Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Category - Genre : Fantasy

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1 on 1 Adventure Gamebooks
1000 Gefahren

5Back to Top ↑

5E Solo Gamebooks

ABack to Top ↑

A Select Your Own Timeline Adventure
À vous de jouer !
À vous de jouer 2
A.S.P.E. - Lav Dit Eget Eventyr
Abenteuer-Spielbuch im Geborgenen Land
Abenteuer-Spielbuch in Ulldart
ACE Gamebooks
Adobenchā noberusu [アドベンチャーノベルス]
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Gamebooks
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring Album
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Third-Party Products
Advanced Fighting Fantasy
Adventure Begins Here
Adventure Gaming
Adventure Paths
Adventure Quest
Adventure Time
Adventure Time: Which Way, Dude?
Adventurers Wanted!
Adventures of Goldhawk
Adventures on Tékumel
Amazing Stories
Angus Dewer
Aquelarre Siglo XIV
Arcane Rites
Ariona: The Bounty Hunter
Asterix - Alea Jacta Est
Asterix - Alea Jacta Est!
Atama iiBooks
Attack On Titan Choose Your Path! Adventure
Avalon Solo Adventures
Aventuras em RPG
Aventuras Interativas

BBack to Top ↑

Basic Role-Playing
Battle Quest
BattleCards (US)
Battlegame Books
La BD dont tu es le petit héros
BD Interactive
Beast Quest Master Your Destiny
Bix Six Adventures Solo Gamebooks
Blackstaff Gamebooks
Blades & Wizardry
Blod & Stål
The Blood Crown Quest
Blood Sword
Bob Morane Magazine
Book of Legends: The Eternal Empire
The Book of Wizardry
Bouclier Ardent

CBack to Top ↑

Castle Thrax
Castles of Imagination
Casus Belli
The Challenges of Zona
Choices (expanded editions)
Choices (free versions)
Choisis ton aventure avec...
Choose Your Fairy Tale
Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998)
Choose Your Own Adventure (2005-)
Choose Your Own Adventure - Dragonlarks
Choose Your Own Adventure - Walt Disney
Choose Your Own Adventure for Younger Readers
Choose Your Own Adventure Graded Reader Series
Choose Your Own Adventure Hardcovers
Choose Your Own Adventure Reissues (Australian Versions)
Choose Your Own Erotic Odyssey
Choose Your Own Magic
Choose Your Own Vague Adventure
Die Chroniken von Numed
Les Chroniques d'Hamalron
The Cleric Trilogy
Coleção RPG
Combat Heroes
A Complete Role-Playing Game
Computer Gamer
Conan [Конан]
Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer
Cretan Chronicles
Crimson Cloak Quest
Crossroads Adventures

DBack to Top ↑

D6 Fantasy
Dangerous Worlds
Dangerzone Gamebooks
The Dark Eye
Dark Game
Dark Game
The Dark One
Dark School
Défis et sortilèges
Demi the Demoness
The Demon's Bane
Destiny's Role
Destiny's Role
DestinyQuest: Raiders
Devilish Dilemmas: An Edra Tales Gamebook
Dicing with Death Adventure Game Books
Dicing with Dragons
Different Worlds
Dinky Dungeons
Disney Adventures
Domain of the Deathless King
Le Donjon de Naheulbeuk
Double Diamond Triangle Saga
Double Game
Dradenvale Saga
Dragão Brasil
Dragon d'or: édition Collector
Dragon Lore Series
Dragon Magazine
Dragon Quest II [ドラゴンクエストII]
Dragon Quest III [ドラゴンクエストIII]
Dragon Quest IV [ドラゴンクエストIV]
Dragon Quest V [ドラゴンクエストV]
Dragon Quest VI [ドラゴンクエストVI]
Dragon Quest [ドラゴンクエスト]
Dragon Roads
Dragonology Pocket Adventures
Dragonriders of Pern
Drakar och demoner
The Dream Palace
Duel Master
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Dungeon Crawlers
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
Dungeon Gamebook
Dungeon Jest
Dungeon Saga
Dungeonier Digest
Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons (4th edition)
Dungeons & Dragons Annual
Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon Show Books
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures Game
Dungeons & Dragons Third-Party Products
Dungeons & Dragons: The Complete Animated Series
Dungeons to Dominions

