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Item-Level Details
Contained In: |
Fire on the Water: Software Pack (Collection) |
Translated Into: |
Api di atas air (Malay) Eld över vattnet (Swedish) Eld över vattnet (Swedish) Feuer über den Wassern (German) Fogo sobre a água (Portuguese) Fuego sobre el agua (Spanish) Gennem ild og vand (Danish) Mar em chamas (Portuguese) Oheň na vodě (Czech) Plamak nad vodata [Пламък над водата] (Bulgarian) Suijou no honou [水上の炎] (Japanese) Taxidi stin kolasi [Ταξίδι στην κόλαση] (Greek) Traversata infernale (Italian) La Traversée infernale (French) Vatra na vodi (Serbo-Croatian) |
Adapted Into: |
Fire on the Water (Video Game) Fire on the Water [junior edition] (Gamebook) The Sword of the Sun (Novel) |
User Summary: | You must travel overseas to Durenor to recover the Sommerswerd, a magical weapon capable of driving back the Darklord invasion. |
Demian's Thoughts: |
Of the books in this series that I clearly remember reading as a child, this was my least favorite. It's mostly about travel, and there aren't too many monsters to fight or atmospheric dungeons to explore. I also felt at the time that it was unfairly difficult. However, having replayed it now, I think that I was underestimating the book. Although it didn't include the traditional elements that made me enjoy fantasy adventures, it was clearly memorable -- the "whodunnit" sequence and the final sea battle were both enjoyable to revisit. As for being unfair, I think I mustn't have been observant enough when I first played. Some choices that seem random are in fact entirely strategic if you carefully examine the map and illustrations. There are better things yet to come, but this is an entirely worthy sequel to the first book. |
Florik's Thoughts: |
One scene in this book, the second in the Lone Wolf series, makes it worth playing all on its own. One of your fellow travelers is trying to kill you. Whom do you accuse? This puzzle can be solved by logic, without rolling any dice. That's a redeeming feature for me. I know I am an exception, but frankly I've never been a fan of the Lone Wolf narrative style. For example, I don't like to be told straightaway that I - as Lone Wolf - feel fear. I find that too abstract, it makes me feel detached from the story rather than cast as the hero. Instead, tell me about the sinister things, in words that make me afraid, myself, in my role. Also, the Magnamund setting is black and white, good against evil, and I prefer worlds that are a bit more complex. The narrative in this volume has a nice flow to it, even if I find the final sequence a bit drawn out. However, there is one bottleneck in the story where you need an item you might have missed simply by taking a left turn instead of a right turn. |
Kveto's Thoughts: |
It is with this book, the second in the series, where it feels like Joe Dever really hits his stride. After the last rather simple introduction in book 1, Flight from the Dark, this one feels much more complex. Although the mission is a rather generic, get the magic sword quest, it takes you on a range of different scenarios. It includes a journey by ship, several city and village crawls, wilderness and underground travels and even a mini-Cluedo like mystery to solve (in which the artwork is important. Noted to any who wish to download the picture-less version for kindle). It culminates in a climactic battle. I found it a bit tougher to get through, taking many tries, but you start to get a feel for which Kai skills are most helpful. In fact, the Kai discipline choices give the book more flavour over straight combat oriented books like Fighting Fantasy. There are several instances where you can find yourself weaponless and possessionless, making the choices that much more challenging. Overall, I found it fun and a big step forward from book 1. My only problems with the book were there were a lot of pick a random number types of passages. While helpful for adding a random element to the book (it's the situation that Fighting Fantasy used Luck rolls for, but there is no Lone Wolf equivalent to Luck rolls), I personally would have preferred a choice or skill check of some sort. Also the artwork is pretty horrible, with all characters having the same dumpish look. In one section, the artist has to draw what the text describes as a "pretty" girl, but the art shows anything but. Overall, while still not as fun as Grey Star, Lone Wolf comes a close second as my favorite "game" style book. Highly recommended. |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Tan Hong Kiat for the low resolution Beaver reissue cover scan that was previously used here; thanks to Ryan Lynch for the current Sparrow, Beaver and Red Fox images. Thanks to the Museum of Computer Game History for the $4.50 American edition images. |
Users Who Own This Item: | aden (Red Fox edition), aehalpin, Alarion, Alatar001, AlHazred (Pacer), andyr, angriestmonster, Aniline, Arcohnz, Ardennes, auximenes, B0N0V0X, Barker1952, Belgarath, BobaGabe, bookwormjeff (Sparrow, Red Fox, Berkley, French ed. La Traversee Infernale), brujeria!, casperthegoth, cayh_dilg, Citanul, crazydave, Crazyscotsman, CSquared, CSX, CWCprime, Cyan, c_wickham (for Kindle), damieng, dArtagnan, dave2002a, dblizzard72, DeKoovenWolf (Red Fox edition), Demian (American second and seventeenth printings), demon of the deep lt, desdichado66, devilsboy, Dirk Omnivore, Dronak (US Berkley Pacer), drystan (Both Beaver and Sparrow Editions), Eamonn McCusker, Ed, edwebb, EegahInc, egokun, Erikwinslow (US, UK (Beaver)(Sparrow)), Ffghtermedic (Sparrow, Berkley Pacer), firaya, firefoxpdm, Flurris (Red Fox Ed.), Gamebook, Gamebook_Pirate (Definitive Edition [Paperback]), Gamehorder, Gartax, Gibraltar (Sparrow first edition), gnomeza (Red Fox), Greeneuva, greyarea13, Haoie, Himynameistony, hoops4ever, Ian2405, Icedlake (Sparrow), jdreller (US), jeff3333, jeffreylee, Joe_TC, JoshW, jr (Berkley), Jubal, juski, katzcollection (Sparrow, original Beaver, Pacer, Berkley Pacer and Red Fox editions), kesipyc, killagarilla, kinderstef, knginatl, Kojiro, le