Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - Spy for George Washington

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Item-Level Details

Translated Into: Spia per George Washington (Italian)
User Summary: You decide to join the American Revolution, and you are given a mission to deliver an important message to George Washington.
Demian's Thoughts:

Like the author's earlier work, Sabotage, this is a purely historical adventure. Fortunately, it's a considerable improvement over that earlier book. The writing style is much more engaging, and while some endings are a bit abrupt, they're not too frustrating. The biggest problem with the book is its gameplay -- it's simply far too easy to successfully get the letter to Washington, and most of the paths through the book are too brief. Still, if you don't mind winning again and again, you can discover some interesting historical details by playing through the book repeatedly. The notes in the back of the book which explain the origins of the characters and situations used in the story are a welcome addition, and it's a shame that such notes aren't more common in historically-based gamebooks; I'd certainly like to know what was fact and what was fiction in some of the Time Machine books.

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Waluigi Freak 99's Thoughts:

I liked this book. It has several varied and interesting plot paths, and the section in the back that goes into detail about some of the historic origins of the adventure is neat. It is brought down, sadly, by a number of ambiguous endings and the overall lack of challenge.

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Users Who Want This Item: AgathaRaisin79, b4x (special book fair edition), barryattles, bookwormjeff, Cyan, exaquint (book fair, troll), kleme, Madeye, MasterChief, Mr ?, NEMO (regular&Troll edition), nordik (Spy for George Washington), Nym90, odo_ital, Sagaious, stock, strawberry_brite, Von Scotty, Waluigi Freak 99
Users with Extra Copies: CSquared
ntar - Troll & standard
shancyg - I actually have the box set of #48-52 with box in very good shape.

Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) edition

(Troll edition)
Series: Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998) no. 48
Item: Spy for George Washington
Author: Leibold, Jay (pseudonym used by Montavon, Jay)
Illustrator: Hedin, Don
Date: September, 1985
ISBNs: 0553251341 / 9780553251340
0553254979 / 9780553254976
Length: 115 pages (plus map and historical notes)
Number of Endings: 31

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