EBack to Top ↑

E agora você decide
E agora você decide: Série Brasileira
E Giochi
Eberron Solo Adventures
EDGE - I, Hero: Decide Your Own Destiny
EDGE - I, Hero: Legends
Elder Tunnels
Elige tu cuento
Elige tu propia aventura - Original Mexican Releases
En las cenizas
The Enchanted Tales
Endless Quest
Endless Quest Books: Crimson Crystal Adventures
Endless Quest Reissues
Endlessly Ever After
Epic Adventure Game Books
Escape book
Escape from the Kingdom of Frome
Estandarte Sangrento
Explorers Of Annwfn

FBack to Top ↑

Fabled Lands
Fabled Lands Quests
Fantasi & terninger
Fantastic Adventures
Fantasy Forest
Fantasy Forum
A Fantasy Gamebook by Christopher Bünte
Fantasy Hero
Fantasy Hero Gamebooks
Fantasy Kalandjáték
Fantasy Punk
The Fantasy Trip (original release)
The Fantasy Trip (re-release)
Ein Fantasy-Spiel
Ein Fantasy-Spielbuch von Christopher Bünte
Ein Fantasy-Spielbuch
Fantasy-Universal-Abenteuer Abenteuer-Set
Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin)
Fighting Fantasy (2002-2007, Wizard Books Series 1)
Fighting Fantasy (2009-2012, Wizard Books Series 2)
Fighting Fantasy (2017-, Scholastic)
Fighting Fantasy (Big Blue Bubble)
Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook
Fighting Fantasy Audio Dramas
Fighting Fantasy Comics: Steve Jackson's The Trolltooth Wars
Fighting Fantasy Heroes
Fighting Fantasy Second Age: Negart Group
Fighting Fantasy: Amateur Adventures
Fighting Fantasy: Amateur Adventures
Fighting Fantasy: Clash of the Princes
Les fils du Soleil
Find Adventure
Find vej i Mytanien
Find Your Fate - Random House
Find Your Fate Junior - Golden Girl
Follow Your Fates
Forge Divine
Forgotten Forest
Fra Tenebra e Abisso

GBack to Top ↑

Game Boy
Game of Runes
Gamebook Adventures Masters
Gamebook Adventures: The Spellcaster Trilogy
Gamebook Adventures: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Gamer
I Giochi del 2000
Gloire Posthume
GNAT Adventure Gamebooks
Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks
Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks: Augmented Collector's Edition
Grampa Barmo's Discount Game Magazine
Gregor's Adventures
Grim Reaper
Das Grosse Enwor Rollenspielbuch
Das Grosse Spielbücher
Grüsel & Co. - Der Club
Guía básica del juego de rol
Guild Adventures

HBack to Top ↑

Harcos képzelet : játékkönyvek
Hercules and Xena
A Hermacles Divide Gamebook
Hero's Challenge: Sagard the Barbarian
Heroes Against Darkness
Heroes and Other Worlds
High Fantasy
The Hobbit Hole
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
The Huntress

IBack to Top ↑

The IFG Sequence
Imperio Cobra
Interactive Connect-the-Dots Adventures
Inz Interactive Novels
It's Your Call

JBack to Top ↑

Je bouquine
Le Journal de Mickey

KBack to Top ↑

Kata Kumbas
Das Kind der dunklen Sonne
King Arthur
Kingdom of Loathing
Knaurs Buch der Rollenspiele
Knightmare: Amateur Adventures
Kobolds Ate My Baby!
Konfliktsimulations- und Rollenspiele: die neuen Spiele

LBack to Top ↑

Labyrinth Lord
Labyrinth Lord
Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Lands of Delorian
The Last Book
The Last Knight Series
Last RPG Fantasy
Legacy Fantasy Spielbuch
Legendary Kingdoms
Legendary Kingdoms
Legendary Kingdoms: Édition Française
Legendary Lives
Legender fra Lavlandet
Légendes et maléfices
The Legends of Skyfall
Legends of the Ancient World
Lemmings Adventure Gamebooks
Le Letture
Die Letzte Silberklinge
Leyenda ëlfica
Leyendas de Hiboria
Libri Gioco
Libro Avventura
Lite Coldlancer
Livro-Jogo de RPG
La Loi du sabre
Lone Wolf (1984-1998)
Lone Wolf (BulkyPix)
Lone Wolf Junior Editions
Lone Wolf, Collector's Edition (2007-)
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition
Lone Wolf: The Roleplaying Game
Lord of the Rings Adventure Game
Lost Worlds Fantasy Combat Books
Lost Worlds: Queen's Blade Grimoire [クイーンズブレイド グリムワール]
Lost Worlds: Queen's Blade Rebellion [クイーンズブレイド リベリオン]
Lost Worlds: Queen's Blade [クイーンズブレイド]
Lost Worlds: Queen's Gate [クイーンズゲイト]

