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This series, which lasted twenty-five volumes and started in 1984, was designed by Byron Preiss Visual Publications and published by Bantam. The fact that Bantam also published the Choose Your Own Adventure series was pointed out in bold on the cover of most books in this series. While these books are aimed at the same age group as the Choose Your Own Adventure books, they're quite different in style; each book has only one ending and the reader's task is simply to find it. The challenge lies in avoiding the many opportunities to get stuck going in circles. Fortunately, each book includes data on the time period it's set in and some hints to make things a bit easier. These books spawned one spinoff series, the Time Traveler books for younger readers. Although the print versions of the books are long gone from store shelves, the entire series has been re-released in eBook format and can be downloaded (for a fee) from and other online retailers.
The information on this page is as complete as my collection will allow. If you find any errors or have a copy of the book I'm missing, please send an e-mail to
Several of these books were translated into Bosnian/Serbocroatian as the "Vremenski stroj" series.
A few of these books were translated into Danish as the "Du er rejsende i tid" series.
Some books from the series were translated into French and released by Carrere Junior, though quite a few were skipped.
Only five of the books were translated into German by Frankh as the "Merlins Zeit Maschine" series. Other titles were most likely also released, but I don't know which ones.
At least two books were translated into Hungarian as the "Időgép-regény" series.
1. A lovagok titka |
2. A szamuráj kardja |
Ten Italian-language translations were released. The order was different from the American originals. The series retained its original title and was published by Edizione E. Elle as part of their librogame line.
At least one of the books was published in Japan by a company called Futami. I suspect that other titles were also released, but I don't know which ones.
Several of these books were translated into Portuguese for release in Brazil as the "Maquina do Tempo" series. The books released came out in a rather different order from their American equivalents.
Quite a few of these books were translated into Spanish as the "La Maquina del Tiempo" series and published by Timun Mas.