Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Series - Quest Game Books

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Publishers: Oxford University Press -- United Kingdom
Scribos Ltd. -- United Kingdom
Categories: Complexity Level : Basic (No Game System)
Format : Paperback
Genre : Fantasy
Target Age Group : Older Children
Writing Style : Present Tense
Writing Style : Second Person

This series actually consists of two "school packs," each containing six short booklets. The first set follows the adventures of Kern the Strong while the second involves Kern's friend Oss. There's not really a game system to speak of in the adventures, though the reader is encouraged to take notes along the way.

The first set was reissued by Scribos Ltd. as interactive CD-ROM software (still aimed at the school market) several years after the release of the books.


Kern the Strong: School Pack
Oss the Quick: School Pack


1. The City
2. The Star Flower
3. The Contest
4. The Werewolf
5. The Lost Ring
6. The Ghost
7. The Crown
8. The Nasty
9. The Robbery
10. The Orb
11. Poison
12. The Imposter

Video Games

Kern the Strong: CD-ROM

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