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Be an Interplanetary Spy
Carmen Sandiego
2. Where in the U.S.A. is Carmen Sandiego?
3. Where in Europe is Carmen Sandiego?
4. Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
7. Where in Space is Carmen Sandiego?
Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998)
5. The Mystery of Chimney Rock
7. The Third Planet from Altair
9. Who Killed Harlowe Thrombey?
10. The Lost Jewels of Nabooti
12. Inside UFO 54-40
15. House of Danger
16. Survival at Sea
17. The Race Forever
20. Escape
22. Space Patrol
23. The Lost Tribe
25. Prisoner of the Ant People
30. The Curse of Batterslea Hall
33. The Dragons' Den
38. Sabotage
41. Search for the Mountain Gorillas
58. Statue of Liberty Adventure
67. Seaside Mystery
70. Invaders of the Planet Earth
85. Inca Gold
107. Fight for Freedom
110. Invaders from Within
111. Smoke Jumper
114. Daredevil Park
135. Playoff Champion
137. Scene of the Crime
138. Dinosaur Island
142. The Reality Machine
Choose Your Own Adventure for Younger Readers
26. The Magic Path
Choose Your Own Nightmare (1995-1997)
Duel Master
3. The Shattered Realm (Box set)
Endless Quest
6. Revenge of the Rainbow Dragons
18. King's Quest
37. Dungeon of Fear
Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin)
House of Hell
2 copies
13. Freeway Fighter
14. Temple of Terror
Rebel Planet
2 copies
33. Sky Lord
37. Portal of Evil
48. Moonrunner
Fighting Fantasy (2002-2007, Wizard Books Series 1)
Find Your Fate
6. Indiana Jones and the Legion of Death
Give Yourself Goosebumps
Trapped in Bat Wing Hall
One extra copy, well read condition. Pictures available.
11. Deep in the Jungle of Doom
18. Attack of the Beastly Baby-Sitter
Pick Your Own Dream Date
Time Machine
Which Way Books
2. Vampires, Spies and Alien Beings
3. The Spell of the Black Raven
7. Curse of the Sunken Treasure