Escape from Thyferra

These are the cards that go with the second Star Wars Missions book. Their ISBN number is 0-590-12799-3.

Card #1 (front)
Card #1 (back)
Card #2 (front)
Card #2 (back)
Admiral Akbar (front)
Admiral Akbar (back)
See-Threepio (front)
See-Threepio (back)
Card #3 (front)
Card #3 (back)
Card #4 (front)
Card #4 (back)
Wedge Antilles (front)
Wedge Antilles (back)
Y-wing Starfighter (front)
Y-wing Starfighter (back)
Card #5 (front)
Card #5 (back)
Card #6 (front)
Card #6 (back)
Bi-Polar Blaster Carbine (front)
Bi-Polar Blaster Carbine (back)
Persuasion (front)
Persuasion (back)