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Item - The Mystery of the Highland Crest

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Series: Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) — no. 34
Translated Into: Lanetli şato (Turkish)
El misteri del medalló escocès (Catalan)
El misterio del escudo escocés (Spanish)
El misterio del medallón escocés (Spanish)
O misterio do brasao da montanha escocesa (Portuguese)
Noroi no monshou [呪いの紋章] (Japanese)
Author: Foley, Louise Munro
Illustrator: Granger, Paul (pseudonym used by Hedin, Don)
Date: July, 1984
ISBN: 0553243446 / 9780553243444
Length: 117 pages
Number of Endings: 19
User Summary: You are summoned by your aunt to Scotland, where you must help resolve a family crisis.
Demian's Thoughts:

This book has great atmosphere and is fairly well-written, but it doesn't quite work. The continuity is a little bit off, many of the choices are too obvious, and some endings come far too abruptly. I enjoyed reading the book, but its gameplay doesn't quite live up to its premise.

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