Items with "Conde, Víctor" as Cited Author
Choose Cthulhu
5. El horror de DunwichItems with "Conde, Víctor" as Credited Author
Choose Cthulhu
1. La llamada de Cthulhu7. El manicomio de Arkham
Choose Cthulhu (English)
1. The Call of Cthulhu5. The Dunwich Horror
7. The Arkham Madhouse
Choose Cthulhu (ITA)
1. Il richiamo di Cthulhu5. L'orrore di Dunwich
7. Il manicomio di Arkham
Choose Cthulhu-Spielbuch
1. Cthulhus Ruf5. Das Grauen von Dunwich
1. En la feria tenebrosaTú decides la aventura
10. Campamento vampiro18. ¡Miniaturizados!