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Item - Spellbreaker

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Translated Into: Le sépulcre des ombres (French)
knifebat's Thoughts:

Having really enjoyed Star Strider from the same Fighting Fantasy series, I was really looking forward to this one.

The cover of my book has some kind of massive demon making his way towards the reader with fire and lightning in the background. There is some sort of ghoulish necromancer in the background with what one would assume is a spell book. This all seems cool, but I couldn't get into this one as much as Star Strider for some reason.

Maybe I just prefer sci-fi, I don't know.

In this book you are a sword for hire adventurer; now that could have been cool if you were a K-mart Conan like the hero in the film Deathstalker. However you seem to be more like the guy in Deathstalker 2.

In this story I found myself tricked, easily captured multiple times, and wandering around a little cluelessly.

I teamed up with a monk running away from imps, browsed and bought stuff at the town market, got hired by a traveling wealthy lady, stayed in single mother's home while some supernatural monster was lurking outside, teamed up with demon hunters, and tried to save a girl from a witch trial.

A bizarre scenario I encountered was a cult of masochists marching around town.

It's not a bad read, not a bad story, some people may really like it, but for me it was mediocre. Nothing stood out for me. Maybe I just wanted more Lovecraft in the story.

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Special Thanks:Thanks to Nicholas Campbell for the cover scans.
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Ian2405 - 2007 Edition Wizard Books

Original (Dragon, Black text), UK 1st printing (Clays) [1st]

Series: Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin) no. 53
Item: Spellbreaker
Author: Green, Jonathan
Illustrator: Langford, Alan
Date: February 24, 1994
ISBN: 0140364277 / 9780140364279
Length: 400 sections
Special Thanks: Thanks to Nicholas Campbell for the cover scans.

Original (Dragon, Black text), UK 4th printing (Clays) [4th]

Series: Fighting Fantasy (1982-1995, Puffin) no. 53
Item: Spellbreaker
Author: Green, Jonathan
Illustrator: Langford, Alan
ISBN: 0140364277 / 9780140364279
Length: 400 sections
Special Thanks: Thanks to James Thompson for the cover scans.

Wizard S1 (Special), UK printing (C&W)

Series: Fighting Fantasy (2002-2007, Wizard Books Series 1) no. 28
Item: Spellbreaker
Author: Green, Jonathan
Illustrators: McKenna, Martin (cover)
Langford, Alan
Date: June 7, 2007
ISBN: 1840468076 / 9781840468076
Length: 400 sections
Special Thanks: Thanks to Nicholas Campbell for the front cover scan and to Ryan Lynch for the other images.

Wizard S1 (Standard), UK printing (C&W)

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Related Documents


Fighting Fantasy: Spellbreaker Changes
This article from Nicholas Campbell compares the original and reissued editions of Spellbreaker.

Play Aid

Fighting Fantasy #53 Character Sheet
Thanks to Ben Nelson for providing this file.