Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - Night of the Werewolf

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(First printing)
(First printing)
(First printing)
(First printing)
(Second printing)
(Second printing)
(Second printing)
(Second printing)

Combined Summary

Series: Choose Your Own Nightmare (1995-1997) — no. 1
Translated Into: Die Nacht der Werwölfe (German)
La noche del hombre lobo (Spanish)
Adapted Into: Night of the Werewolf (Interactive Video)
Author: Packard, Edward
Illustrator: Schmidt, William (Bill)
Date: April, 1995 (First printing)
ISBN: 0553482297 / 9780553482294
Length: 86 pages
Number of Endings: 12
User Summary: While on summer vacation you encounter a murderous werewolf.
Demian's Thoughts:

This is a fairly weak book. The writing isn't too good (which is disappointing, since Edward Packard is capable of doing better), there are several excessively long stretches which don't include choices, and some of the endings are extremely abrupt and unsatisfying. There is a certain b-movie charm to the book, but it doesn't help much.

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Jordashebasics's Thoughts:

I was a little disappointed when I read the first few paths, and thought that Packard was using inconsistent endings. Luckily, I was mistaken, he establishes a rule for the werewolf that he spreads the lycanthropy almost like a vampire would.

There are a few mildly entertaining endings, and the book zips along very fast. So, even though it's not very good, at least it isn't a slog to get through it.

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Users Who Own This Item: Ardennes, Arkadia, Darth Rabbitt, Demian, duckhugger, Erikwinslow, exaquint, fraze, hoops4ever, jdreller, katzcollection, KenJenningsJeopardy74, killagarilla, kinderstef, knginatl (PB, HB), marcfonline, nelsondesign, ntar, Pseudo_Intellectual, Radical347, redpiper05, RonaldFrobnitz, Ryuran333, ThaRid, waktool (Original, 1st printing ($3.50))
Users Who Want This Item: Ffghtermedic, kleme, Mr ?, NEMO, Nomad, SherlockHolmes, The Mystery Squad fan, Waluigi Freak 99
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Known Editions

First printing
Second printing

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