries
Simon Sidebottom
Skin Horse
Skylanders Universe Pick Your Portal
The Slave Traders of Ganox
Smart Books
Smart Choices Kids: Interactive Fairy Tale Adventures
Sniper! Adventure Gamebooks
Solitaire Tic-Tac-Toe
The Solo Dungeon
Solo Hero Series
A Solo RPG Adventure Set in Irish Myth and Folklore
Solve It Yourself
Solve It Yourself... The Mystery Squad
Solve Your Own Mystery
Solve-the-Puzzles Adventure Tales
Sonic the Hedgehog Adventure Gamebooks
Sonic the Hedgehog Adventure Gamebooks (Ladybird)
Sonic the Hedgehog: American Novels
Sonic the Hedgehog: British Novels
Sorcerer's Apprentice
The Sorcerer's Scrolls
Sorcery! (Inkle)
Sorcery! (Seb EJ & Bright AI)
The Sound of Drowning
Space Gamer
Space Gamer / Fantasy Gamer
Space Giant
Space Quest Novel
Speechcloud Interactive Audio
Spellcaster Gamebooks
Spelljammer Novels: The Cloakmaster Cycle
Sports Illustrated for Kids: Play Book!
Sports Illustrated for Kids: You Call the Play
Sprints Flips
STAKE: A Game of Horror & Intrigue
Star Challenge
Star Drive Novels
Star Frontiers
Star of the Guardians Novels
Star Trek Board Games
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Star Wars - The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny (American)
Star Wars - The Clone Wars: Decide Your Destiny (British)
Star Wars Adventure Journal
Star Wars Adventurers Journal
Star Wars Adventures
Star Wars Episode I Adventures
Star Wars Galaxy
Star Wars Gamer
Star Wars Missions
Star Wars Role-Playing Game
Star Wars Solitaire Adventures
Star Wars Starfighter Battle Book
Star Wars: The Lost Jedi
Star Wars: X-Wing Novels
Starcraft Novels
Starfire Novels
Starlight Adventures
Starship Titanic Novels
Starsong Chronicles
Starting Up
Steam Highwayman
Steam Highwayman (Cubus Games)
Steeleye and the Lost Magic
Stephen Thraves Adventure Gamebooks
Stephen Thraves Compact Adventure Gamebooks
Stepping into the Bible
Steve Jackson's Swordmaster
Storm Weavers: Solo Tabletop Game
Story Thieves
The Storymaster's Tales
Stray Cat
Strive to Survive
Sugarcane Island
Sum-Way Books
Super Eye Adventure
Super Powers Which Way Books
Super Sherlock
Super Sleuth
Super You! Pick-Your-Path Adventures
Superman (Multipath Adventures)
A Survival Horror Game Book
Survive Your Own Adventure
Surviving Middle School
Sweet Agatha


T&T Adventures Japan
Tails of Equestria
Take Control
Talamander: Fantasy Gamebook Magazine
Tales from Alcantria
Tales from Ane Moni
Tales of Quahnarren
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Tales of the Fabled Lands
Tangled Tales
The Taran Trilogy
Team 3000 Press Zines
Team Leadership
Teenagers from Outer Space
Tékumel Novels
Temple Run: Run for Your Life
Tenebrous Press Gamebooks
Tenkai Knights Pick Your Path
Terror T.R.A.X.
The Texture of the Sky
The Legend of Zelda
The Magnet Detective
The Maze of Games
The New Road You Uncover So
The Smoke Dream
The Temple on Terilek Prime
The Terrifics
Thomas & Friends
Thomerion Trilogy
Thrilling Adventures in Space
Thunderbirds Are Go
Time & Fate Adventure Gamebooks
Time Crashers
Time Lord
Time Machine
Time Traveler
Timmi Tobbson Solve-Them-Yourself Mysteries Adventures
To the Magical Pond
Tom Clancy's EndWar Novels
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Novels
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Novels
Tortured Souls
Tower of Elbrith
Tower of Indomitable Circumstance
A Toy Mystery Gamebook
Track It Yourself Adventures
Tracker Books
The Traitors
Transformers Animated - Be the Hero
The Transformers
Traveller: Twilight Sector
Trial of the Clone
Tricky Journeys
Trio: Rebels in the New World
The Trollish Tribune
Try Not to Die
TSR Books
Tunnels and Trolls
Tunnels and Trolls
Tunnels and Trolls / Golden d20 Dual System
Tunnels and Trolls: Alligator
Tunnels and Trolls: Bolt Thrower Press
Tunnels and Trolls: Chimerae Hobby Group
Tunnels and Trolls: David A. Ullery
Tunnels and Trolls: Dragon Tree Press
Tunnels and Trolls: Eposic
Tunnels and Trolls: Fabled Worlds
Tunnels and Trolls: Infinity Limited
Tunnels and Trolls: Judges Guild
Tunnels and Trolls: Khaghbboommm Press
Tunnels and Trolls: Lone Delver Games
Tunnels and Trolls: Michael Haensel
Tunnels and Trolls: Mini Solo
Tunnels and Trolls: Necropolis of Vaarh
Tunnels and Trolls: Outlaw Press
Tunnels and Trolls: Peryton Publishing
Tunnels and Trolls: Stuart Lloyd
Tunnels and Trolls: Supers Solo Series
Tunnels and Trolls: Tavernmaster Games
Tunnels and Trolls: The Crown of Klade
Tunnels and Trolls: Trollhalla Press
Tunnels and Trolls: Trollish Delver Games
Turning Points
TutorText: Doubleday Series
TutorText: Educational Science Division Series
Twisted Journeys
Twisted Stories
Twisted Tales
Two-Fisted Fantasy
Two-Minute Mysteries


