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This four-volume epic adventure uses a game system similar to that of the Fighting Fantasy books but enhanced by a unique spell-casting system. Before playing each adventure, you have to memorize code names which represent spells. You can't refer to your spellbook during the game, of course, so the better you study and remember, the better your odds of survival. This and other similar attempts to make the adventures "realistic" make these books a really entertaining read. In early editions of the books, the spells were actually in a separate volume called The Sorcery! Spellbook, but in later editions, the contents of the spellbook were included in the back of each gamebook.
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At least three of these books have been translated into Danish. The Danish series title is "Sagaen om den makiske krone" and its publisher is Borgen.
This entire series was translated into French as the "Sorcellerie!" series.
The entire series has been translated into German as "Die Analand-Saga," released by Thienemann.
All four books were translated into Hungarian as the "Varszlat!" series.
All four books exist in Italian editions.
The entire series has been translated into Japanese.
The entire series has been translated into Spanish. The books were retranslated and reissued starting in 2003.