Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Category - Game System : Scores

It is helpful for gamebook readers to be proficient at arithmetic. Some very basic gamebooks feature a running score which determines the level of success at the end. More sophisticated books tend to have a variety of figures for players to keep track of. Often, characters have a variety of attributes measuring inherent properties like strength or speed. Additionally, many books feature a measure of health (often called "hit points") which changes during play and can lead to death if it reaches zero. Sometimes skills and spells are fueled by a pool of points, and there are also often inventory-related totals such as gold coins or ammunition involved in play. In many books, character scores are initially determined randomly, though others give readers a pool of points and allow them to be distributed strategically.

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

1 on 1 Adventure Gamebooks

ABack to Top ↑

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Gamebooks
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Coloring Album
Adventure Gaming
Adventure Time: Which Way, Dude?
Adventures of Goldhawk
Angus Dewer
Asterix - Alea Jacta Est
Astérix - Alea jacta est!
Asterix - Alea Jacta Est!
Asterix Adventure Games
Australian Adventure Gamebooks
Aventuras dos Trapalhões - Especial RPG
Aventuras em RPG

BBack to Top ↑

Basic Role-Playing
Batman Role-Playing Game
Battle Quest
La BD dont vous êtes le héros
Biggles Adventure Games
Black Power: The Superhero Gamebook
Blackstaff Gamebooks
Blood Sword
Bob Morane Magazine
The Book of Wizardry

CBack to Top ↑

Car Wars Adventure Gamebooks
Carmen Sandiego
Catacombs Solo Quest
Choose Your Own Adventure Board Games
Choose Your Path Sports Books
Combat Command
Combat Heroes
Core Runner
Creating Adventure Games on Your Computer
Cretan Chronicles
Crossroads Adventures
The Crystal Maze

DBack to Top ↑

Dangerous Worlds
The Dark One
Défis et sortilèges
Destiny's Role
Destiny's Role
Destiny's Role: Dimensions
Detective's Choice
Deviens conquérant de l'impossible
Dicing with Dragons
Doctor Who
Doctor Who and the Fescan Threat
Doctor Who Magazine
Double Game
Dragon d'or: édition Collector
Dragon Quest II [ドラゴンクエストII]
Dragon Quest III [ドラゴンクエストIII]
Dragon Quest IV [ドラゴンクエストIV]
Dragon Quest V [ドラゴンクエストV]
Dragon Quest VI [ドラゴンクエストVI]
Dragon Quest [ドラゴンクエスト]
Duel Master
Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game
Dungeon Gamebook

EBack to Top ↑

Enid Blyton's Famous 5 Adventure Games
Epic Adventure Game Books
Escape from a Video Game
Eternal Champions

FBack to Top ↑

Fabled Lands
The Famous Five and You
Fantasy Kalandjáték
Ein Fantasy-Spiel
Fantom Empires
Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin)
Fighting Fantasy (2002-2007, Wizard Books Series 1)
Fighting Fantasy (2009-2012, Wizard Books Series 2)
Fighting Fantasy (2017-, Scholastic)
Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook
Fighting Fantasy Second Age: Negart Group
Fighting Fantasy: Amateur Adventures
Fighting Fantasy: Clash of the Princes
Fighting Reality
The Football Adventure Game
Forbidden Gateway
Freeway Warrior

GBack to Top ↑

Galactic Chronicles
Gamebook (Watson edizioni)
Gamebook Adventures: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
Ghost Adventure Games
Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks
Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks: Augmented Collector's Edition
Grampa Barmo Presents...
Grampa Barmo's Discount Game Magazine
Das Grosse Spielbücher
Guía básica del juego de rol

HBack to Top ↑

Harcos képzelet : játékkönyvek
Heavy Metal Thunder
Hero's Challenge: Sagard the Barbarian
Histoires à jouer - A travers les siècles
Histoires à jouer - Les Livres à remonter le temps
Histoires à jouer - Missions spéciales
Histoires à jouer - Quatrième dimension
Histoires à jouer - Sherlock Holmes
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
Horror Classics
How Big is Your Brain?
The Huntress

