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Series - Aventura sin fin

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Publisher: Timun Mas -- Spain
Category: Format : Paperback
Translated From: Endless Quest (English)

The Spanish translations were printed on better-quality paper than their American equivalents and had black, plain-looking spines instead of colorful, gemstone-decorated ones. Many also feature new cover art, though it tends to be similar to the original illustrations; this new art may have been commissioned so that translations of later American titles could have covers in the style of the earlier American releases, with illustrations in an ornate box rather than filling the whole cover. Only one of the non-fantasy adventures was translated (El misterio de los antiguos), but its Gamma World origins are not apparent in the translation, which tries to pass itself off as yet another Dungeons & Dragons adventure.


1. Las cavernas del terror
2. La montaña de los espejos
3. Las columnas de Pentegarn
4. Retorno a Brookmere
5. La rebelión de los enanos
6. La venganza de los dragones del arco iris
7. El dragón negro
8. Las alas del dragón
9. El tesoro del rey
10. El castillo de las pesadillas
11. La guarida del cadáver errante
12. La torre de las tinieblas
13. Los Guerreros del templo de la luna
14. El tributo del dragón
15. Prisionero de Elderwood
16. Catacumbas infernales
17. En las entrañas del volcán
18. El circo del terror
19. Caballero de ilusión
20. La garra del dragón
21. Visiones de destrucción
22. El misterio de los antiguos
23. El cántico del druida

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