1. The Rangers of Taradoin: A Solo and Multiplayer Roleplaying Game
Author: Sean-Robert Shaw
First Published: June, 2001
ISBN: 0-595-19049-9
Length: 309 pages (plus xlvii pages of introductory material)
Plot Summary: In the land of Vitan, you are the last descendent of
the great hero Grey Wulf and thus the last person potentially capable of
fulfilling an ancient prophecy and saving the world.
My Thoughts: The release of this book should have been a major event
in the history of gamebooks -- it's wonderful that after so many years, a new
book in the true Lone Wolf style has at last been published. Sadly,
though, this is instead a near-total disaster. It reads like a rough draft,
being incredibly overloaded with errors, and as such is nearly impossible to
read. I certainly couldn't look at most sentences without wanting to take a
red pen to them. After somehow forcing my way through the rules, I could do
nothing but write a rather negative
e-mail to the gamebook mailing list, and I barely got into the prologue
of the actual story before I realized that I simply couldn't go through with
playing this book. It's not ready to be seen by eyes other than the
author's. There may be some great material in here, but it's too thoroughly
obscured by typos, incomprehensible sentences and vast leaps of game design
logic to be visible. As a reviewer, I am defeated, and though I would like
to be able to recommend this to everyone, I cannot. Without some serious
revision work, there is simply no entertainment to be found here.