The Forbidden Towers
Author: Carol Gaskin
Illustrator: T. Alexander Price
First Published: 1985
ISBN: 0-8167-0325-6
Length: 124 pages
Number of Endings: 13
Library of Congress Summary: As Lifin, a young elf, the reader makes
decisions controlling his search through the five Forbidden Towers for the
herb that will cure his people of the elven plague.
My Thoughts: For such a short book, this one does an excellent job of
giving the reader a sense of exploration. This thorough development of the
Forbidden Towers is made possible by the inclusion of only one victorious
ending and lots of linking between towers. A lot of thought seems to have
gone into the design, and the ultimate result is very satisfying.
The Magician's Ring
Author: Carol Gaskin
Illustrator: T. Alexander Price
First Published: 1985
ISBN: 0-8167-0321-3
Length: 122 pages
Number of Endings: 18
Library of Congress Summary: The reader, as Robin the minstrel,
follows a path of perils through the Forgotten Forest, making decisions which
determine whether he will end up a hero or a prisoner of thieves.
Translation: Spanish
My Thoughts: This isn't quite as good as the previous book, but it
is still entertaining and fairly clever; the many, many uses of the word
"ring" in this book must have taken some time to think up. I can't
quite figure out the purpose of all the alliteration present here, though...
The Master of Mazes
Author: Carol Gaskin
Illustrator: T. Alexander Price
First Published: 1985
ISBN: 0-8167-0323-X
Length: 122 pages
Number of Endings: 35
Library of Congress Summary: As a dweller in the Forgotten Forest, the
reader makes decisions determining the course of the story as his pet beast
becomes trapped in the manor house of the Master of Mazes.
My Thoughts: This is a another good fantasy adventure. The writing
is above the average gamebook level, there are a diversity of endings, and
various riddles and other puzzles are scattered throughout the book.
The War of the Wizards
Author: Carol Gaskin
Illustrator: T. Alexander Price
First Published: 1985
ISBN: 0-8167-0319-1
Length: 122 pages
Number of Endings: 18 (not including a "THE END" embedded in one choice)
Library of Congress Summary: The reader, as apprentice to the wizard
Caladrius, becomes involved in a war of the wizards, during the course of
which the reader's choices determine the development of the plot.
My Thoughts: Unfortunately, this is the weakest entry in the series.
While there are some atmospheric moments (including a night in the forest and
a trip through a haunted house) and a few mildly humorous events, the book
doesn't work all that well, mainly because there isn't enough sense of
challenge. None of the tasks the reader is asked to do seem terribly
difficult, and persuading the wizards to see sense and stop fighting takes
very little effort.