The Lands of Delorian

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This amateur gamebook series, published in trade paperback format by the Trafford Publishing print on demand service, is quite clearly inspired by Lone Wolf. It features a storyline that continues from book to book, a heavy emphasis on inventory management, and a skill system in which the reader picks the primary abilities of the main character and gains more as the story unfolds. Randomization is accomplished by flipping through the pages -- different values are printed at the bottom right of every other page, with equal representation of the values 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100.

This page is currently under construction; I'll add more reviews if I find the time to read more of these books. If you find any errors, please send an e-mail to me at

 1. The Shadow's Rage
Authors: Phillip Brinkerhoff and Ben Arcuri
Illustrators: Phillip Brinkerhoff and Ben Arcuri
First Published: 2001
ISBN: 155369019-2
Length: 395 sections (plus introduction and rules)
Plot Summary: You are a paladin-in-training, suddenly thrust into the role of savior of the world after your home is destroyed by evil forces.
My Thoughts: While it pleases me that print on demand technology is making it easier for authors to create high-quality editions of works that major publishers wouldn't touch for various reasons, it turns out that sometimes the publishers were wise not to touch certain books. The last print on demand effort I encountered, Sean-Robert Shaw's debut Rangers of Taradoin book, proved to be unreadable and unplayable, and while this book is marginally better, it was ultimately too amateurish for me to tolerate through to the end. The game system is concise, which is a good thing, but it's also rather unbalanced and ambiguous, so I can't compliment it too highly. The writing, though, is where it all falls apart. The storyline is all too familiar, and it is executed without any style whatsoever. Grammar errors and goofy names abound, and descriptions and characterizations are as generic and boring as you can imagine. Worst of all, the word "moon" is inserted before every unit of time to strangely maddening effect. If I read about one more "moon day" or "moon age" or "moon minute" (I made that last one up), I will surely scream and scream until I can scream no more. The authors deserve some credit for writing a fairly substantial work and getting it into print, but I cannot in good conscience recommend the end result, especially considering the relatively high price of print on demand products.

2. The Testing

3. Final Victory

Demian's Gamebook Web Page (c) 1998-2003 Demian Katz