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1000 Gefahren (English releases)

1. Sugarcane Island, "The Island of 1000 Adventures"

The Adventures of You Series

1. Sugarcane Island
2. Journey Under the Sea

Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998)

1. The Cave of Time
2. Journey Under the Sea
3. By Balloon to the Sahara
4. Space and Beyond
6. Your Code Name is Jonah
7. The Third Planet from Altair
8. Deadwood City
9. Who Killed Harlowe Thrombey?
10. The Lost Jewels of Nabooti
11. Mystery of the Maya
12. Inside UFO 54-40
13. The Abominable Snowman
14. The Forbidden Castle
15. House of Danger
16. Survival at Sea
17. The Race Forever
18. Underground Kingdom
19. Secret of the Pyramids
20. Escape
21. Hyperspace
22. Space Patrol
23. The Lost Tribe
24. Lost on the Amazon
25. Prisoner of the Ant People
27. The Horror of High Ridge
28. Mountain Survival
29. Trouble on Planet Earth
30. The Curse of Batterslea Hall
31. Vampire Express
32. Treasure Diver
33. The Dragons' Den
34. The Mystery of the Highland Crest
35. Journey to Stonehenge
36. The Secret Treasure of Tibet
37. War with the Evil Power Master
38. Sabotage
39. Supercomputer
40. The Throne of Zeus
41. Search for the Mountain Gorillas
42. The Mystery of Echo Lodge
43. Grand Canyon Odyssey
44. The Mystery of Ura Senke
45. You Are a Shark
49. Danger at Anchor Mine
62. Sugarcane Island
107. Fight for Freedom

Choose Your Own Adventure (2005-)

1. The Abominable Snowman
2. Journey Under the Sea
3. Space and Beyond
4. The Lost Jewels of Nabooti
5. Mystery of the Maya
6. House of Danger
7. Race Forever
8. Escape
9. Lost on the Amazon
10. Prisoner of the Ant People
11. Trouble on Planet Earth
12. War with the Evil Power Master
13. The Mystery of Ura Senke
25. Search for the Mountain Gorillas
41. By Balloon to the Sahara
46. The Throne of Zeus

Choose Your Own Adventure Reissues (Australian Versions)

1. The Abominable Snowman
2. Journey Under the Sea
3. Space and Beyond
4. Lost Jewels of Nabooti
5. Mystery of the Maya
6. House of Danger
7. Race Forever
8. Escape
9. Lost on the Amazon
10. Trouble on Planet Earth
11. War with the Evil Powermaster
12. Prisoner of the Ant People
14. The Mystery of Ura Senke

Making Choices

3. The President's Stuck in the Mud and Other Wild West Escapades
6. A Horse Named Funny Bits
10. Trouble in Quartz Mountain Tunnel
12. Avalanche!

Plot-It-Yourself Adventures in Space

1. Exploration Infinity

Sugarcane Island

Sugarcane Island


3. The Forbidden Castle

Which Way Books

6. Sugarcane Island