maudit, lek, LordJR, Luke, Maginomicon, Malthus Dire, MarcusP, marginal_space, marksmith, marnaudo, mattender, mgp22, mir1812, mlvoss, Morthynmir, mvstang, nelsondesign, nerelax, nicolau (Spanish eds., Alfaguara & Timun Mas), nilhilius (Berkley Pacer), ntar (Berkley), Oberonbombadil (Sparrow 1st (2 near-mint copies), Beaver '84 2nd (my childhood copy), Beaver alt cover '88 (4th), Berkley-Pacer ed.), odo_ital, ooklathemokk, Osirian08, outspaced, Pessimeister (beaver reissue), peterm2, Pirrakas, plowboy (Sparrow), plutonick (Red Fox), Pseudo_Intellectual, rectagonal, redeyeball, redpiper05, rpatel1976 (beaver), ryderark (Sparrow) (Celaeno), Ryuran333 (Sparrow, Red Fox, Beaver), Sabreman (Sparrow), Salpynx, Seizure, Sheridan77, Sir Olli (UK & US), sireeyore (Sparrow), Smidgeccfc76, snakefire77 (beaver reissue), spragmatic (Pacer), StagQuests (Sparrow), Superfro, Tamerlane1396, ThaRid (2 copies), Threepwud, Treguard, Tremendez, truce57, twar (Beaver edition), TWolf, Virtua Sinner, waktool (Beaver edition), wonderfly, Yalius, zat, ZXKNIGHT |
Users Who Want This Item: | alonsocwj, Braldt, domj29, Grifter, Hugues, Lambchop, MasterChief, Mr ?, mrwalker, NEMO (sparrow,beaver,pacer,berkley-pacer,redfox editions), nordik, punga, Sagaious, styx2749, Surcal (Beaver & Redfox), Trompe-l Oeil (1st Print), yermither |
Users with Extra Copies: |
- US Berkeley bookwormjeff - Berkley Cyan dave2002a DeKoovenWolf - Sparrow edition EegahInc fullmoongamer - used OK condition 1991 edition with map/Kai card iceman JamesMulgrue mvstang Pirrakas - Berkley redpiper05 - Sparrow Sir Olli - Sparrow Original & Beaver Reissue sireeyore - Red Fox & Pacer Threepwud twar - 1 copy sparrow edition w/pencil markings on character sheet and penned name on inside of front cover, otherwise decent shape. |
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition edition
Series: | Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
Date: |
June, 2024 |
Sparrow, UK 1984 1st printing [1st]
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
Date: |
June, 1984 |
0099359006 / 9780099359005
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images. |
Beaver, UK 1984 2nd printing [2nd]
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
Date: |
1984 |
0099359006 / 9780099359005
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images and Luke Sheridan for the spread scan. |
Beaver, UK 1988 1st printing [4th]
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrators: |
Chalk, Gary
(interior) Salmon, Brian (cover) |
Date: |
1988 |
0099359006 / 9780099359005
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images. |
Original (Red Fox), UK 1990 1st printing [7th]
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrators: |
Chalk, Gary
(interior) Jones, Peter Andrew (cover) |
Date: |
December 6, 1990 |
0099359006 / 9780099359005
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Original (Red Fox), UK 1991 1st printing [8th]
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrators: |
Chalk, Gary
(interior) Jones, Peter Andrew (cover) |
Date: |
1991 |
0099359006 / 9780099359005
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images. |
Original (Red Fox), UK 10th printing [10th]
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrators: |
Chalk, Gary
(interior) Jones, Peter Andrew (cover) |
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Luke Sheridan for the spread cover and title page version images. |
American Pacer edition, first printing
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
Date: |
January, 1985 |
0399212183 / 9780399212185
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
American Berkley/Pacer edition, second printing
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
Date: |
April, 1985 |
042508437X / 9780425084373
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Cover Price: | US$2.50 |
American Berkley/Pacer edition, unknown printing
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
042508437X / 9780425084373
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Cover Price: | US$2.95 |
American Berkley/Pacer edition, 17th printing
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
042508437X / 9780425084373
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Cover Price: | US$3.99 |
American Berkley edition, later printing
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
042508437X / 9780425084373
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Cover Price: | US$4.50 |
Book Club Associates edition
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
Date: |
1984 |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images. |
Hardback omnibus edition
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
Date: |
1984 |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images. |
Paperback omnibus edition
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
Date: |
1992 |
Special Thanks: | Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images and Luke Sheridan for the spread scan. |
Project Aon edition
Online Full Text: |
Project Aon
Series: | Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Platform: |
Web Browser
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrator: |
Chalk, Gary
Date: |
2000 |
Length: | 350 sections |
Number of Endings: | 19 (not including failure by loss of points) |
Collector's edition
Series: | Lone Wolf, Collector's Edition (2007-) no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Date: |
2007 |
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing
Series: | Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrators: |
dal Lago, Alberto
(cover) Chalk, Gary (interior) Sampson, Richard (interior) Mattioli, Francesco (interior) |
Date: |
2022 |
1916268064 / 9781916268067
Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, paperback
Series: | Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition no. 2 |
Item: | Fire on the Water |
Author: |
Dever, Joe
Illustrators: |
dal Lago, Alberto
(cover) Chalk, Gary (interior) Sampson, Richard (interior) Mattioli, Francesco (interior) |
Date: |
2022 |
1915586011 / 9781915586018
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