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Item - Starship Warrior

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Series: Which Way Books — no. 13
Contained In: Which Way Books Boxed Set 2 (Collection)
Author: Mooser, Stephen
Illustrator: Tomei, Gordon
Date: April, 1984
ISBN: 0671508598 / 9780671508593
Length: 118 pages
Number of Endings: 39
User Summary: You are a reporter in the future. You are given a choice: witness the capture of an intergalactic gangster or attend the test of a new matter-transmission device.
Demian's Thoughts:

This is definitely one of the worst books in the series. The plot is even more derivative and stupid than usual, most of the characters are nonsensically half-human/half-animal, and there's nothing new in the gameplay.

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Fireguard's Thoughts:

La-la-lame book. This is another outer space book in this series, and like most other such books, it's lame and confusing. I especially liked the part where you fight a massive evil spaceship and when you take it on the book basically asks if you remember which ship you picked. Don't read this book.

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Nomad's Thoughts:

Starship Warrior was not a book I went into expecting much from. Based on some of the other reviews I've seen on this particular entry in the Which Way Books series, I'd prepared myself for what I was sure to be a grueling endeavor to sit through this book.... It's nice to know that even after all these years I can still be surprised, and pleasantly so. I've always considered myself a modest sci-fi fan. Certainly not fanatical but far from being one of those that labels the genre as lame, nerdy or whatever generic insult you want to slap onto it. While at times the passages in Starship Warrior could come off as a bit contrived or derivative, there's enough fast paced, entertaining ground covered within its pages to make it a worthwhile read.

While the concept of human/animal hybrids is far from groundbreaking within the realms of science fiction, it's still an interesting enough topic to run into in a book of this nature. Another factor I found myself enjoying was the idea that your character was a reporter. Nothing new there but in a science fiction type atmosphere it's a different enough notion to make things just a little more interesting. One pathway I found particularly amusing was a scenario that leads you to a crystal planet full of crystal inhabitants that stand around doing nothing other than insulting each other, and of course you. Childish and silly it nonetheless manages to provide at least a slight chuckle if for no other reason than the complete absurdity of it all.

Not a book for everyone, Starship Warrior still managed to make a fan of me and provide yet another entry into the Which Way Books series that I found myself enjoying highly. Kudos to Stephen Mooser for this oddly entertaining title.

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