Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Person - Morris, Dave

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Items with "Morris, Dave" as Credited Author

The Adventure Squad

1. The Castle of Adventure
2. The Island of Adventure

Bájné země

1. Válkou zmítané království

Blood Sword

1. The Battlepits of Krarth
2. The Kingdom of Wyrd
3. The Demon's Claw
4. Doomwalk
5. The Walls of Spyte

Can You Brexit? Without Breaking Britain

Can You Brexit? Without Breaking Britain

The Chronicles of the Magi

1. The Sword of Life
2. The Kingdom of Dreams
3. The City of Stars

Critical IF

1. Heart of Ice
2. Down Among the Dead Men
3. Necklace of Skulls
4. Once Upon a Time in Arabia


The Island of Illusion

The Crystal Maze

The Crystal Maze

Cubus Games (English)

2. Necklace of Skulls
6. The Frankenstein Wars (concept)


5. Coeur de Glace
6. Mille et Un Destins

Dragon d'or: édition Collector

1. Le Tombeau du Vampire

Dragon Warriors

Dragon Warriors Bestiary
Dragon Warriors Boxed Set
Dragon Warriors, 2nd Edition
Sleeping Gods
1. Dragon Warriors
2. The Way of Wizardry
4. Out of the Shadows
6. The Lands of Legend

Fabled Lands

1. The War-Torn Kingdom
2. Cities of Gold and Glory
3. Over the Blood-Dark Sea
4. The Plains of Howling Darkness
5. The Court of Hidden Faces
6. Lords of the Rising Sun

Fabled Lands

1. Le Royaume Déchiré
2. Les Richesses du Golnir
3. Par-delà la Mer de Sang Noir
4. Les Hordes des Grandes Steppes
5. La Cour Des Masques
6. Les Seigneurs du Levant

Fabled Lands Quests

1. The Keep of the Lich Lord

Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin)

43. The Keep of the Lich-Lord

Forge Divine

2. Notos: le marteau du soleil

Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks

Can You Escape the Vampire's Lair?
1. Crypt of the Vampire
2. The Temple of Flame
4. The Eye of the Dragon
6. Castle of Lost Souls

Golden Dragon Fantasy Gamebooks: Augmented Collector's Edition

1. Crypt of the Vampire (Augmented Collector's Edition)
2. The Temple of Flame (Augmented Collector's Edition)


1. The Fellowship of Four
2. The Screaming Spectre
3. The Tyrant's Tomb


1. Frankenstein

James Bond Jr. Adventure Gamebooks

As Good as Gold


Lord Fear's Domain
1. Knightmare: Can You Beat the Challenge?
2. The Labyrinths of Fear
3. Fortress of Assassins
4. The Sorcerer's Isle
5. The Forbidden Gate
6. The Dragon's Lair

Lego Puzzle Storybooks

Castle Mystery

Le Marteau & L'Enclume

L'île des illusions

Megara Entertainment produit en français

2. Coeur de Glace

Next Generation Gamebooks

Heart of Ice

Panurgic Adventures

1. Heart of Ice
2. Down Among the Dead Men

Reboot Adventure Games

1. The Virus Hunter
2. The Knight Watchmen
3. Racing the Clock
4. Virtual Life

The Transformers

1. Dinobot War
2. Peril from the Stars
3. Island of Fear
4. Highway Clash
5. Swamp of the Scorpion
6. Desert of Danger

Virtual Reality

2. Down Among the Dead Men
4. Necklace of Skulls
5. Heart of Ice
6. Twist of Fate


2. Die Verborgenen Tempel

VulcanVerse Solo Roleplaying Adventures

2. The Hammer of the Sun
4. The Pillars of the Sky
5. Workshop of the Gods

White Dwarf

The Castle of Lost Souls, Part 1: The Champion
The Castle of Lost Souls, Part 2: The Quest
The Castle of Lost Souls, Part 3: The Demon Road
The Castle of Lost Souls, Part 4: The Evil Eye

Bibliography of Items About "Morris, Dave"

Reference/Non-Fiction Books

Dragon d'Or

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