Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - The Mystery of Echo Lodge

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(First printing)
(First printing, Cover Craft rebound edition)
(First printing, Cover Craft rebound edition)
(First printing, Cover Craft rebound edition)

Combined Summary

Series: Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) — no. 42
Contained In: Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set 6 (41-45) (Collection)
Translated Into: El misteri de l'Alberg de l'Eco (Catalan)
El misterio de la posada del eco (Spanish)
El misterio del Albergue del Eco (Spanish)
Author: Foley, Louise Munro
Illustrator: Hedin, Don
Date: March, 1985 (First printing)
ISBN: 0553247204 / 9780553247206 (First printing)
Edition Description: First printing, Cover Craft rebound edition:
This edition shows the ISBN 0-08124-3620 on the back cover, but this is not a valid ISBN.
Length: 118 pages
Number of Endings: 23
Special Thanks: First printing, Cover Craft rebound edition:
Thanks to Arkadia for the images.
User Summary: You get to spend winter vacation helping your Aunt Sadie with her ski lodge. Of course, all is not well there....
Demian's Thoughts:

I was hoping that this would be another mystery along the lines of Who Killed Harlowe Thrombey?, but alas it wasn't. Instead it's a blend of mysticism and crime that I failed to find terribly interesting. The book has a few pleasantly creepy moments, but it's missing the sense of discovery that makes a good mystery (or most kinds of adventure, for that matter) engaging.

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Good's Thoughts:

I know one thing. It's weird.

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SherlockHolmes's Thoughts:

An interesting mystery with multiple plotlines near the enchanting Lake Tahoe.

As a child, it was a fascinating read, and inspired me to visit the real Lake Tahoe.

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Users Who Own This Item: AgathaRaisin79, Andys80s, Ardennes, Arkadia, auximenes, benji2, bigcobra, bobthefunny, bookwormjeff, charlesdaniels, Crazyscotsman, Cyan, Darth Rabbitt, dave2002a, duckhugger, Eamonn McCusker, Erikwinslow (Book Fair edition), fraze, hoops4ever, horrorbusiness, iolly666 (Well, i'd like to have this since it's missing in the Italian version), jharvey79, katzcollection, KenJenningsJeopardy74, killagarilla, kinderstef, KJB, kleme (PDF), knginatl (orig., "book fair"), Lambchop, MacbthPSW, Madeye, marcfonline, marnaudo, mdcowboy, mlvoss, nelsondesign, Nomad, ntar, Oberonbombadil (Original US 1st), outspaced, Pessimeister, plowboy, Pseudo_Intellectual, Radical347, Ronie1976, rtaylor352, Ryuran333, Seizure, SherlockHolmes, skeleton, spragmatic, stock, stonemason, strawberry_brite, SuperAM2, ThaRid (2 copies), toadhjo, twar, Uraniborg, waktool (Original, US 1st printing (AU $2.50)), yunakitty
Users Who Want This Item: aline, barryattles, exaquint (1.95, 2.25, book fair), Ffghtermedic, Game Master, kleme, MasterChief, Mr ?, NEMO, Nym90, odo_ital, Sagaious, The Mystery Squad fan, Von Scotty, Waluigi Freak 99
Users with Extra Copies: kinderstef - x 2

Known Editions

First printing
First printing, Cover Craft rebound edition

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