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Item - The Curse of Batterslea Hall

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(school edition)
Series: Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) — no. 30
Contained In: Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set (26-30) (Collection)
Translated Into: Der Fluch von Schloß Batterslea (German)
A maldicao do Castelo de Batterslea (Portuguese)
La maldición de Batterslea Hall (Spanish)
La maledicció de Batterslea hall (Catalan)
Author: Brightfield, Richard
Illustrators: Reese, Ralph (cover)
Enik, Ted (interior)
Date: March, 1984
ISBN: 0553239376 / 9780553239379
Length: 118 pages
Number of Endings: 22
User Summary: You travel from America to England to visit your cousin Amanda, who lives in the cursed Batterslea Hall.
Demian's Thoughts:

Unlike most books of this sort, there's a fairly developed (if not entirely original) story told here. Following different paths through the book reveals more and more about what's going on in Batterslea Hall, and after several readings everything makes sense. This is far more entertaining than books full of random, unrelated events tend to be, but it has the potential to make the first few readings rather confusing.

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Good's Thoughts:

A rather suspicious title, but if I find it for $3.00 or less, maybe I'll get it....

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