Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - The King Who Wore No Crown

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Series: Dungeons & Dragons Cartoon Show Books — no. 5
Translated Into: El rey sin corona (Spanish)
Le roi sans couronne (French)
Author: Jacobs, Linda
Illustrators: Butler, Jeffrey (Jeff) (cover)
Parkinson, Keith (cover)
O'Connell, Mitchell (interior)
Date: May, 1985
ISBN: 0880382198 / 9780880382199
Length: 77 pages
Number of Endings: 9
Special Thanks: Thanks to Arkadia for the back cover image.
User Summary: You are Hank Ranger. You must help a strange blue creature named Folderol discover a new ruler for the kingdom of Aknar before Venger can conquer it.
Demian's Thoughts:

This is a typical story for the series, but the book is made notable by a number of puzzles. It starts off with a word game and has various other visual challenges scattered through the book including a maze and some inexplicably present connect-the-dots pictures.

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Guillermo's Thoughts:

(Review based on the Spanish translation).

Yes, the book where you play Hank the Ranger has a maze and a visual puzzle (both extremely simple; we are not talking Be an Interplanetary Spy or even Which Way? here). Other than that, it's a typical gamebook for young kids, with nothing particularly creative to recommend it (plus, the monkey that accompanies you on the quest is even more annoying than the halfling in Dungeon of Dread). This may be a passable introduction for a child who has never been exposed to role-playing, but I cannot think of a reason why anybody else would want to read it.

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Users Who Own This Item: Arkadia, katzcollection, rogull72
Users Who Want This Item: Fireguard, NEMO, waktool

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