Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Item - Revenge of the Red Dragon

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Item-Level Details

Contains: You Are Flametongue, An Ancient Red Dragon (Gamebook)
You Are Raven Quickblade, The Black Knight (Gamebook)
Translated Into: La revanche du dragon rouge (French)
User Summary: One player, as the Black Knight, flees towards his castle after reclaiming a stolen family treasure while the other, as the Red Dragon, attempts to reclaim a friend the Knight kidnapped on the way out.
Demian's Thoughts:

I've only played through this once, and I died rather quickly, so my evaluation may be flawed. From what I saw, however, I'd have to say that this is a fun, if flawed, set. On the positive side, the game has some good player interaction through mini-games and frequent battles, and its turn-taking structure makes it ideal for e-mail or telephone-based games. On the down side, many of the rules are rather ambiguous (though it's not too hard to deal with these problems if the players can agree on what to do), and the story is rather weak, being mainly a seemingly random sequence of encounters eventually leading to a confrontation between the two player characters. This definitely isn't the best entry in the series, but it's not bad.

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le maudit's Thoughts:

This one seems to have the odds stacked in the Red Dragon's favor----I played through it several times and the Red Dragon won them know what this set entry reminds me of?? That old Mel Gibson film PAYBACK! Just as in the film, in this set, it's a battle of Bad Guy vs. Bad Guy...not the worst entry in this series, but certainly not the best one, either...

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SilentGunman's Thoughts:

Revenge of the Red Dragon is solid, but nothing spectacular. The Red Dragon also seems to be considerably more powerful than the Black Knight (the Dragon has fire breath, can cast spells, and can use the faerie dragon against the Knight), so if you're playing as the Black Knight, you have very little margin for error in winning. As much as I like this gamebook, I wouldn't recommend it for a first time player, due to the competitive imbalance I just mentioned.

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Users Who Own This Item: Ardennes, auximenes, B0N0V0X, BarefootJimmy, Barker1952, BobaGabe (Good condition), bookwormjeff, Cloquewerk, dave2002a, Erikwinslow, Ffghtermedic, Fireguard, Hugues, jdreller, karalynn, katzcollection, killagarilla, kinderstef, le maudit, MacbthPSW, marnaudo, mlvoss, nelsondesign, Sheridan77, SilentGunman, Sir Olli, sireeyore, spragmatic (shrinkwrapped (NEW), Tremendez
Users Who Want This Item: CSquared, dylang, Kveto, NEMO, Nomad, PlanewalkerGroup (Seeking a 1st printing set in Near-Fine or better condition.), twar, Waluigi Freak 99
Users with Extra Copies: Fireguard - Black Knight

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