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Item - Space Vampire

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Series: Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) — no. 71
Contained In: Choose Your Own Adventure Box Set (68-72) (Collection)
Translated Into: El vampir de l'espai (Catalan)
El vampiro del espacio (Spanish)
Author: Packard, Edward
Illustrators: Mattingly, David B. (cover)
Mitchell, Judith (interior)
Date: August, 1987
ISBN: 055326723X / 9780553267235
Length: 118 pages
Number of Endings: 25
User Summary: You are a recent Elite-level graduate of the Space Academy, and your first mission involves a near-invincible alien vampire!
barryattles's Thoughts:

Ratings: 4.5

An instant classic. CYOAs usually brings the best out of space and vampire titles, so the combination of "Space Vampire" spells classic. With a coherent and well-organized plot, futuristic settings, thrilling events and challenging choices that requires some logical analysis, this hunt for the blood-thristy vampire has all the makings to be one of the best.

What's holding it back from being 5-star, though, is the serious flaw on the vampire's planet. Nevertheless it would take NASA's finest microscopes to spot it (definitely not the most obvious ones), so enjoy it while Edward Packard hasn't turned you into a vampire (or vampire maniac) yet!

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Demian's Thoughts:

At least this time around, when the back of the book says "You're the star of more than 24 endings," it isn't lying. Of course, I'm not sure why they couldn't just say "You're the star of exactly 25 endings." I'll never understand marketers. Anyway, pointless nitpicking aside, this is a pretty good book. It is, of course, rather silly, but it nonetheless has some atmospheric moments, appropriately gruesome artwork and interesting choices. The book's biggest weakness is probably its tendency to awkwardly insert information on vampire lore into the text, though this is easily ignored. One thing that gives the book a slightly odd feel is the fact that, more or less no matter what you do, even if you go off on a totally unrelated mission, you'll end up facing vampires. While this further damages the book's already near-nonexistent realism and somewhat diminishes replayability, it nonetheless works pretty well since it keeps things focused on topic at all times. It's also worth noting is that the book features an appearance by Dr. Vivaldi, who has been absent from the series for quite some time. She's described as being in her fifties here, though I'm not sure how significant that is. Trying to sort out continuity in this series is an exercise in futility, but it is fun that certain elements keep resurfacing from time to time.

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knifebat's Thoughts:

I have been wanting to read this book for many years now. It finally came in and I am not disappointed.

I thought that Vampire Express would be a better read than this one but I am mistaken. Between the two books, I found Space Vampire to be more enjoyable, because it feels less kiddie, being scarier and having more mature scenarios.

The title suggests ultimate cheese and perhaps it is, but it wasn't so wild as you might expect. It's not super serious either but it did have some moments that reminded me that this is horror.

I like how the vampire is intelligent, which makes him a formidable foe. Even though you're still a kid, it was nice how you were not only treated as an adult, you were expected to perform with excellence since you have the chance to become an elite. One part of the story has you battling the vampire inside the corridors of a spaceship while another part of the story has you landing on the vampire's planet. Both stories have their charm and I like how different they are from each other. Easily one of the best titles I've read from the Choose Your Own Adventure books.

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