Items with "Niles, Douglas" as Credited Author
Aurora's Eggs (1 edition)Druidhome Trilogy 1: Prophet of Moonshae (1 edition)
Druidhome Trilogy 2: The Coral Kingdom (1 edition)
Easy Pickings (1 edition)
Elven Nations Trilogy 2: The Kinslayer Wars (1 edition)
Escape from Castle Quarras (1 edition)
The First Moonwell (1 edition)
The High Priest of Halcyon (1 edition)
Icewall (1 edition)
Lords of Doom (1 edition)
Lost Histories 1: The Kagonesti (1 edition)
Lost Legends 2 / Lost Gods Series 2: Fistandantilus Reborn (1 edition)
Maztica Trilogy 3: Feathered Dragon (1 edition)
Moonshae Trilogy 1: Darkwalker on Moonshae (1 edition)
Moonshae Trilogy 2: Black Wizards (1 edition)
Moonshae Trilogy 3: Darkwell (1 edition)
Preludes II 2: Flint the King (1 edition)
Reader's Companion: The Odyssey of Gilthanas (1 edition)
The Rod of Seven Parts (1 edition)
Tarzan and the Well of Slaves (1 edition)
The Three Lives of Horgan Oxthrall (1 edition)
Villains Series 3: Emperor of Ansalon (1 edition)
Vingaard Campaign (1 edition)