IBack to Top ↑

The IFG Sequence
An Interactive Adventure

JBack to Top ↑

Je bouquine

KBack to Top ↑

Kata Kumbas
King Arthur
Knuckleduster Interactive Western Adventures

LBack to Top ↑

Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Lands of Delorian
The Last Battledroid
Légendes et maléfices
The Legends of Skyfall
Lemmings Adventure Gamebooks
Leyenda ëlfica
Leyendas de Hiboria
La Loi du sabre
Lone Wolf (1984-1998)
Lone Wolf (BulkyPix)
Lone Wolf, Collector's Edition (2007-)
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition
Lost in Austen: Create Your Own Jane Austen Adventure
Lost World: Jurassic Park Role-Playing Game Book
Lost Worlds Fantasy Combat Books
Lost Worlds: Queen's Blade Grimoire [クイーンズブレイド グリムワール]
Lost Worlds: Queen's Blade Rebellion [クイーンズブレイド リベリオン]
Lost Worlds: Queen's Blade [クイーンズブレイド]
Lost Worlds: Queen's Gate [クイーンズゲイト]

MBack to Top ↑

The Magnamund Companion
Marvel Multiverse Missions
Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Gamebooks (American)
Marvel Super Heroes Adventure Gamebooks (British)
Masters of the Universe Adventure Game Book
Les messagers du temps
Middle-earth Quest
Miscellaneous Works by Alterlimbus
Miscellaneous Works by Demian Katz
Miscellaneous Works by Felbrigg Herriot and K. A. Cartlidge
Miscellaneous Works by Janina Scarlet
Miscellaneous Works by Mark Wightman
Miscellaneous Works by Pavel Tomcsányi
Miscellaneous Works by Robert B. Nelson
Miscellaneous Works by Robert Blond [Робърт Блонд]
Miscellaneous Works by Robertson Sondoh Jr.
Miscellaneous Works by Shane Garvey
Miscellaneous Works by Timm Daniels [Тим Дениълс]
Mr. Buckethead Adventure Game Series

NBack to Top ↑

Narnia Solo Games
Nintendo Adventure Books
Nintendo Power

OBack to Top ↑

On the Spot
One Shot Adventures (Dungeons & Dragons)
One Shot Adventures (GURPS)
Oracle System

PBack to Top ↑

Panurgic Adventures
The Peter Pan Adventure Game
Priklyuchencheskaya kniga-igra [Приключенческая книга-игра]
Prince of Shadows
Put' geroya [Путь героя]

QBack to Top ↑

Quasar - Saga
Quasar - Solo
Quest Calendars

RBack to Top ↑

The Rangers of Taradoin
Ready Brek Game
Real Life Gamebooks
Reboot Adventure Games
The Regional Accounts Director of Firetop Mountain
Rescue the Princess
Robin of Sherwood

SBack to Top ↑

La Saga du Prêtre Jean
Sagas of the Demonspawn
The Seventh Expert
Sherlock Holmes Solo Mysteries
Shinté Warrior Series
Sindbad le Magnifique
Sniper! Adventure Gamebooks
Solve It Yourself... The Mystery Squad
Sonic the Hedgehog Adventure Gamebooks
Sorcery! (Seb EJ & Bright AI)
Star Challenge
Star Wars Adventures
Star Wars Episode I Adventures
Star Wars Missions
Star Wars Solitaire Adventures
Star Wars: The Lost Jedi
Starlight Adventures
Steam Highwayman
Stephen Thraves Adventure Gamebooks
Stephen Thraves Compact Adventure Gamebooks
Storia e dossier - Storiagame
Lo Straniero
Strategicheska kniga-igra [Стратегическа книга-игра]

TBack to Top ↑

The Texture of the Sky
Thrilling Adventures in Space
Tom Traveller
Trial of the Clone

UBack to Top ↑

Ullstein Abenteuer Spiele
Ultima Forsan Solo Adventures

VBack to Top ↑

Virgin Adventure Gamebooks
Virtual Reality
La voiture dont vous êtes le héros

WBack to Top ↑

Warhammer Warriors
Warhammer: Path to Victory
The Way of the Tiger
White Wolf
Who-Done-It Adventure Game
The Wollarp Trilogy
The World of Lone Wolf
The World of Lone Wolf: Collector's Edition

YBack to Top ↑

ye Royal Adventure
You Are Deadpool

ZBack to Top ↑
