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Item - Sleeping Beauty and the Prince

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Series: Choose Your Own Adventure - Walt Disney — no. 6
Translated Into: La bella addormentata nel bosco (Italian)
La bella dorment i el príncep (Catalan)
La Bella durmiente y el príncipe (Spanish)
Choisis ton aventure avec la Belle au bois dormant (French)
Author: Razzi, Jim
Date: October, 1985
ISBN: 0553054066 / 9780553054064
Length: 43 pages
Number of Endings: 7
Kveto's Thoughts:

I was curious how this book would portray a character who spends a good portion of it asleep. But like the Snow White entry, they create a young character (in this case, female) to be interpolated into the story. You play a young girl walking through the forest, who stumbles upon Briar Rose and becomes part of the story.

You get to rescue the prince, face Maleficent, and search for your lost dog. It is a bit more engaging than the aforementioned Snow White, as knowledge of the story won't necessarily help you.

The artwork resembles the film closely.

More reviews by Kveto

Special Thanks:Thanks to Ken G. for the cover scans and other information.
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