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Autoduel Quarterly Volume 1, Number 1
The Lost Gold of Captain Quicksilver
The Roman Conspiracy
The Idol of the Gauls
The Meeting of the Chieftains
Le grand jeu
L'affaire des faux menhirs
La vedette armoricaine
Le rendez-vous du chef
Asterix Against All Odds
Operation Britain
Asterix to the Rescue
The Magnetic Ghost of Shadow Island
The Electronic Hurricane
Revenge of the Raster Gang
Save the Venturians!
The Next Passage
The First Journey
Vacation in Asia
Day of the Mayfly
Nightmare Universe
Portrait in Blood
The 4-D Funhouse
System Failure
Alien Star #7
The Scavengers
Alien Star #6
Alien Star #3
Town in Terror
Thieves from Space
Cosmic Kidnappers
Target: Earth
Beneath the Lands of Tsolyánu
Beyond the Borders of Tsolyánu
Coming of Age in Tékumel
Growing Up on Tékumel
Journey Under the Sea
Sugarcane Island
Ghost Road
Mudworm Swamp
The Demon Spider
Darkmoon's Curse
The Island of Adventure
The Castle of Adventure
Rupert and the Mystery Moor
Rupert and the Secret Treasure