MBack to Top ↑

Magic Micro Adventure
The Magic Road
The Maglanian Chronicles
The Magnamund Companion
Mágus - Kalandorkrónikák
Make a Simple Wish of Your Very Own
Make Believe It's You
Make Your Own Adventure
Marks and Spencer Exclusives
Mästaren av Flux
Masters of the Universe Adventure Game Book
Mech' I sud'ba [Меч и судьба]
Médiéval Fantastique
Micro Adventure
Middle-earth Quest
Middle-earth Role Playing
A Might & Morality Gamebook
Mini Adventure Comics
Miscellaneous Works by Adam Carter
Miscellaneous Works by Alterlimbus
Miscellaneous Works by Anthony Lampe
Miscellaneous Works by Bradley J. Jacobson
Miscellaneous Works by Carla Jablonski
Miscellaneous Works by Charles A. F. King
Miscellaneous Works by Charlotte Erpenbeck
Miscellaneous Works by Christian and Florian Sussner
Miscellaneous Works by Christopher Manson
Miscellaneous Works by Christopher McLean-Wheeler
Miscellaneous Works by Cory Tucholski
Miscellaneous Works by Ewen Cluney
Miscellaneous Works by Fiction Writing Spring 2013
Miscellaneous Works by Flavio Andrade and Carlos Klimick
Miscellaneous Works by Flavio Evans-Pritchard and Blake Evans-Pritchard
Miscellaneous Works by Giorgio Enrico Luca Garrapa
Miscellaneous Works by Grayshott CE Primary School
Miscellaneous Works by Jack Craig
Miscellaneous Works by Janina Scarlet
Miscellaneous Works by John M. Withers IV
Miscellaneous Works by Jonathon Kelly
Miscellaneous Works by Juan Pablo Fernández
Miscellaneous Works by Kai Neumeyer
Miscellaneous Works by Kristopher James
Miscellaneous Works by Mae McKinnon
Miscellaneous Works by Manuel da Silva Carneiro
Miscellaneous Works by Marcel Groenewegen
Miscellaneous Works by Marcus Pfister
Miscellaneous Works by Mark Wightman
Miscellaneous Works by Michael Mindcrime [Mайкъл Майндкрайм]
Miscellaneous Works by Patricia Strunk
Miscellaneous Works by Patrick Leis
Miscellaneous Works by Paul Partington
Miscellaneous Works by Pavel Tomcsányi
Miscellaneous Works by Pedro Panhoca
Miscellaneous Works by Robert Blond [Робърт Блонд] and Adrian Wayne [Ейдриън Уейн]
Miscellaneous Works by Robert DuValle
Miscellaneous Works by Robertson Sondoh Jr.
Miscellaneous Works by Shane Garvey
Miscellaneous Works by Shon Richards
Miscellaneous Works by Stefano Ronchi
Miscellaneous Works by Timm Daniels [Тим Дениълс]
Miscellaneous Works by Tsunami Media
Miscellaneous Works by Walton D. Stowell II
Miser's Hoard
Mistério na Vila da Neblina
Le monde d'Odéa
The Monkey God's Curse
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Make Your Own Magic
My Ultimate Super Hero Manual
My Ultimate Super Villain Manual
Mystic Knights of Tir na Nog
Mythweaver Solitaire

NBack to Top ↑

Narnia Solo Games
Neither Either nor Or
Nintendo Adventure Books
Nintendo Power

OBack to Top ↑

Once Upon... 1001 Stories
One Roll Gamebooks
One Shot Adventures (Dungeons & Dragons)
One Shot Adventures (GURPS)
OpenD6 Solitaire Adventure
Oracle System
Original Gamebooks [オリジナルゲームブック]

PBack to Top ↑

Pandreed, der Träger des Pfandsteins
Panurgic Adventures
Party of One
Party of One
Path Of Exile Gamebooks
Path of Legends: Lost City of the Dwarves
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Paths of Doom
A Pauper's Ladder Adventure Gamebook
The Peter Pan Adventure Game
Les Petits Retz pédagogiques
Pick Your Path
Pick Your Path Adventures
Playmark Book Games
Pocket Dungeon
Pocket RPG
Press Start!
Prikazka-igra [Приказка-игра]
Priklyuchencheskaya kniga-igra [Приключенческая книга-игра]
Prince Groffy
Prince of Shadows
Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure
Put' geroya [Путь героя]

