The Search for Grubba the Hutt

These are the cards that go with the sixth Star Wars Missions book. Their ISBN number is 0-590-90881-2.

Card #1 (front)
Card #1 (back)
Card #2 (front)
Card #2 (back)
Lobot (front)
Lobot (back)
Bizzin Uz Landspeeder (front)
Bizzin Uz Landspeeder (back)
Card #3 (front)
Card #3 (back)
Card #4 (front)
Card #4 (back)
Blastech DH-17 Blaster Pistol (front)
Blastech DH-17 Blaster Pistol (back)
Hypnotism (front)
Hypnotism (back)