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Item - The Cauldron of Fear

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Item-Level Details

Translated Into: L'antro della paura (Italian)
El caldero del miedo (Spanish)
Der Dämonenkessel (German)
Fruktans kittel (Swedish)
Kawah gentar (Malay)
Kotel strachu (Czech)
La Métropole de la peur (French)
User Summary: The next Lorestone that you seek can be found in an ancient city located beneath the town of Tahou; unfortunately, the spreading Darklord armies threaten to complicate your visit to this region....
Demian's Thoughts:

This book marks a major change in the series: the replacement of illustrator Gary Chalk with Brian Williams. Williams' work isn't as distinctive as Chalk's, but it is often a bit more polished-looking. In all, it's a fair trade, with each artist having different talents. Art aside, though, this is a good adventure with a fairly decent amount of variety; there's some dungeon crawling, some epic fighting and even a wee bit of political intrigue. It's a bit more text-heavy and linear than average, with a lot of sections ending simply in "turn to x" rather than a choice; still, I never felt that my options were needlessly limited. My only major complaint deals with the final confrontation that closes the book. If you bring the Sommerswerd along, you're actually at a serious disadvantage, being forced into a fight that is nearly impossible to win. If for some strange reason you leave your best weapon behind, you have a shot at victory, but it relies mainly on dumb luck. Due to its unreasonable difficulty and general senselessness, this is one of the most disappointing major fights in the series so far, and it detracts somewhat from an otherwise fun book.

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Special Thanks:Thanks to Marcus Pearse for the previously-used Red Fox cover scan. Thanks to Ryan Lynch for all of the currently-used British images (except for the Lone Wolf Club stickered version provided by Roshan Patel). Thanks to the Museum of Computer Adventure Game History for the image of the back cover from the $3.50 American edition.
Users Who Own This Item: aden, aehalpin, Alarion, Alatar001, AlHazred, andyr, Aniline, Ardennes (US, Red Fox), auximenes, Avenger (Berkley), B0N0V0X, Barker1952, Belgarath, BobaGabe, bookwormjeff (Beaver, Red Fox, Berkley), brujeria!, casperthegoth, Citanul, crazydave, CSquared, CSX, Cyan, c_wickham (physical edition + for Kindle), dArtagnan, dave2002a, dblizzard72, DeKoovenWolf (Beaver edition), Demian, demon of the deep lt, desdichado66, devilsboy, Dirk Omnivore, Dronak (US), Eamonn McCusker, Ed, edwebb, EegahInc, egokun, Erikwinslow (US, UK (Beaver)), Ffghtermedic, firaya, firefoxpdm, Flurris (Red Fox Ed.), Gamebook, Gamehorder, Gartax, gnomeza (Red Fox), greyarea13, Grifter (US), Haoie, Himynameistony, hoops4ever, Ian2405, jdreller, jeffreylee, Joe_TC, JoshW, Jubal, juski, katzcollection (Beaver and American editions), kesipyc, killagarilla, kinderstef, knginatl, Kojiro, Lambchop, le maudit, lek, LordJR, Luke, Malthus Dire, MarcusP, marginal_space, marksmith, marnaudo, mattender, mir1812, mlvoss, Morthynmir, Mr ? (Beaver Edition), mvstang, nelsondesign, NEMO (American edition), nerelax, nicolau (Spanish ed. Alfaguara), Nomad, Oberonbombadil (Beaver), outspaced, Pessimeister (first beaver edition), peterm2, Pirrakas, plowboy (Beaver), Pseudo_Intellectual, redeyeball, rpatel1976 (beaver), ryderark (Red Fox), Sabreman (Beaver), Salpynx (Beaver), Seizure, Sheridan77, Sir Olli, sireeyore (Beaver), spragmatic (Beaver), StagQuests (Beaver-1st), Superfro, Tamerlane1396, ThaRid, ThePaperCrow (Berkley), Threepwud, Treguard, Tremendez, truce57, TWolf, wonderfly, xinuz, Yalius, zat
Users Who Want This Item: Braldt, Crazyscotsman, Gamebook_Pirate (Definitive Edition [Paperback]), Greeneuva, Hugues, MasterChief, mrwalker, NEMO (beaver,red fox,), odo_ital, plutonick, Sagaious, Samus, snakefire77, styx2749, Surcal (Beaver & Redfox), twar, yermither
Users with Extra Copies: dArtagnan - Beaver edition
DeKoovenWolf - Red Fox edition
Pirrakas - Berkley/Pacer

Original British (Beaver) edition

(with Lone Wolf Club sticker)

Series: Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 9
Item: The Cauldron of Fear
Author: Dever, Joe
Illustrators: Gambino, Fred (cover)
Williams, Brian (interior)
Date: April 2, 1987
ISBN: 0099512106 / 9780099512103
Length: 350 sections
Number of Endings: 11 (not including failure by loss of points)
Special Thanks: Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images and Luke Sheridan for the spread scan.

British (Red Fox) edition

Series: Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 9
Item: The Cauldron of Fear
Author: Dever, Joe
Illustrators: Jones, Peter Andrew (cover)
Williams, Brian (interior)
Date: 1990
ISBN: 0099512106 / 9780099512103
Length: 350 sections
Number of Endings: 11 (not including failure by loss of points)

British (Red Fox) edition, 1992 reprint [4th]

Series: Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 9
Item: The Cauldron of Fear
Author: Dever, Joe
Illustrators: Jones, Peter Andrew (cover)
Williams, Brian (interior)
Date: 1992
ISBN: 0099512106 / 9780099512103
Length: 350 sections
Number of Endings: 11 (not including failure by loss of points)
Special Thanks: Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the front cover, back cover, spine and title page verso images and Luke Sheridan for the spread scan.

American edition, first printing

Online Full Text: Internet Archive
Series: Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 9
Item: The Cauldron of Fear
Author: Dever, Joe
Illustrators: McPheeters, Neal (cover)
Williams, Brian (interior)
Date: May, 1988
ISBN: 0425108481 / 9780425108482
Length: 350 sections
Number of Endings: 11 (not including failure by loss of points)
Cover Price: US$2.95

American edition, later printing

Series: Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 9
Item: The Cauldron of Fear
Author: Dever, Joe
Illustrators: McPheeters, Neal (cover)
Williams, Brian (interior)
ISBN: 0425108481 / 9780425108482
Length: 350 sections
Number of Endings: 11 (not including failure by loss of points)
Cover Price: US$3.50

American edition, seventh printing

Series: Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 9
Item: The Cauldron of Fear
Author: Dever, Joe
Illustrators: McPheeters, Neal (cover)
Williams, Brian (interior)
ISBN: 0425108481 / 9780425108482
Length: 350 sections
Number of Endings: 11 (not including failure by loss of points)
Cover Price: US$4.50

Project Aon edition

Online Full Text: Project Aon
Series: Lone Wolf (1984-1998) no. 9
Item: The Cauldron of Fear
Platform: Web Browser
Author: Dever, Joe
Illustrator: Williams, Brian (interior)
Date: May 4, 2002
Length: 350 sections
Number of Endings: 11 (not including failure by loss of points)

Lone Wolf (2007-) edition

Lone Wolf, Definitive Edition, hardcover first printing

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Play Aid

Lone Wolf # 9 / #10 / #11 / #12 Character Sheet (back)

Lone Wolf # 9 Character Sheet (front)