Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - The Court of Hidden Faces

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(Original edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)
(Large-format reissue edition)

Combined Summary

Series: Fabled Lands — no. 5
Translated Into: La Corte dei Volti Nascosti (Italian)
La Cour Des Masques (French)
Das Reich der Masken (German)
Authors: Morris, Dave
Thomson, Jamie
Illustrators: Jenkins, Kevin (cover)
Nicholson, Russ (interior)
Dates: 1996 (Original edition)
August 14, 2012 (Small-format reissue edition)
2018 (Large-format reissue edition)
ISBNs: 0330344315 / 9780330344319 (Original edition)
0956737242 / 9780956737243 (Small-format reissue edition)
1909905321 / 9781909905320 (Large-format reissue edition)
Length: 723 sections
Badogor's Thoughts:

"Exotic intrigue in Uttaku and Old Harkuna."

Absolutely different to the previous ones, most of the story plays in Aku whilst the countryside rather is a gap filler. Almost impossible missions for starting characters.

The book includes Uttaku up to the Icicle Woods and Old Harkuna and again parts of the neighbouring sea.

More reviews by Badogor

Special Thanks:Thanks to Ryan Lynch for the large-format reissue images.
Users Who Own This Item: aden (Large format reissue), andrewholt, andyr, B0N0V0X, BarefootJimmy (reissue), BobaGabe, cdelacruz, chezzex, Citanul, CWCprime, damieng, darkj, dArtagnan, Darth Rabbitt (Large format reissue ), dave2002a, dblizzard72, dbriel, dodgingcars, Dragonfire, Dronak (reissue), Eamonn McCusker, Ed, edwebb, egokun, Erich_Zann, Erikwinslow (Original), firefoxpdm, Gamebook, Gamebook_Pirate (Small Format Reissue), Gibraltar, gnomeza (Fabled Lands Publishing), greyarea13, gryff, Harvey, Himynameistony, Icedlake, jdreller (large reissue), Joe_TC (Original and small format reissue ), jr, juski (small format reissue), karalynn, katzcollection, kesipyc, kinderstef, le maudit, lek, lilly (large format reissue), Malthus Dire, mattender, mir1812, mlvoss, nelsondesign, Nich, nicolau, Oberonbombadil (original), odo_ital, outspaced, pelle, plowboy, Radjabov, Sabreman (UK), Sheridan77, Sir Olli (original & reissue), sireeyore, Smidgeccfc76, Surcal, Tamerlane1396, The_Gamebook_Nook, Tremendez, twar, Twise, Vampireman, waktool (2018 (Large)), wrose
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Known Editions

Original edition
Small-format reissue edition
Large-format reissue edition

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