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Item - La Nuit des mutants

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Item-Level Details

Alternate Title: The Night of the Mutants (literal English translation of title)
Translated From: Portal of Evil (English)
Users Who Own This Item: bonhomme, brujeria!, Crabman, Fearmint, katzcollection, kinderstef, Sadosky guillaume, Trompe-l Oeil
Users Who Want This Item: bonhomme, Erich_Zann

Défis fantastiques edition

Series: Défis fantastiques (1983-1997) no. 36
Item: La Nuit des mutants
Translator: Collas, Anne
Date: May, 1990
ISBN: 2070335852 / 9782070335855
Length: 225 pages (400 sections)

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