Demian's Gamebook Web Page

Books for Sale/Trade - b4x

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DISCLAIMER: Items offered for sale or trade on this site are submitted by users and are not verified in any way. Demian's Gamebook Web Page makes no guarantees about the accuracy of these listings and cannot be held responsible for dishonest users. Please be cautious!

Asterix Adventure Games

1. Asterix to the Rescue
Second copy has complete kit minus dice 4th printing

Choose Your Own Adventure (1979-1998)

3. By Balloon to the Sahara
I have a second copy of W.H.Allen British Hardcover edition that I would like to exchange or part exchange with the W.H. Allen edition of either Sugarcane Island or Journey Under the Sea.

Ghost Adventure Games

2. Ghost Train
book + complete gamekit 2nd printing

3. Haunted Cliffs
Second copy missing wallet and dice 1st printing


Grailquest Boxed Set
Willing to trade my extra set for a Puffin Fighting Fantasy boxed set or a Golden Dragon Fantasy boxset

The Peter Pan Adventure Game

Peter's Revenge
second copy has complete gamekit first printing