Demian's Gamebook Web Page

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Race Against Time
Invasion of the Ormazoids
Mission to Venus
The Garden of Evil
Crisis in Space
Search for the Doctor
Indiana Jones and the Mask of the Elephant
Indiana Jones and the Ape Slaves of Howling Island
Morgan Swift and the Treasure of Crocodile Key
James Bond in Barracuda Run
James Bond in Programmed for Danger
James Bond in Strike It Deadly
James Bond in Win, Place, or Die
Morgan Swift and the Kidnapped Goddess
Indiana Jones and the Gold of Genghis Khan
Indiana Jones and the Dragon of Vengeance
Indiana Jones and the Cult of the Mummy's Crypt
Indiana Jones and the Legion of Death
Indiana Jones and the Cup of the Vampire
Indiana Jones and the Eye of the Fates
Indiana Jones and the Giants of the Silver Tower
Indiana Jones and the Lost Treasure of Sheba
Indiana Jones and the Curse of Horror Island
Fighting Fantasy 10th Anniversary Yearbook
The Warlock's Way
The Warrior's Way
Clash of the Princes
The Temple of the Pharoah
Derek the Troll's 'Orrible Troll-Playing Game!
Warlock #13
Deadline to Destruction
Warlock #12
The Land of Changes
Warlock #11
Rogue Mage
Warlock #10
Fortress Throngard
Warlock #9
The Floating City
Warlock #8
The Temple of Testing
Warlock #7
The Dark Chronicles of Anakendis
Warlock #6
Dungeon of Justice
Warlock #5
The Dervish Stone
Warlock #4
The House of Hell
Warlock #3