You are Lucas Marks, a halfling thief. Your partner has been kidnapped as the result of a ring you acquired recently, and you must rescue her!
Demian's Thoughts:
I quite enjoyed this adventure; it's a challenge to get through, but it's not so linear that there's only one correct path. Characterization is definitely much stronger than is usual for a solo adventure, and the story's swords and sorcery plotline is pleasantly spiced up from time to time by humor and strangeness. The adventure isn't completely perfect; it's a bit on the short side (at least by Fighting Fantasy or Lone Wolf standards), and the ending leaves a few things (intentionally) unexplained. Both of these flaws are easily forgiveable, however; this is (I hope) only the first part of a series, and room had to be left somewhere for future growth and improvement.... In any case, I'm definitely looking forward to more Lucas Marks adventures.