Ultima Novels
Ultimate Ending
The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl (2015)
Unbelievably Simple Roleplaying (USR)
Uncle Grandpa
Unravel Your Destiny
The Unwritten
Usborne Advanced Puzzle Adventures
Usborne Adventure Gamebooks
Usborne Brainbenders
Usborne Fantasy Adventures
Usborne First Steps to Reading
Usborne Puzzle Adventures
Usborne Science Puzzle Adventures
Usborne Solve It Yourself
Usborne Spinechillers
Usborne Superpuzzles
Usborne Whodunnits
Usborne Young Puzzle Adventures
Usborne Young Puzzles


Varney the Vampyr
Vengeance Game Books
A Victorian Multiverse Game Book
Virgin Adventure Gamebooks
Virtual Murder
Virtual Reality
Visual Baker Gamebook Apps
Von L-Interactives
VOR: The Maelstrom Novels
VulcanVerse Solo Roleplaying Adventures


Wanderer Gamebook+
Warcraft Novels
Warhammer 40,000 Fiction
Warhammer Adventures: Realm Quest Novels
Warhammer Adventures: Warped Galaxies Novels
Warhammer Fantasy Fiction
Warhammer Warriors
Warhammer: Path to Victory
The Warlock Returns
Watchers Novels
The Way of the Quail
The Way of the Tiger Software
The Way of the Tiger
Webs of Intrigue
Whai Whai
What Happens Next?
What If Books
What If...
What If? Post-war Choices in Singapore
What Lies Beneath the Clock Tower
What Should Gavin Do Next?
What Would You Do?
What's Your Story?
Whatever You Want
Which Way Books
Which Way Secret Door Books
Which Way?
White Dwarf
White Wolf
Whizzy's Incredible Journeys
Who Dunnit?
Who-Done-It Adventure Game
Wicked Way Interactive
Windhammer Prize Entries
Wing Commander Novels
Wing Commander: Movie Universe Novels
The Wings Keeton Role Playing Game
Witherwind Games Solo Adventures
Wizards, Warriors & You
The Wollarp Trilogy
Woodland Forest Chronicles
World of Aden: Thunderscape Novels
World of Darkness Novels
The World of Indiana Jones
The World of Lone Wolf
The World of Lone Wolf: Collector's Edition
The World of Odéa
Worlds of Power Novels
Worst-Case Scenario Ultimate Adventure
Woven Paths
Write Your Own Adventure
WWE Pick Your Path
The Wyldemere Chronicles


Xanth Novels
Xbox Novels
Xena: Warrior Princess (Multipath Adventures)
XO Play iPod Games


ye Royal Adventure
You Are a Mathematician
You Are Deadpool
You Are Spider-Man
You Are the Classics
You Are the Coach
You Are the Hero
You Are The Hero: A History of Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks
You Are the Star
You Are the Star of a Muppet Adventure
You Are There
You Are There Bible Adventures
You Be the Detective
You Be the Jury
You Can Be the Stainless Steel Rat
You Choose
You Choose (Judaica Press)
You Choose: Batman
You Choose: Chilling Interactive Adventures
You Choose: Could You Survive?
You Choose: Fractured Fairy Tales
You Choose: Interactive Battlefield Adventures
You Choose: Interactive Doomsday Adventures
You Choose: Interactive Engineering Adventures
You Choose: Interactive Espionage Adventures
You Choose: Interactive History Adventures
You Choose: Interactive Modern History Adventures
You Choose: Interactive Mythological Adventures
You Choose: Interactive Space Exploration Adventures
You Choose: Interactive Survival Adventures
You Choose: Justice League
You Choose: Monster Hunter
You Choose: Scooby-Doo
You Choose: Superman
You Choose: Wonder Woman
YOU Decide Which Paths to Take!
You Make It Happen
You Make It Happen Bible Adventures
You Must
You Save the World Adventures
You Say Which Way
You Say Which Way Adventure Quiz
You-Solve-It Mysteries
Your AMAZING Adventures
Your Choice
Your Choice
Your Choice Books
Your Decision
Your Fantasy, Your Rules
Your First Adventure
Your Naughty Playmate
Your Party Needs You


Zebra Mystery Puzzlers
Zombie Death Town
A Zombie Gamebook
Zorn's Quest