Shiga Books

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Jason Shiga is a self-publishing comic author with a love for unusual structural forms. Fortunately for gamebook fans, this means that he has produced a number of interesting interactive comics. Several of these can be acquired at reasonable prices from the author's web site.

The information on this page is as complete as my collection will allow. If you find any errors or have spare copies of any items that I need, please send an e-mail to me at

Every Dog
This item is not part of my collection.

It Could Happen
This item is not part of my collection.

The Last Supper
Author: Jason Shiga
Illustrator: Jason Shiga
Length: 24 panels (plus choice arrows and instructions)
Number of Endings: 4
Plot Summary: If you eat a brussels sprout, you can have some ice cream!
My Thoughts: This is quite a novelty -- a piece of paper cut and folded so that you can unfold it in many different patterns, each revealing a different story. The plot is revealed randomly since there is no text showing the difference between any two choices. This doesn't really matter, though -- this thing is more about structure than about content, and in that regard it is triumphantly successful as a novelty item. As a story, it is unsurprisingly limited, but it will prompt either a chuckle or a groan of disgust, depending on your sense of humor.

The Bum's Rush
Jason Shiga
Illustrator: Jason Shiga
Length: 77 panels
Number of Endings: 7
Plot Summary: A boy is given birthday money and must decide whether or not to give it to a panhandler....
My Thoughts: This comic is printed on a single gigantic piece of paper (actually a couple of sheets taped together), which is why no cover scan can be displayed with this review. Its narrative flows across the page from panel to panel, with certain panels leading in multiple directions and making choices possible. Choice-making is a little less random than in the previous comic since it's possible to peek ahead, but things are otherwise pretty similar. This is obviously not as impressive a feat of engineering, but it's a slightly more substantial story featuring a generous dose of Shiga's ironic humor.

Author: Jason Shiga
Illustrator: Jason Shiga
First Published: 2000
Length: 69 pages
Number of Endings: 10
Plot Summary: A bad decision while purchasing ice cream can lead to all manner of adventures with weird scientific inventions.
My Thoughts: This is Shiga's most substantial interactive comic so far, and like his other works it includes a novel choice-making mechanism. The panels of the story are connected by a sort of pipeline which occasionally branches. Some of these branches actually head off the page, connecting to tabs that protrude from other pages earlier or later in the book. This prompts the reader to turn the page and continue the story. I've never seen anything else quiet like this, and it obviously took a lot of work to cut out all of the tabs properly! The content is as satisfying as the form, with interesting wacky sci-fi concepts, occasional humor, and genuinely challenging gameplay. Actually, the gameplay is so challenging that it may frustrate some players (I certainly couldn't figure out all of its secrets), but this shouldn't discourage you from giving it a try!

Demian's Gamebook Web Page (c) 1998-2003 Demian Katz