QBack to Top ↑

QAGS: Quick Ass Game System
Quasits & Quasars
QUERP: Quick Easy Role Play
Quest Calendars
Quest Game Books
Quest Path Fantasy

RBack to Top ↑

Radiance Gamebook
Random Solo Adventure
The Rangers of Taradoin
Ready Brek Game
Reiter der Schwarzen Sonne
Rescue the Princess
Retro Quest
Retro Quest
Rêve de Dragon
Revista NoSoloRol
The Rhodonite Saga
Rider of the Black Sun
Ring Quest
Rising Phoenix Games Solo Adventures
Risus: The Anything RPG
A Road Less Traveled
Robin of Sherwood
Role Aids
Roll On Adventure: Choose Your Path
RuneQuest: Slayers

SBack to Top ↑

La Saga du Prêtre Jean
Sagas of the Demonspawn
A sárkányvár titka
Savage Realms Gamebooks
Savage Realms: The Legorian Kings Saga
Savage Worlds
Save the Fair Maiden
Scarthey, University of the Arcane: Choose Your Destiny
Scegli tu l'avventura
Das Schwarze Auge
Sección 14
Seu Turno
Shadis Magazine
Shadow Thief
Shadows of Esteren
Shinté Warrior Series
Sindbad le Magnifique
Skylanders Universe Pick Your Portal
Smart Books
Smart Books
Smart Books
Só Aventuras
The Solo Dungeon
Solo Hero Series
Solve Your Own Mystery
Sorcerer's Apprentice
The Sorcerer's Scrolls
Sorcery! (Inkle)
Sorcery! (Seb EJ & Bright AI)
Spellcaster Gamebooks
Steam Highwayman
Steeleye and the Lost Magic
Stephen Thraves Compact Adventure Gamebooks
The Storymaster's Tales
Lo Straniero
Strannik, izgonayuschiy mrak [Странник, изгоняющий мрак]
Strategicheska kniga-igra [Стратегическа книга-игра]
Sutvori svoia Megasviat [Сътвори своя Мегасвят]

TBack to Top ↑

Tails of Equestria
Talamander: Fantasy Gamebook Magazine
Tales from Alcantria
Tales from Ane Moni
Tales of Quahnarren
Team 3000 Press Zines
The Texture of the Sky
The Legend of Zelda
The Maze of Games
Thomerion Trilogy
Tortured Souls
Tri dorogi [Три дороги]
Tú decides la aventura
Tú decides la leyenda
Tunnels and Trolls
Tunnels and Trolls / Golden d20 Dual System
Tunnels and Trolls: Alligator
Tunnels and Trolls: David A. Ullery
Tunnels and Trolls: Dragon Tree Press
Tunnels and Trolls: Infinity Limited
Tunnels and Trolls: Judges Guild
Tunnels and Trolls: Lone Delver Games
Tunnels and Trolls: Michael Haensel
Tunnels and Trolls: Outlaw Press
Tunnels and Trolls: Stuart Lloyd
Tunnels and Trolls: Tavernmaster Games
Tunnels and Trolls: Trollhalla Press
Twisted Journeys
Twisted Tales

UBack to Top ↑

Über den Sylinthpass
Ultima Forsan Solo Adventures
Un livre dont tu es le héros ou l’héroïne
Usborne Adventure Gamebooks
Usborne Puzzle Adventures

VBack to Top ↑

Vengeance Game Books
El Vigilante
Virtual Reality
Vivez l'aventure
VulcanVerse Solo Roleplaying Adventures

WBack to Top ↑

Wanderer Gamebook+
Warhammer: Path to Victory
The Warlock Returns
The Way of the Tiger
Der Weg der Wachtel
Die Welt der 1000 Abenteuer
Die Welt von Odéa
What Lies Beneath the Clock Tower
Which Way Books
Which Way Secret Door Books
White Dwarf
White Wolf
Witherwind Games Solo Adventures
Wizards, Warriors & You
The Wollarp Trilogy
Woodland Forest Chronicles
The World of Lone Wolf
The World of Lone Wolf: Collector's Edition
The World of Odéa
Woven Paths
Write Your Own Adventure

XBack to Top ↑

Xena: Warrior Princess (Multipath Adventures)
XO Play iPod Games

YBack to Top ↑

ye Royal Adventure
You Choose: Fractured Fairy Tales
You Choose: Interactive Mythological Adventures
Your AMAZING Adventures
Your Choice

ZBack to Top ↑

Zorn's Quest

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